9 Assessment and examinations

Distance Learning Students Policies and Guidelines Distance Learning Programmes Student Handbook 9 Assessment and examinations
9 Assessment and examinations

Assessment of your work

At the OUHK, there are two main forms of assessment for most courses: continuous assessment and examinations.

Continuous assessment is based on:

  • assignments in the form of essays or questions requiring short answers. Some courses may also require extended essays or projects.

  • assignments consisting of multiple choice questions. For each question, you select the best answer from a number of possible answers. Not all courses have this form of assignments (multiple choice).

  • projects/case studies

  • compulsory dayschools, if any.

Full details of the course assessment will be given in your course materials.

Most courses have a written examination which is held at the end of the course.

For courses with written examination, your course result will be determined by your performance in both the continuous assessment and the examination as illustrated in the chart below.

Course assessment scheme

Your course materials will indicate the number of course assignments as well as which assignments should be completed for assessment purposes and which are for teaching purposes only. Certain assignments or projects are considered especially important and may be specified as 'necessary for assessment purposes'. You will also be informed of the weighting of each assessment component (e.g., assignments, assignments (multiple choice), projects, dayschool, examination).

It is in your best interest to complete all the assignments set for a course, although some courses do not require you to do this. In these cases, only some of the assignment scores are used to calculate your overall score for the continuous assessment component of the course. The overall score is calculated by selecting a set number of your best scores, including the scores of any assignments which are 'necessary for assessment purposes'. These will be specified in the course materials.


In the example below, a student is taking a course with the following assessment components:

  • eight assignments (the best six are used for assessment, with assignment 1 designated as 'necessary for assessment purposes')

  • weighting of the assignment component: 40%

  • weighting of examination: 60%

  • assignments (multiple choice): nil

  • compulsory dayschool: nil

Assignment No. 1* 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Overall continuous assessment score
Overall exam score
Course score
Maximum mark 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Student's score 50 70 70 80 70 0 80 65

Necessary for assessment purposes

The underlined assignment scores have been used to calculate the overall continuous assessment score.

This student has performed well in all of the assignments except for assignment 6 which was not submitted and assignment 1. However, assignment 1 was designated as 'necessary for assessment purposes' and must be included in the calculation of the overall assignment score even though it has a lower score than assignment 8. So, if we add the score from assignment 1 and the five best scores, which will form a total of six scores, and average them, we have:

Assignment 1   2   3   4   5   7        
Score (50 + 70 + 70 + 80 + 70 + 80) ÷ 6 = 70

In this case, the student's overall assignment score of 70 is also the overall continuous assessment score since there are no other types of assignments. The overall examination score is 65. If these two scores are combined with a 40(OCAS):60(OES) weighting, the student's course score is:

70 × 40% + 65 × 60% = 67

Some courses may require students to obtain a minimum specified percentage score from a set of assignments designated as 'necessary for assessment purposes'. This minimum is known as the component threshold. The component threshold must be attained in order to pass the course. If a course has this requirement, it will be specified in the course materials.

Further information about course results is included in 'The Award of Course Results' in this section.

Continuous assessment

The Regulations for assignments given below are included in the 'Academic Rules and Regulations' (see 'Assessment Regulations').

Preparing your assignments

Assignments have two main purposes: to help you learn and to enable the OUHK to judge the standard you have achieved.

You can use many different resources to help you prepare your assignments. The OUHK expects students to learn from the course texts, set books and broadcasts and encourages you to read extra material related to the course and discuss topics of interest with others.

Discussing assignments with other students

Some students work best on their own, but many learn a lot from discussing subjects related to the course with fellow students. Opinions and insights which you form while discussing a problem with others are as valuable as those you form while reading books or attending tutorials. The OUHK is interested in what you have learned, not how! There is nothing wrong with discussing assignment questions in advance with fellow students or other people. By discussing the course objectives and testing one another's understanding, you will help yourself and others to learn.

Cheating on assignments

We cannot accept for assessment purposes work which has been written in collaboration with others. When you work on your assignment, you are required to work alone. You must not send in other people's work, either in its entirety or in part, and claim it as your own.

