OUHK presents over HK$8.2 million in scholarships and bursaries to 856 students

发展及校友事务处 OUHK presents over HK$8.2 million in scholarships and bursaries to 856 students

OUHK presents over HK$8.2 million in scholarships and bursaries to 856 students

OUHK presents over HK$8.2 million in scholarships and bursaries to 856 students

OUHK presents over HK$8.2 million in scholarships and bursaries to 856 students

OUHK presents over HK$8.2 million in scholarships and bursaries to 856 students

OUHK receives HK$30 million donation from the Estate of the late Ms Mok Sau-king
in support of its new campus development 

OUHK receives HK$30 million donation from the Estate of the late Ms Mok Sau-king
in support of its new campus development 

OUHK receives HK$30 million donation from the Estate of the late Ms Mok Sau-king
in support of its new campus development 

Collaboration Agreements signed to kick-start the OUHK (Zhaoqing) project (22.4.2020)