Department of Education

School of Education and Languages Departments Department of Education

The Education Department aims to provide high-quality teacher training programmes to nurture prospective and in-service professional teachers; equip graduates with content knowledge, pedagogical and language skills, problem-solving, information technology and independent learning abilities; and engage in research and community service. 

The Department offers full-time and part-time teacher training programmes in Chinese language education, early childhood education and English language education, ranging from certificate/diploma to doctoral level. There are three four-year full-time teacher training programmes at the undergraduate level. Students acquire not only education theories but also practical teaching experiences through school visits, internships and teaching practices. More importantly, the department organizes out-of-class learning opportunities such as language immersion programmes and content-related courses with overseas partner institutions. Students who have completed the programmes are qualified to teach at local kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, and double degree English students are exempted from the Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers of English (LPATE). In addition, there are a range of postgraduate programmes, including but not limited to Postgraduate Diploma in Education, Master of Education and Doctor of Education. They enable experienced in-service teachers and education-related practitioners to enhance content knowledge, improve pedagogical skills and develop research ability.  

Our academic staff actively engage in research on the disciplines of curriculum and pedagogy, diversity education, inclusive education, language education, policy and administration, psychology and sociology of education, teacher education, as well as technology and mathematics education. We are committed to conducting robust research to inform teaching, curriculum and policy, and we have successfully secured funding for our projects from the Research Grants Council (RGC).

We hope you will find a programme that meets your needs from our homepage and join us in the future.