4 Regulations Governing Academic Integrity and Student Discipline |
▌1 Authority
1.1 These Regulations are issued by the Senate under the authority granted to it by section 10(15) of the Statute governing operations of the Senate.
1.2 The Senate, or any committee of the Senate empowered by it to do so, may adopt implementing measures and procedures pursuant to any Regulation provided that such measures and procedures will have force only in so far as they are consistent with the Ordinance and these Regulations.
▌2 Academic integrity
2.1 The University expects that its students will act at all times to uphold academic integrity, which is a requisite for effective learning and sound scholarship and which is essential in achieving the objectives of the University as stated in the Ordinance.
2.2 Activities which violate the University's expectation of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, the following:
a. Submission for assessment purposes of material that is not a student's own work;
b. Copying, either entirely or in part, and whether using the exact words or with some substitution of words, of the published or unpublished work of others without acknowledgement of the original source;
c. Presentation of another person's argument as the student's own without giving due credit to the originator;
d. The use of false or fabricated data or experimental results;
e. Misconduct during examinations, as defined in Regulation 14 of the 'Examination Arrangements';
f. Impersonating another student, or seeking to have another person impersonate oneself, during an examination, tutorial or other exercise;
g. Obtaining or seeking to obtain unauthorized access to question papers or other assessment materials.
2.3 A University teacher, tutor or other staff member who suspects that a breach of academic integrity has taken place should first discuss the matter privately with the student concerned and, where appropriate, with the Internal Examiner of the relevant course. If a mutually acceptable resolution is not possible, the staff member should report the alleged breach of academic integrity to the Dean of the relevant academic unit and to the Registrar. Should the alleged breach of academic integrity occur in a setting which is formally invigilated, such as an examination, the incident should be noted in the invigilator's written report.
2.4 On receipt of a report that alleges a breach of academic integrity, the Dean of the relevant academic unit, in consultation with the Registrar, shall review the case and recommend one or more of the following actions:
a. Dismissal of the case (no further action);
b. Issuance of an oral or written reprimand, the former in the presence of at least two witnesses, which shall be recorded in the student's file;
c. The award of a lowered grade or a Fail grade, as appropriate, on the assignments or examinations concerned;
d. Issuance of a directive that the University not take into account the work in question for assessment purposes including record of Absence for the examination concerned;
e. Convening a hearing before the Student Disciplinary Committee under the procedures of Regulation 4 below.
The decision of the Dean shall be communicated to the student.
▌3 Student discipline
3.1 The University may take disciplinary action against a student who commits any of the following disciplinary offences or who violates any other rules, regulations or policies established by the University, including but not limited to General Regulations governing usage of the University Library, University computing facilities and Internet access facilities provided by the University, whether or not action is taken under law:
a. Defamation of, assault on or battery against the person of any student or employee of the University;
b. Wilful damage to or defacement of any property of the University;
c. Theft, fraud, misapplication of University funds or property of any kind;
d. Conduct which unreasonably obstructs the teaching, learning, assessment, research or consultative activities of the University, its staff or students;
e. Persistent conduct of a nature which can be said to bring the name of the University into disrepute;
f. Conduct in relation to premises used for any tutorial, residential or day school, study centre, examination centre, library, laboratory or research or other facility which can be said to bring the name of the University into disrepute;
g. Conduct in relation to equipment or other materials provided to or for the use of students by the University which can be said to bring the name of the University into disrepute;
h. Knowingly making any false statement or falsifying any evidence in support of:
(i) An application or claim for exemption or excusal from, or deferment of, any of the course, certificate, diploma or degree requirements of the University;
(ii) An application to any person or organization for a grant, bursary, prize, scholarship or any other form of award, allowance or assistance;
i. Unauthorized disclosure of confidential information including that relating to the proceedings of any board, council or committee of the University, subject to the provision of relevant codes of practice which may be issued from time to time;
j. Knowingly making any false statement or falsifying any evidence concerning the award of a degree, diploma, course credit or other distinction by the University;
k. For gain or otherwise, without the written permission of the University, copying any material provided by the University in any form whatsoever;
l. Subject to the provisions of Regulation 6 below regarding rights of appeal, failing to comply with any penalty imposed by a University disciplinary authority.
m. Students are not allowed to use mobile phones in a classroom during classes.
n. Students are not allowed to use video recorders or cameras (including those embedded in mobile phones) in a classroom during classes.
o. Students are not allowed to use voice recorders (including those embedded in mobile phones) in a classroom during classes, unless authorized by the instructor or academic staff member in charge of the class.