In the same way, students are encouraged to show the results of their reading by referring to and quoting from works on the subject. However, copying from such sources without acknowledgement is plagiarism and is not acceptable. To copy deliberately from a printed work or from any other source and to claim it as your own is a form of cheating. Cheating, or attempting to cheat, is a serious offence and will be punished in accordance with the Academic Regulations (see Assessment Regulation A7).

  • Assignments

For part-time (distance learning) courses, your assignments are normally marked by your tutor. Unless otherwise instructed, you must write or type your assignments on A4-size paper. After marking the assignment, the tutor will provide you with comments on the assignments and the score will be recorded on your assessment record. You should read your tutor's comments carefully. Note your strengths and weaknesses for future assignments and consider how they relate to your general progress.

Assignments in the form of multiple choice questions are normally submitted through the Online Learning Environment (OLE) and they are marked by a rapid computerized procedure at the OUHK.

  • Submission of assignments

Each assignment has a 'cut-off' date which is the final date for it to be submitted and received for marking. This information is included in the course assignment calendar. It is the last date for the assignment to be received by your tutor; in the case of an assignment (multiple choice) it is the last date for the assignment to be received by the OUHK.

Assignments must be submitted electronically via the OLE, unless otherwise specified. Details of submission of assignments will be given in your Course Guide. If you are allowed to submit assignments to your tutor by mail, you must attach an Assignment Form. A sample copy of the form with full instructions is included in the Registry's website (Class Scheduling, Assignments and Tutoring). After marking the assignment, the tutor will send it to the OUHK for score recording. The assignment will then be returned to you with a copy of the Assignment Form.

Posted assignments usually take a few days to arrive. If you wish to submit an assignment by post, you must send it at least two to three days before the 'cut-off' date. Only under special circumstances will the postmark date be used as a reference for the date of submission. Unless otherwise instructed, submission of assignments by fax and by email will not be accepted.

However, sometimes assignments get lost in the post. We cannot accept any responsibility for assignments which are not received by your tutor or the University due to problems with the post. Therefore, you are advised to keep a copy of each assignment you submit. If you do have difficulties with the post, you are advised to obtain a certificate of posting when you post your assignments at the Post Office (visit Registry's website for details on the assignment submission procedures).

  • Submission of partially completed assignments

Unless otherwise instructed, you must submit all parts of an assignment at one time and not as part-assignments on separate occasions. Only the first part received will be marked. For part-time (distance learning) courses, the tutor may comment on parts that were received later, but the scores will not be recorded or counted towards your assessment. If you have difficulty completing all parts of an assignment on time, you should ask your tutor for permission to submit the whole assignment late.

  • Late submission of assignments

You should submit each assignment by the cut-off date. Late submissions cannot be accepted.

Any assignments (multiple choice) received by the OUHK after the cut-off date will be given a score of zero. This is because model answers or other information about the assignment may have been distributed to students after the cut-off date (see 'Assessment Regulations' A4.4 in the 'Academic Rules and Regulations', on the late submission of assignments).

If you have good reasons for submitting an assignment after the cut-off date, you may obtain permission from the appropriate authority for late submission. However, there is no extension of the cut-off date for the final assignment (see 'Assessment Regulations' A4 in the 'Academic Rules and Regulations').

  • Re-submission of assignments

You may not re-submit an assignment to try to improve the score.

  • Non-submission of assignments

You will be given a score of zero for an assignment not submitted.

  • Non-receipt of assignment scores

It is the student's responsibility to ensure the receipt of the assignment score for its calculation into the overall course result.

If an assignment has been submitted to the tutor, but the marked assignment has not been uploaded on the OLE or returned to you (if submitted by post) within four weeks after its submission, you should contact your tutor. If your tutor has already sent the assignment to the OUHK, contact the Class Scheduling, Assignments & Tutoring Office. Otherwise, you should inform the Course Coordinator.

If an assignment (multiple choice) is submitted to the OUHK and you do not find your assignment score and answers on the OLE within ten working days of the published cut-off date, you should write to the Class Scheduling, Assignments & Tutoring Office.

Furthermore, students can check their assignment scores in MyOUHK via the OUHK website (Current Students), under the section on 'Assessment Result'.

