Undergraduate Programmes Student Handbook - 6 Examination Arrangements

Distance Learning Students Policies and Guidelines Distance Learning Programmes Student Handbook Undergraduate Programmes Student Handbook - 6 Examination Arrangements
6 Examination Arrangements

1 Important notes

1.1 Students must read the examination arrangements carefully before attending an examination. Make sure to check the examination timetable on the Student Portal (MyOUHK) carefully. Any infringement of the examination regulations/instructions may lead to SERIOUS PENALTY, or even disqualification from the examination.

1.2 Students should uphold academic integrity at all times. Cheating in any assessment activities including in-class presentation and examination, impersonating another student, or seeking to have another person impersonate oneself, in any assessment activities is serious violation of the University's regulations on academic integrity. Student identity would be checked carefully by the University where necessary.

1.3 A student who has violated the University's expectation of academic integrity, committed any disciplinary offence or violated any rule of regulation of the University shall be dealt with in accordance with the University's Regulations Governing Academic Integrity and Student Discipline.

2 Examination period and centre allocation

2.1 There are three examination periods each year. Please refer to the Academic Calendar for details. Nonetheless, University teachers may arrange examinations throughout the academic year. Examinations may be held in the morning, afternoon and/or evening and sometimes on the same day for different courses, because of a number of factors in order to avoid clashes in examinations.

2.2 At the discretion of the School concerned, students who pass the continuous assessment, if required, and fulfill any compulsory requirements (e.g. attendance) but marginally fail in the examination may be granted a single chance of a resit examination, the course grade concerned will be awarded 'Fail-Resit' and a fee, as prescribed by the University from time to time, will be levied. Students with a 'Fail-Resit' grade in a course are required to sit their examination in the next regular examination of the course concerned. If the next presentation of the course does not commence within one year from the current presentation in which the student enrolled and failed, the resit examination will be held within a one-year period after the end of the current presentation, normally in one of the normal examination periods (i.e. December/January, April/ May and August/September). Resit students who fail to pay the prescribed fee and/or accept the offer of a resit examination before the stipulated deadline, or are absent from the scheduled resit examination would be awarded a failure. No alternative arrangements will be made thereafter.

2.3 Students who are currently registered on an undergraduate programme should expect to receive notice of the date, time and centre for their examinations by email as and when appropriate. Students who have withdrawn are not allowed / eligible to sit examinations. If a student withdraws from studies after receiving a 'Fail-Resit' or 'Exam-deferred' result status for any undergraduate course(s), the course grade(s) concerned will be converted to 'Fail'. The University cannot be held responsible for and is not able to make alternative arrangements for any students who change registered course(s) after the examination timetable is published.

2.4 The date, time, venue and list of admissible/inadmissible materials are available on the Student Portal (MyOUHK) about one month before the examination period. Ignorance/misreading of examination date, time or venue will not be accepted as an excuse for absence from an examination, going to the wrong venue or late arrival. Please print and bring along the examination timetable to the examination(s).

2.5 Students may be required to attend a viva voce examination at the discretion of the School concerned.

3 Examination centres

3.1 Examinations may be held on campus or at external venues. Candidates should make sure that they attend the correct examination centre. Candidates must maintain absolute silence in the examination centres when the examination(s) is/are in progress (except oral examinations).

4 Absence from an examination

4.1 A student who is absent from an examination without permission from the School concerned will not be granted another chance to take the examination.

4.2 In the case of absence from an examination because of unforeseen serious illness with sick leave granted, the student or his/her agent should submit a relevant medical certificate together with the completed form of 'Application for Examination Deferment' (Form E-DA) to the Examinations Office of the Registry within 7 days of the respective examination for consideration. Late applications or applications without sufficient supporting documentation will NOT be processed. It is the student's responsibility to provide the medical certificate(s) as proof and it/ they should be issued by a registered doctor or registered Chinese medicine practitioner. The date(s) of sick leave granted must include the examination of the course(s) concerned. For medical reason known before the examination, the application for deferment of examination should be submitted no later than 7 days before the respective examination date. Examination deferment will NOT be considered if students are not able to achieve an overall continuous assessment (OCAS) of 31 or above.

