13 Student activities and services

Distance Learning Students Policies and Guidelines Distance Learning Programmes Student Handbook 13 Student activities and services
13 Student activities and services

Support to student activities

The University encourages students to organize student-related activities to enrich their campus life and broaden their horizon. The University provides financial and other support to student-related activities through the Committee on Student Affairs (CSA) and the Student Affairs Office (SAO). Currently there are about 40 Student Societies and 10 Alumni Associations that have been granted OUHK recognition and are supported with the University funding. Students are encouraged to participate in the diversified activities including sports, academic seminars and cultural programmes.

The OUHK Students' Union was re-established in July 2008 and is expected to play a major role in enhancing the quality of campus life for all students.

A Student Activity Centre has been established on campus to provide a venue for student activities. In general, only the office-bearers of recognized Student Societies are eligible to use the Centre. Reservations are on a first-come-first-serve basis and Student Societies should make reservations by email (su@ouhk.edu.hk) at least three days in advance. For further enquiries, please contact OUHKSU at 3572 0334.

Students can contact SAO staff at (Tel.: 2768 6634, Fax: 8148 3376 or Email: sao@ouhk.edu.hk) for enquiries related to student activities

Students with disabilities or special educational needs

The OUHK encourages students with disabilities or special educational needs to participate in its courses to the maximum of their ability. We have taken practical steps to help students with disabilities or special educational needs. The Committee on Student Affairs advises the University on the adequacy of the services provided and ensures that individual needs are met as far as possible.

Before enrolling on a course, you should read the requirements and course information in the Prospectus, the course descriptions on the University's website and the Course Guide. Students should carefully consider their study load, as they will be assessed by the same academic performance measure as other OUHK students. On average, most OUHK students are expected to spend at least 15 to 20 hours a week for a 20-credit course. They are encouraged to seek further advice from their respective Course Coordinator(s) by calling the Information Centre at 2711 2100.

The University provides services to students with disabilities or special educational needs. The services include course selection counselling, special aids on loan at the Disabled Student Centre, arrangements for wheelchair accessible tutorial centre, car parking spaces, provision of course materials in CD format and special examination arrangements (see Section 9, 'Assignments and Examinations'), subject to the University's discretion. Special equipments acquired using donations from The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, The S K Yee Medical Foundation and The Sir Robert Ho Tung Charitable Fund are available for loan. These equipments may be helpful in assisting students to complete their study and assignments. Students have to apply for the services via Student Affairs Office before the stipulated deadline and should indicate the type of disabilities or special educational needs in the application/registration form to facilitate the University in providing the appropriate services for them. The University will try to provide the required services according to circumstances; however, it may not always be possible to do so if there are insufficient resources or other constraints. If the applicants do not indicate their disabilities or special educational needs in applications, they might not be able to complete the course due to the compulsory requirements of the programme/course.

The OUHK allows some flexibility in terms of arrangements for students with disabilities or special educational needs . However, students with disabilities or special educational needs will be assessed by the same academic performance measures as other OUHK students.

The Student Affairs Office is responsible for the overall coordination and provision of services for students with disabilities or special educational needs. Please contact the staff at 2768 6634 or email sao@ouhk.edu.hk or fax 8148 3376 for details.

Career services

Students can find job vacancy information posted by various employers as well as links to sites with useful career resources on SAO homepage and the OUHK website (Current Students).

Student financial awards

(a) Financial Assistance

OUHK students taking part-time programmes may be able to apply for the following OUHK or Government financial assistance.

OUHK schemes

  • Bursaries and Loans

  • Emergency Assistance Loan

The OUHK schemes provide the above bursaries or loans by paying tuition fees for OUHK students who have passed the income assessment. Please visit the Student Affairs Office website (http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/sao/dl/sfa) for details of eligibility or requirements. You can also contact the Student Affairs Office by phone (Tel: 2768 6636) for further information.

OUHK MasterCard Interest Free Tuition Loan

Students who are OUHK MasterCard holders can apply for CMB Wing Lung Bank's six month or ten-month Interest Free Tuition Loan (IFTL) to pay for their tuition fees. Enquiries can be made to CMB Wing Lung Bank on 3711 6688 or you can refer to http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/OUMasterCard/eng for details.

Government schemes

  • Extended Non-means-tested Loan Scheme (ENLS)

  • Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) and Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS)

[Students may be regarded as full-time students if they take distance learning courses with registration value (RV) of not less than 45 in one academic year or not less than 25 for one term. Students may be eligible for assistance under the FASP or NLSPS if they fulfill the criteria as stated in the Guidance Notes of the respective Scheme. Please note that the age limit for FASP is 30 or below while there is no age limit for the NLSPS.]

  • Continuing Education Fund (CEF)

The Continuing Education Fund (CEF) subsidizes adults with learning aspirations to pursue continuing education and training courses. The maximum entitlement for new applicants (aged between 18 and 70 who have never opened a CEF account) is $20,000. To be eligible for consideration for fee reimbursement, the applicant must have completed the CEF reimbursable course in compliance with CEF regulations, having passed it at the threshold prescribed by the Office of Continuing Education Fund which may not be the same as the University's pass threshold set for the course.

The above schemes are administered by the Student Finance Office (SFO)of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA). For eligibility and application details, please visit the SFO website (https://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/sfo/en/index.htm) or contact SFO (Tel: 2150 6223 [ENLS], 2152 9000 [FASP], 2150 6222 [NLSPS], 3142 2277 [CEF]).

(b) Scholarships and prizes

A number of scholarships and prizes donated by commercial organizations, firms, and individuals are awarded to students who have outstanding academic achievements. These are normally awarded through Schools' nominations on the basis of academic merits at the OUHK. The list of various scholarships can be found on the Student Affairs Office website (http://www.ouhk.edu.hk/sao).


Modified Date: Jun 18, 2020