  • Appeal against an assignment score

If you are dissatisfied with your score or your tutor's comments on any of your assignments, you have the right to appeal (see 'Assessment Regulations' A6 in the 'Academic Rules and Regulations').

  • Standardization of tutor marking

The OUHK monitors assignments to ensure a reasonable degree of uniformity of marking and an adequate level of teaching comments. Throughout the part-time (distance learning) course some of the assignments marked by each tutor are selected/photocopied for monitoring by the Course Coordinator/External Examiners. The photocopied assignments are treated as confidential and are normally destroyed at the end of the course.

  • Confidentiality of assignments

All information contained in assignments is confidential to the student, the tutor, external examiners and the OUHK. The contents will not be shared with anyone outside the OUHK.

In your assignments, and elsewhere in your course, you may be encouraged to apply the course content to your own job. Consequently, you may have to give information about or pass judgement on your company or organization. The University treats such information as totally confidential. Tutors will only use it for purposes directly connected with the teaching of the course. They may not share it for any other purposes during or after their service with the OUHK.

  • Feedback to the Course Coordinator

At the OUHK, we want to continuously monitor and improve our courses to make them as up-to-date and meaningful as possible. We analyse your assignment results and collate the tutors' reports to identify any areas within a course that are inappropriate or ineffective. To improve the course, the Course Coordinator can take remedial action to provide supplementary support for current students and to initiate course revision for future presentations. Please feel free to communicate your views about the course in writing to the Course Coordinator.

End-of-course examination

The regulations governing examinations are included in 'Assessment Regulations' in the 'Academic Rules and Regulations'.

There are three examination periods each year for part-time courses. Please refer to Section 3 'Academic Calendars and Important Dates' for details. Oral/listening examinations for languages courses and examinations for some special courses may be held earlier in advance of the examination period. Students can go to the OUHK website to check the examination timetable and arrangements about one month before the start of the examination period. Students should check this information online by going to the 'Examination Timetable and Arrangement' section via MyOUHK of the OUHK website (Current Students). You are strongly recommended to check your assignment scores and/or overall continuous assessment score (OCAS) online by going to the 'Assessment Result' section via MyOUHK of the OUHK website (Current Students) before attending an examination and following the procedures under the 'Assessment Regulations' should you need to make queries regarding submission of assignments or assignment scores.

Examinations may be held in the morning, afternoon and/or evening and sometimes examinations for different courses may need to be held on consecutive days because of a number of factors in order to avoid clashes of examinations. It is important to consider these dates when you are planning ahead for holidays or business trips. Deferment of your examination will NOT be permitted because of holiday plans.

Students will be notified of the address of the examination centres, admissible/inadmissible materials which you must/must not bring to a course examination, approved models of calculators for use in OUHK examinations, etc. You must read all the examination information carefully before attending an examination. Students in violation of any of the regulations/instructions may be penalized in accordance with the Regulations Governing Academic Integrity and Student Discipline. Any infringement of the examination regulations/instructions, including possession of inadmissible materials (e.g. notes, rough paper, etc.), tearing or taking away question papers or answer books and bringing in non-approved models of calculators, may lead to a SERIOUS PENALTY, or even disqualification from the examination. Ignorance/misreading of these rules is not an excuse. If you have any queries, you can always contact the Examinations Office.

Course Certificate

Examination matters Procedures Application period
Course Certificate via Form E-CC Complete an application form and return it to the Registrar together with a cheque to cover the application fee. throughout the year.

Points to note for a Course Certificate:

  1. Those students who have obtained an overall pass result and gained the respective number of credits on a course offered by the University can apply for a Course Certificate.

  2. The Course Certificate serves to certify that a student has successfully completed an OUHK course. The certificate includes the course code, title and its number of credits.

  3. Under no circumstances will the content of the certificate be modified to suit individual needs.

  4. The Course Certificate will be sent to applicants by registered mail within 10 working days after receipt of the application by the University.

Deferment of examination

Examination matters Procedures Deadline
Deferment of examination via Form E-DA Complete an application form and return it to the Registrar before the deadline.