4.3 Students who have been approved for deferment of examination are required to sit the examination in the next regular examination of the courses concerned, or within one year after the end of the current presentation. No alternative arrangements will be allowed and a failure will be awarded if students are absent from the deferred examination. Deferment of an examination is normally not applicable to resit examination(s).

5 Examination number and seating arrangement

5.1 Candidates can check the EXAMINATION NUMBER for each examination on the Student Portal (MyOUHK). This number, which is not student number, is made up of eight characters. The first two characters represent the examination centre code and the last three characters represent the seat number in the examination centre. (For example, an examination number of CH001025 represents that the candidate should take the seat number 025 at examination centre CH.)

A seating plan will be displayed on the notice board outside the examination centre. Please take the correct seat as assigned for each examination.

6 Invigilation

6.1 The University will appoint the invigilators at each examination centre to maintain the conduct of the examinations. Candidates should not attempt to obtain aid from invigilators or any officers involved in the conduct of an examination without prior permission from the Registrar.

7 Materials to be brought to an examination

7.1 Candidates are required to bring to the examination:

a. Student Identity Card issued by the University and HKID card; and

b. ball-point pens / fountain pens / fibre-tip pens (dark blue or black), an eraser, a ruler, correction fluid, pencils and coloured pencils if appropriate.

7.2 Admissible/inadmissible materials for an examination
Candidates should refer to the announcement in the relevant section of the Student Portal (MyOUHK) regarding the admissible/inadmissible materials for an examination. Unless specified by the University teacher prior to the examination date, candidates are not allowed to bring in any other materials (except those listed in 7.1 above) to an examination such as a dictionary, electronic calculator or device, reference books, specimen paper, notes, rough paper etc.

7.2.1 Dictionaries
If the University teacher allows candidates to bring a dictionary to an examination, candidates may bring English, Chinese, English-Chinese and/or Chinese-English language dictionaries without handwritten or printed notes to an examination. Science, mathematical or technical dictionaries are however not allowed. Electronic dictionaries are not allowed.

7.2.2 Pocket calculators
If the University teacher allows candidates to bring a pocket electronic calculator to an examination, only the models listed on the 'Approved List of Calculators' which is posted in the relevant section of the Student Portal (MyOUHK) or those with the label of 'HKEA/HKEAA approved' are allowed. Operation manuals are not allowed.

7.2.3 Mobile phones and other electronic devices
Candidates must switch off mobile phone and/or any other electronic device and put them inside their bags before the examination commences. Candidates must place their bags under the chair during an examination.
Violation of paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 above may be regarded as examination misconduct and the candidate concerned may be disqualified. If a candidate is alleged to have not complied with any of the examination regulations/instructions, it is the candidate's responsibility to cooperate with the invigilators and any officers of the University during the investigation, including submitting the relevant information, reference material, calculator, etc. The material or device collected will be returned to the student intact after the investigation. The University may at its discretion take disciplinary action against any uncooperative candidates.

8 Examination timing

8.1 Arrival at examination centre
Candidates are advised to arrive at the examination centre 15 minutes before the start of the examination. Please plan the journey carefully to allow possible delays caused by heavy traffic, adverse weather etc.
Candidate cannot report to an examination centre which they are not assigned to, unless they have obtained written permission from the Registrar in advance. Even if candidates are admitted to an unassigned examination centre by the invigilators, the University still reserves the right to reject their scripts.

8.2 Examination duration
The time allowed for the examination will be specified on the examination paper. No extra time will be allowed:

a. for reading the examination paper unless specified otherwise;

b. for candidates who arrive late for an examination;

c. for transcribing answers to a computer-marked examination form (if provided).

Candidates must observe the invigilators' instructions regarding the start time and end time of the examination. Candidates who turn over the examination paper or start writing before being told to do so or continue to write after the invigilator has announced that it is time to stop writing may be disqualified.

8.3 Late arrival
A candidate who arrives late will be admitted to the examination centre without being questioned during the first 30 minutes of an examination.

A candidate who arrives after the first 30 minutes of an examination will be admitted to the examination centre, but the senior invigilator will be required to complete a report stating the time of admission, the reason given by the candidate for lateness and whether any other candidate had previously left the examination centre. The University reserves the right to reject the script submitted or score achieved by such a candidate.

