A Different Working Holiday: Around the World in 500 Days

Development and
Alumni Affairs Office
Talk of the Metropolis A Different Working Holiday: Around the World in 500 Days

Talk of the Metropolis:
Dr Jennifer TONG Wing-sze, Field Worker of Médecins Sans Frontières

Under the title ‘A Different Working Holiday: Around the World in 500 Days’, orthopaedic surgeon Dr Jennifer TONG Wing-sze told her life-saving stories while working as a Field Worker of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctor Without Borders) on 25 January 2022. She spoke of the specific healthcare environments and needs of Kunduz in Afghanistan, Port-au-Prince in Haiti, the Palestinian Gaza Strip and Mosul in Iraq; patients who have left her with a deep impression; and anecdotes beyond work that kept her spirits up, encouraging people from different professions to pay attention to and support humanitarian work. Due to another wave of the pandemic, the talk was switched online, but it drew some 100 attendants and many enthusiastic questions from the web audience, many of whom felt moved and inspired.