Attach relevant supporting evidence to the application.
cause known before the exam, e.g. business trip: no later than 7 days before the exam date.

unforeseen circumstance, e.g. illness: no later than 7 days after the exam.

Points to note for a deferment of examination:

  1. See 'Assessment Regulations' B9, B10 and B11 in the 'Academic Rules and Regulations'.

  2. Only under very special circumstances will deferment of an examination be considered. Deferment of examination is however not applicable to those courses without examination. Students who have been granted funding from the Continuing Education Fund (CEF) or other sponsorship funding bodies should pay particular attention to the terms and conditions governing the approval of the CEF or other appropriate funding. As a result of examination deferment, the completion date of the course will be delayed, which may have implications affecting claims for reimbursement, etc. It is the responsibility of the student to check the terms and conditions and to liaise with the appropriate body on the related procedures for special circumstances as the University cannot take responsibility for this.

  3. Examination deferment will NOT be considered if students are not able to achieve an overall continuous assessment (OCAS) of 31 or above.

  4. If the reason for absence from examination is illness, a medical certificate issued by a registered medical practitioner or registered Chinese medicine practitioner must be submitted.

  5. Students taking a deferred examination are advised to check with the Library for the updated course material before sitting for the deferred examination as the course syllabus/content may be revised or updated from time to time.

  6. If this is your first attempt (or it is a deferred examination) and you do NOT attend the examination as scheduled without approval for deferment of the examination (or further deferral), a Fail grade will result. You will NOT be allowed to sit the examination on a later occasion unless you re-register for the course.

  7. If the course is in its last presentation, you may be given a single chance to defer the examination on legitimate and properly attested grounds. No requests for further deferrals for any reason whatsoever will be considered.

  8. Students who are approved to defer their examination will take the examination at a time and place arranged by the University.

  9. Deferred examination students are expected to present themselves for examination only in the next examination period available for the course concerned. You are not required to submit any assignments or attend any dayschools unless specified otherwise.

  10. For deferred examination students, the overall continuous assessment score (OCAS) obtained at the end of the course and the overall examination score (OES) achieved in the deferred examination will be used in the calculation of your course score and overall course result.

Language proficiency examination

Examination matters Procedures Deadline
Language proficiency examination via Form E-LP The timetable for language examinations will be announced about one month before the respective examination period.

Applicants are requested to make sure that the language examinations they wish to take will not clash with their other examinations held during the same period.

Applicants should complete an application form and return it to the Registrar together with a cheque before the deadline to cover the examination fee.
Please refer to the deadlines specified in the OUHK website.

Points to note for a language proficiency examination:

  1. Those who are interested in sitting the end-of-course examination of language enhancement courses to assess their language competence are advised to check the list of course codes in the OUHK Registry website and then refer to the course materials placed in the Library before they file an application.

  2. Applicants are requested to make sure that the date and time of the language examinations they wish to take will not clash with their other examinations in the same period.

  3. Under no circumstances will the examination fee be refunded.

  4. Candidates with disabilities or special educational needs are required to notify the Examinations Office of their need for special arrangements before the application deadline. Any requests should be substantiated by relevant supporting documents, e.g. a recommendation from a registered medical practitioner, etc. The University may not be able to make special arrangements if the relevant information fails to reach the Examinations Office before the application deadline, or if the applicant is unable to settle the actual expenses incurred in making the special arrangements.

  5. Application results and examination arrangements will be announced before the respective examination period. Thereafter, no alternative arrangements will be made to cater for individual needs.

  6. Applications for overseas examination arrangements, deferment of examination, etc. are not applicable to candidates of language proficiency examinations.

  7. Examination results are only classified as Pass or Fail. Candidates obtaining a pass result will receive a certificate three months after the respective examinations held. The University will separately notify the failed candidates of their result.

  8. Those candidates who obtain a Pass result in the language proficiency examination will not obtain credits but will receive certificates by registered mail. In the event of damage or loss, no replacement copy of the certificate will be issued.

Resit examination

Examination matters Procedures Deadline
Resit examination Students should settle the resit fee for each course and complete all necessary procedures stipulated in the confirmation of resit examination notification. Please refer to the deadlines specified in the resit examination notification.