9 Identification at the examination centre

9.1 A candidate must bring along his/her own OUHK Student Identity Card and HKID card to the examination centre for identification. Candidate whose identity could not be verified on the spot will be required to complete a form and have his/her photo taken after the examination at the examination centre for future verification purpose. The University reserves the right to reject the script submitted or score achieved by a candidate who cannot provide valid identification, and no alternative arrangements will be made for such a candidate.

10 Examination papers and answer books

10.1 An examination paper and an answer book are normally distributed on each candidate's desk when candidates enter the examination centre. Candidates should ensure that they have the correct examination paper and should read the instructions on the front cover of the answer book carefully. The invigilator will provide, on request, a supplementary answer book during the examination if there is not enough space for the answers in the main answer book. Paper for rough work will not be provided and rough work must be written on the examination paper or in the answer book and crossed it out afterwards. Under all circumstances, rough work will not be marked. Do NOT bring in any rough paper or do rough work on such paper as it may lead to disqualification from the examination.

10.2 Any violation of the instructions specified on the front cover of an examination paper may have a serious impact on the examination result.

11 Leaving the examination centre before the scheduled end time

11.1 Once candidates are admitted into the examination centre, they may not leave the examination centre for any reason even before the start of the examination. Candidates should visit the lavatory before entering the examination centre if necessary.

11.2 Candidates may not leave the examination centre during the first or the last 30 minutes of an examination.

11.3 Temporary absence
A candidate will be allowed by the invigilator to leave the examination centre, under supervision, for a short period after the first 30 minutes of an examination to visit the lavatory. The examination paper, answer book(s), mobile phone, electronic devices and other stationery must not be removed from the examination centre.

11.4 Finishing an examination early
Candidates who finish the examination before the time scheduled will be allowed to leave the examination centre (except in the first or last 30 minutes) provided that the answer book(s), examination paper, computer-marked examination form (CME Form) and graph paper are collected by the invigilator, and the 'Register for Early Leavers' is completed. Such candidates will not be re-admitted or allowed to make corrections to any information written on the answer book, examination paper, etc.

12 Completion of an examination

12.1 Upon completion of the examination, please ensure that the course code, examination date, examination number and student number are written on each answer book, examination paper, computer-marked examination form (CME Form), graph paper, etc. Any answers which are not recorded on the appropriate answer book(s) or examination paper(s) as instructed will not be marked.

12.2 Remain seated quietly until being told by the invigilator that candidates may leave the examination centre. Please ensure that the answer book(s), examination paper, CME Form and graph paper are collected by the invigilator. Candidates may not take any examination materials, used or unused, out of the examination centre other than the materials which they brought into the examination centre and which are not associated with any examination irregularities. Any of the above examination materials taken away from the examination centre, even by accident, will not be marked.

13 Special circumstances

13.1 If candidates wish the members of the Award Committee to be aware of any matters that may have affected their performance up to three weeks before or during an examination, please submit the completed form of 'Submission of Special Circumstances Information to the Award Committee' (Form E-SE) to the Examinations Office of the Registry no later than 7 days after the examination concerned. Late applications will NOT be processed.

13.2 Candidates should provide details of the special circumstances with relevant supporting evidence for consideration. Claims for special circumstances relating to an examination are normally related to illness immediately before or during the examination, or bereavement in the student's immediate family near the examination date. In the case of illness during an examination, please give details of when it occurred and how long it lasted, and attach medical certificate(s) issued by a registered medical practitioner or registered Chinese medicine practitioner. Individual Schools may require the time of consultation to be clearly marked on the medical certificate.

14 Examination misconduct

14.1 Examination misconduct includes, but is not limited to, any of the following:

a. consulting, or attempting to consult, any books, memoranda, notes, electronic storage device such as mobile phones, databank watches, smart watches with mobile applications installed or which support wireless technology, electronic organizers, diaries or dictionaries or any other similar materials, except those supplied by the invigilator or authorized by the University teacher while either in an examination centre or temporarily outside the examination centre during an examination;

b. aiding or attempting to aid another candidate, or obtaining or attempting to obtain aid from another candidate;

c. obtaining or attempting to obtain aid unfairly from any officers of the University or any persons as appointed by the University for the conduct of an examination, either during an examination or afterwards.