3.2 Notwithstanding the provisions of Regulation 3.1, the conduct of a student of the University while on the premises of another institution shall be subject to the requirements imposed by that institution.
3.3 A University teacher, tutor or other staff member who suspects that a student has committed a disciplinary offence should report the alleged offence to the Provost.
3.4 On receipt of a report that alleges commission by a student of a disciplinary offence, the Provost shall, in consultation with the Registrar, review the case and recommend one or more of the following actions:
a. Dismissal of the case (no further action);
b. Issuance of an oral or written reprimand, the former in the presence of at least two witnesses, which shall be recorded in the student's file;
c. Convening a hearing before the Student Disciplinary Committee under the procedures of Regulation 4 below.
The decision of the Provost shall be communicated to the student.
▌4 Disciplinary hearings
4.1 On the recommendation of the Dean of a University academic unit or of the Provost, as appropriate, the Student Disciplinary Committee shall convene a hearing in relation to allegations of a breach of academic integrity or commission of a disciplinary offence.
4.2 The student alleged to have committed the breach of academic integrity or disciplinary offence shall have the right to:
a. Appear before the Student Disciplinary Committee;
b. Submit a written statement or present other evidence to the Committee;
c. Be accompanied at the hearing by a University staff member or student of his/her choice, who shall however not have the right to speak or present evidence to the Committee.
4.3 The Committee's deliberations shall be held in camera. The student shall be advised on conclusion of the hearing of the verdict of the Committee, including any sanctions or penalties imposed under Regulation 5.
▌5 Sanctions and penalties
5.1 On conclusion of a hearing conducted under Regulation 4 above, the Student Disciplinary Committee may impose any of the following sanctions or penalties, singly or in combination, as it may consider appropriate:
a. A formal reprimand, which shall be recorded in the student's file;
b. A fine, not exceeding HK$2,000;
c. A requirement to make good any loss of or damage to the property or premises of the University;
d. Suspension or dismissal from any course offered by the University;
e. Exclusion from further registration on courses offered by the University;
f. The withholding or revocation by the University of a degree or other academic award;
g. Any other penalties, as deemed appropriate for certain offences.
▌6 Appeal of disciplinary measures
6.1 A student may appeal to the Chair of the Student Disciplinary Committee a decision reached by a Dean of an academic unit under Regulation 2.4 in respect of an alleged breach of academic integrity, or a decision reached by the Provost under Regulation 3.4 in respect of an alleged disciplinary offence, other than a decision to convene a hearing of the Student Disciplinary Committee.
6.2 An appeal under Regulation 6.1 shall be in writing and shall reach the Chair of the Student Disciplinary Committee no later than seven days after the student is informed of the relevant decision.
6.3 The Chair of the Student Disciplinary Committee, if he/she considers the appeal to have merit, shall convene a hearing of the Student Disciplinary Committee under Regulation 4 to discuss the appeal. The Committee shall either:
a. Uphold the decision reached by the relevant Dean or the Provost, as appropriate; or
b. Direct the relevant Dean or the Provost to take one of the alternative courses of action provided for in Regulation 2.4 or 3.4, as appropriate.
6.4 The decision reached by the Student Disciplinary Committee in respect of an appeal launched under Regulation 6.1 shall be final.
6.5 A student may appeal to the President a verdict reached by the Student Disciplinary Committee following a hearing conducted under Regulation 4, and/or the specific sanction(s) or penalty(ies) imposed by the Committee under Regulation 5 following such a hearing.
6.6 An appeal under Regulation 6.5 shall be in writing and shall reach the President no later than seven days after the student is informed of the relevant decision.
6.7 The President, if he/she considers the appeal to have merit, shall constitute and convene a meeting of an Appeals Board to discuss the appeal. The Appeals Board shall either:
a. Uphold the verdict and/or penalties determined by the Student Disciplinary Committee; or
b. Direct the Student Disciplinary Committee to record an alternative verdict and/or impose alternative sanctions or penalties provided for under Regulation 5.
6.8 The decision reached by the Appeals Board in respect of an appeal launched under Regulation 6.5 shall be final.
6.9 Pending the hearing of an appeal under Regulation 6.5 by the Appeals Board, a student shall observe any suspension imposed by the Student Disciplinary Committee.
Modified Date: Aug 20, 2020