Points to note for a resit examination:

  1. See 'Assessment Regulations' B11 and B14 in the 'Academic Rules and Regulations'.

  2. At the discretion of the appropriate Award Committee, students who have marginally failed the examination may be granted a single chance to resit the examination. Resit examination is however not applicable to courses without examination.

  3. Students who have been granted funding from the Continuing Education Fund (CEF) or other sponsorship funding bodies should pay particular attention to the terms and conditions governing the approval of the CEF or other appropriate funding. As a result of the resit examination, the completion date of the course will be delayed, which may have implications affecting claims for reimbursement, etc. It is the responsibility of the student to check the terms and conditions and to liaise with the appropriate body on the related procedures for special circumstances as the University cannot take responsibility for this.

  4. If you do NOT pay the fee before the designated deadline, it will be assumed that you do not wish to resit the course examination. If you do not accept the resit offer, are absent from the resit examination, or have withdrawn from the course before the resit exam, a Fail result will be recorded and printed on your transcript.

  5. You will NOT be granted a second chance to resit if you fail in the resit examination.

  6. Students taking resit examinations are advised to check with the Library for the updated course material , if applicable, before sitting for the resit examination as the course syllabus/content may be revised or updated from time to time.

  7. Resit examination students are expected to present themselves for examination only in the next examination period available for the course concerned. You are not required to submit any assignments or attend any dayschools unless specified otherwise.

  8. For resit examination students, the overall continuous assessment score (OCAS) obtained at the end of the course and the overall examination score (OES) achieved in the resit examination will be used in the calculation of your course score and overall course result.

Overseas examination

Examination matters Procedures Deadline
Overseas examination via Form E-OE Complete an application form and return it to the Registrar together with a cheque to cover the application fee before the deadline.

Attach relevant supporting evidence to the application, e.g. copy of passport, employer's certifying letter, etc.
at least 6 weeks before the start of the exam period.

Points to note for an overseas examination:

  1. See 'Assessment Regulation' B13 in the 'Academic Rules and Regulations'.

  2. Students are normally expected to take examinations in Hong Kong. Under no circumstances will overseas examination arrangements be made to accommodate holiday plans.

  3. If overseas examination arrangements are to be made for a student, that student will be expected to take the examination(s) overseas at a time equivalent to the Hong Kong examination(s) or up to half an hour late.

  4. Students are responsible for seeking prior approval from the overseas institution to arrange the examination before they file an application.

  5. Students have to bear all the costs for the overseas examination arrangements.

  6. Overseas examination arrangements will NOT be considered if students are not able to achieve an overall continuous assessment (OCAS) of 31 or above.

  7. If an overseas examination cannot be arranged, candidates will have to attend the examination held in Hong Kong.

  8. Overseas examination arrangements may not be practicable for examinations that are skill-based or those involving oral/listening sessions, etc. Students need to consult the Examinations Office before registration if they plan to take an examination overseas.

  9. Students have to submit a new application and/or attach relevant supporting evidence each time they need to take an examination overseas.

Special examination

Examination matters Procedures Deadline
Special examination for students with disabilities or special educational needs via Form S-DI Complete an application form and return it to the Student Affairs Office before the deadline.

Attach relevant supporting evidence to the application, e.g. medical report
within three weeks after the start of the term
Special examination for prison inmates Write to the Registrar before the deadline. at least 4 weeks before the start of the exam period.

Points to note for a special examination:

  1. See 'Assessment Regulation' B12 in the 'Academic Rules and Regulations'.

  2. Special examination arrangements will NOT be considered if students are not able to achieve an overall continuous assessment (OCAS) of 31 or above.

  3. If the above regulations do not address your disability or special educational needs, you should consult the Examinations Office at least 8 weeks before the start of the examination period.

  4. Requests for special examination arrangements not supported by relevant evidence will NOT be considered.

  5. Students have to fill in an application form again and submit relevant supporting evidence if there are changes in disabilities and special educational needs which require special examination arrangements.

  6. The University may not be able to make special arrangements if the relevant information fails to reach the Registrar before the prescribed deadline.