14.2 Any incident in which misconduct is suspected will be reported in full by the invigilator including a statement from the candidate after the examination. If the misconduct involves notes or other unauthorized materials, such materials will be attached to the invigilator's report and forwarded to the University. In serious cases of indiscipline, the invigilator shall have the power to discontinue the examination of the candidate involved and expel him/her from the examination centre if necessary.

15 Presentation of written work

15.1 It is the candidate's responsibility to provide a script that is clearly legible. If your script is deemed by the Examiners to be very difficult to read, it will not be possible to award marks or the candidate concerned may be required to have it typed under supervision and at his/her own expense before it is marked.

16 Examinations for students with illnesses, disabilities and special educational needs

16.1 Necessary special examination arrangement can be made if a candidate with illness, disabilities or special educational needs is unable to attend an examination at an ordinary examination centre and the University considers it is justified and feasible to do so. The candidate concerned is required to submit relevant medical evidence together with the form 'Application for Support Services and Special Examination Arrangements for Students with Disabilities or Special Educational Needs' (Form S-DI) to the Student Affairs Office within 3 weeks after the academic year commences. A fee may be levied and the special arrangements provided will be taken into consideration when the candidate's result is determined.

16.2 Special examination arrangements will NOT be considered if students are not able to achieve an overall continuous assessment (OCAS) of 31 or above.

17 Malpractice and irregularities in examination centres

17.1 Candidates who discover any malpractice or irregularities in an examination/assessment session should immediately inform the invigilator or report the details to the School concerned via the Examinations Office of the Registry.

The University expects that its students will act at all times to uphold academic integrity, which is a requisite for effective learning and sound scholarship.

On receipt of a report that alleges a breach of academic integrity, the University shall investigate the matter and take appropriate action against the student or the person concerned in accordance with the Regulations Governing Academic Integrity and Student Discipline.

18 Award of course results

18.1 Course results are determined by an Award Committee appointed for each course and then endorsed by the School Board.

18.2 The course grade is mainly determined by the overall course score (CS) yet students are normally required to obtain a minimum in both overall examination score (OES) and overall continuous assessment score (OCAS) set by the University in order to obtain a Pass result. To be awarded a particular course grade, students must meet the minimum CS set by the Award Committee.

18.3 A student must have achieved the OES resit threshold score set by the Award Committee in order to qualify to resit an examination. In determining the resit threshold score, the Award Committee makes a judgment on the likelihood of a student being able to improve their performance sufficiently to pass at the next attempt. From an academic point of view, students who fail to achieve this minimum level will need to retake the course. A student may resit an examination one time only.

18.4 The Term GPA of a student's course work is computed by dividing the total grade points of the courses taken in a term by the total number of credits of the courses taken in that particular term, inclusive of the courses failed. Courses in which students can only receive either a 'Pass' or 'Fail' grade will not be included in the calculation of the Term GPA.

18.5 Cumulative GPA (CGPA) is calculated based on all courses taken by a student during his/her study, including failed courses and courses of all study modes, if applicable. Courses in which students can only receive either a 'Pass' or 'Fail' grade will not be included in the calculation of the CGPA. For retaken courses, only the latest attempt will be included in the CGPA calculation.

18.6 The University imposes a maximum study period for undergraduate programmes. Students who are unable to fulfil all the requirements for graduation because of marginal failure in one course may at the absolute discretion of the School concerned be granted a chance for alternative assessment or special examination in the course in question. Course results for alternative assessment or special examination will be capped at Grade 'C'.

19 Announcement of course results

19.1 Students can check their course results normally within three to five weeks after the examination via the Student Portal (MyOUHK). Announcement by email will be made once the course results are released.

20 Appeals

20.1 Students who believe that an error has been made during the determination of course results can lodge an appeal by paying a fee (as prescribed by the University from time to time) and submitting the completed form 'Application for Appeal against Course Result' (Form E-AR) within 6 weeks after respective examination period. Late applications will NOT be processed. The fee will be refunded to the student concerned if the appeal is successful.

21 Course certificate

21.1 Students who have obtained an overall pass result and gained the respective number of credits from a course offered by the University can apply for a Course Certificate by submitting the completed form of 'Application for Course Certificate' (Form E-CC) together with a fee, as prescribed by the University from time to time, to the Registry.


Modified Date: Jul 22, 2020