Special circumstances

Examination matters Procedures Deadline
Special circumstances for continuous assessment via Form E-SA Ask your tutor to complete the form and return it to the Registrar before the deadline.

Attach relevant supporting evidence to the form.
contact your tutor no later than 3 weeks before the start of the exam period.
Special circumstances for examination via Form E-SE Complete the form and return it to the Registrar before the deadline.

Attach relevant supporting evidence to the form.
within 7 days after the exam date.

Points to note for special circumstances:

  1. See 'Assessment Regulation' C3 in the 'Academic Rules and Regulations'.

  2. It is your responsibility to contact your tutor early (or Course Coordinator if your tutor is not available).

  3. Information for Award Committee be submitted to the Registrar on the correct form by the prescribed deadline. However, the committee will only give limited consideration to such information. Consideration will not be given for such circumstances as moving house, pressure at work, change of employment and normal pregnancies.

For continuous assessment:

  1. The Award Committee uses the information provided on Form E-SA to your benefit.

  2. The information you ask your tutor to enter on Form E-SA must be brief, explicit and should state clearly:

    • the special circumstances you wish to report

    • the date when these circumstances were relevant

    • the length of time for which your studies were affected

    • which assignment scores you believe have been adversely affected.

  3. Your tutor will complete Form E-SA and submit it to the Registrar. You should ask your tutor to send one copy to you at the same time. If you disagree with the written information submitted by your tutor, you may write directly to the Registrar no later than 7 days before the start of the examination period.

For an examination:

  1. Form E-SE received later than 7 days after the examination date will NOT be considered.

  2. If you are prevented from submitting the form due to hospitalization or other serious reason, you should authorize a person to submit it on your behalf. Evidence supporting your claim must be submitted. The Award Committee will not consider information received after the prescribed deadline or without relevant supporting evidence.

  3. If you are ill during the examination, you should report the matter to the University by submitting Form E-SE together with a medical certificate to the University within 7 days after the examination date.

  4. Form E-SE should only be used for serious situations such as illness immediately before or during the examination or bereavement of an immediate family member close to the examination date.

  5. You must support your claim with evidence such as a medical certificate. The registered medical practitioner or registered Chinese medicine practitioner must clearly understand that the medical certificate is required to cover illness during the examination. For the requirements on the supporting evidence, please refer to the important notes on Form E-SE. The information will only be used to your benefit.

Students with disabilities or special educational needs

If you feel that your disability or special educational needs was a serious disadvantage during the completion of your continuous assessment or examination, you can submit Form E-SA and/or Form E-SE as stipulated above. Please note that previous information which you may have supplied to the University about your disability or special educational needs will not be brought to the attention of the Award Committee without your consent or written request.

The award of course results

Course results are determined by an Award Committee appointed for each course and then endorsed by the School Board.

The course grading scheme is as follows:

Grade Standard Grade Point
A Excellent 4.0
A- Excellent 3.7
B+ Very Good 3.3
B Very Good 3.0
B- Good 2.7
C+ Fair 2.3
C Pass 2.0
Pass* Benchmark Attained NA
Fail-Resit Fail-Resit NA
Fail Fail 0.0

* For designated courses only.

Other grades which include 'Complete' and 'Incomplete' will be used where necessary.

If there is a written examination for your course, your overall continuous assessment score and examination score will be sent to the Award Committee for consideration. Your course score (the calculation of this score is defined in the respective Course Guide) will be calculated from both the overall continuous assessment score and the overall examination score.

The course grade is mainly determined by the overall course score (CS) yet students are normally required to obtain a minimum in both overall examination score (OES) and overall continuous assessment score (OCAS) set by the University in order to obtain a Pass result. To be awarded a particular course grade, students must meet the minimum CS set by the Award Committee.

A student must have achieved the OES resit threshold score set by the Award Committee in order to qualify to resit an examination. In determining the resit threshold score, the Award Committee makes a judgment on the likelihood of a student being able to improve their performance sufficiently to pass at the next attempt. From an academic point of view, students who fail to achieve this minimum level will need to retake the course. A student may resit an examination one time only.

Consideration of the Award Committee

If you are just below a borderline, the Award Committee may consider any special circumstances information (see the previous part on 'Special circumstances'). They may also review or remark your examination script to determine whether or not to upgrade your status.

The Award Committee will receive a computer printout with the overall continuous assessment score, the overall examination score and the course score for each student. This printed information will be considered by the Award Committee when drawing up the pass list of students. The Committee will also have access to all examination scripts, information submitted by students and tutors on special circumstances (Form E-SE and Form E-SA), information about tutors and markers of examination scripts, adverse conditions at examination centres, administrative errors on the part of the University, and statistical analyses of overall continuous assessment, examination and course scores.

If an Award Committee is unable to decide a student's result on the basis of the evidence available, the student may be required to undergo a viva voce examination. This examination normally is in the form of an oral examination conducted by a member of the full and/or part-time academic staff. The University will notify the student required to take a viva voce examination of its date, time and place.

Examination misconduct and irregularities

A candidate alleged to have committed misconduct under 'Assessment Regulation' B8 in the 'Academic Rules and Regulations' shall be liable to proceedings by the University as specified in 'Regulations Governing Academic Integrity and Student Discipline' in the 'Academic Rules and Regulations'. Notwithstanding, the University strongly advises students to read carefully the related regulations and instructions governing the conduct of examinations before attending an examination. Any infringement of the examination regulations/instructions, including possession of inadmissible materials (e.g. notes, rough paper, etc.), tearing or taking away question papers or answer books and bringing in non-approved models of calculators, may lead to a SERIOUS PENALTY, or even disqualification from the examination. Any queries on examination regulations/instructions should be directed to the Examinations Office. If a student is alleged to have not complied with any of the examination regulations/instructions, it is the student's responsibility to cooperate with the invigilators and any officers of the University during the investigation, including submitting the relevant information, reference material, calculator, etc. The material or device collected will be returned to the student concerned intact after investigation. The University may at its discretion take disciplinary action against any uncooperative students.

Announcement of course results

See 'Assessment Regulation' C1 in the 'Academic Rules and Regulations' for relevant information. Course results will be released online in batches. Students will be able to check all results of the courses assessed by going to the 'Academic Record' section via MyOUHK of the OUHK website (Current Students). Once your course results are released in the 'Academic Record' section of the OUHK website, you may apply for a Course Certificate or a Transcript of Studies on a need basis. A fee will be levied.

Write to the Examinations Office if your results are not released by 6 weeks after the respective examination period. In order to safeguard confidentiality, no results will be given over the telephone.

Course results will not be released to persons in debt to the University or students who have not satisfied any compulsory requirements, e.g. compulsory day school. Students may forfeit the opportunity to appeal against course results if the loan repayment is settled after the prescribed deadline for appeal.


Examination matters Procedures Deadline
Appeals against course result via Form E-AR Complete an application form and return it to the Registrar together with a cheque to cover the appeal fee before the deadline. Within 6 weeks after respective examination period.

Points to note for appeals:

  1. See 'Assessment Regulation' C2 in the 'Academic Rules and Regulations'. Course results appeal is however not applicable to courses without examination.

  2. Late submission of information about special circumstances will NOT be considered.

  3. Under the current policy, the overall examination scores (OES) will be released together with the reply to the appeal of course results or upon receipt of a data access request via Form OPS003. The University will not provide any other information regarding examination performance.

  4. Under no circumstances will the examination script be copied or returned to the student.

  5. The fee is refundable for successful cases of appeal in the circumstances that a more favourable course result is awarded.

  6. In the appeal stage of course results, students' scores will be thoroughly checked and a re-marking on the examination script will be carried out.

  7. Telephone enquiries and appeal letters without Form E-AR will NOT be entertained.


  • All fees paid for examination matters above are non-refundable and non-transferable for other purposes unless specified otherwise.

  • Forms are obtainable from the Registry Counter and the Information Centre or by downloading them from the OUHK website (Current Students).

  • Enquiries regarding the above should be directed to the Examinations Office by phone at 2768 6688 or by fax at 8148 3378.


Modified Date: Jun 03, 2020