Staff Profile

School of Education and Languages Home People Staff Profile
Dr. Wong Ming Sin Jessie 王明善博士
BA(Cum Laude) UCLA, MSW(Distinction) HKU, PhD HKU
Assistant Professor
School of Education and Languages


Dr. Jessie Wong is the Programme Leader for Early Childhood Education (Distance-learning) at the School of Education and Languages, Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU), overseeing a range of programmes at the sub-degree, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels. She is also a SOLmate of the School of Open Learning, HKMU. With a wealth of experience, Dr. Wong has previously held positions such as World General Secretary of the World Organisation for Early Childhood Education (OMEP) and Communication and Research Officer for the Victoria Educational Organisation. Currently, she serves as the Secretary of the Hong Kong branch of OMEP.

Dr. Wong is a passionate advocate for children’s rights globally and in Hong Kong, and her research focuses on early childhood development and education policy. Her work in this area has been recognised by the Faculty Development Scheme of the Hong Kong Research Grant Council, which has awarded her two grants, and she has published her research findings in prestigious academic journals. In recognition of her outstanding research contributions, Dr. Wong was awarded the Gold Prize for HKMU’s Outstanding Research Publication Award in 2023.

Dr. Wong’s impressive academic record includes a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology with a Specialisation in Computing (Cum Laude) from the University of California, Los Angeles, a Master of Social Work (Distinction), and a Doctor of Philosophy in Early Childhood Education Policy from The University of Hong Kong. She received the Hong Kong SAR Government Scholarship for her doctoral studies and is a Registered Social Worker in Hong Kong. 


Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Early Childhood Education Policies
  • International Comparisons of Early Childhood Development and Education
  • Professionalism of Educators
  • Child Studies

Academic & Professional Experience

Honours and Awards

  • 01/2023, Hong Kong Metropolitan University
    • Katie Shu Sui Pui Charitable Trust – Outstanding Research Publication Award 2022 – Gold Prize
  • 01/2010-12/2012, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government
    • Hong Kong SAR Government Scholarship


Programme Leadership

  • Three-credit-unit System 
    • Master of Education in Early Childhood Education (MEDUECE)
    • Bachelor of Education with Honours in Early Childhood Education (Leadership and Special Educational Needs) (BEDECELSH, with BEDECESEN and BEDECEEL)
    • Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (HDECE)
  • Five-credit System 
    • Master of Education in Early Childhood Education (MEDECE)
    • Bachelor of Education with Honours in Early Childhood Education (Leadership and Special Educational Needs) (BEDHECELS)
    • Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education (Special Educational Needs) (BEDECESEN)
    • Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood Education (BEDECE)
    • Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Special Educational Needs) (HDECESEN)
    • Diploma in Early Childhood Education (DECE)


Externally-Funded Projects

Principal Investigator

  • 01/2022-06/2024, Faculty Development Scheme, Research Grants Council
    • Developing a National Identity in Young Children: Values and Practices of Kindergartens, Local Chinese and Non-Chinese Families of Different Backgrounds in Hong Kong (UGC/FDS16/H17/21; HK$647,550)
  • 12/2020-06/2022, Funding Programme of Research Projects on Equal Opportunities 2020/21, Equal Opportunities Commission
    • Admitting Ethnic Minority Kindergarteners: Overcoming Challenges and Identifying Opportunities (R-2020/21-116; HK$59,170)
  • 01/2019-06/2021, Faculty Development Scheme, Research Grants Council
    • The Development of Kindergarten Practitioners’ Professional Identity under the Free Kindergarten Education Policy in Hong Kong (UGC/FDS16/H07/18; HK$784,745)


  • 12/2018-04/2020, Quality Education Fund, Hong Kong Education Bureau
    • Traditional Chinese Culture Education Kindergarten Teacher Training Programme  (2017/0422; HK$582,600)


Internally-Funded Projects

Principal Investigator

  • 01/2024-01/2025, HKMU R&D Fund
    • Exploring the Integration of Generative AI and Other Emerging Technologies in Early Childhood Education: A Comparative Study of Full-Time and Distance-Learning Students in Hong Kong (SOL-SPG2023/01; HK$59,745)


  • 02/2024-01/2025, HKMU R&D Fund
    • Technology in Parent Education: Insights from In-Service Early Childhood Teachers (HK$59,787)
  • 12/2021-11/2022, HKMU R&D Fund
    • A Study on the Use of Digital Skills for Pre-service Early Childhood Teachers  (PFDS/2021/04; HK$149,750)


Doctoral Thesis Supervision


  • National education in early childhood education: A comparative study of in-service teachers’ perceptions and implementation in Hong Kong, Shanghai and Shenzhen



Selected Publications


  • Wong, J. M. S., Lam, H. M. Y, & Tong, V. S. Y. (2022). Admitting ethnic minority students: Overcoming challenges and identifying opportunities – Research report. Hong Kong: School of Education and Languages, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Hong Kong Child-rity Association, & Equal Opportunities Commission. (72 pages)
  • 孔美琪、王明善、李南玉、李漪湄、唐少勳、楊黃蕙吟與藍美容(主編)(2020)。《薪火相傳 始於幼兒教育 — 中華傳統文化教學活動集》。香港:世界幼兒教育聯會香港分會。 (144 pages)
  • Rao, N., Lau, C., Chan, S., Koong, M. & Wong, J. M. S. (2019). Responsive policymaking and implementation: From equality to equity. A case study of the Hong Kong early childhood education and care system. Washington, DC: National Center on Education and the Economy. (284 pages)
  • Rao, N., Sun, J., Wong, J. M. S., Weekes, B. S., Ip, P., Shaeffer, S., Young, M. E., Bray, M., Chen, E., & Lee, D. (2014). Early childhood development and cognitive development in developing countries: A rigorous literature review. London: Department for International Development. (100 pages)

Book Chapters

  • Li, K. C., Wong, J. M. S., & Chow, S. M. (2024). The notion of “scholar” among the Chinese: From Confucianism to contemporary practice. In P. Gibbs, V. de Rijke & A. Peterson (Eds.), The contemporary scholar in higher education: Forms, ethos and world view (pp. 231–249). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Li, K. C., & Wong, J. M. S. (2023). Trends and issues of digital learning in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. In Y.-F. Lee & L.-S. Lee (Eds.), Trends and issues of digital learning in high-digital-competitiveness countries: Country reports and international comparison (pp.181-224). Technological and Vocational Education Research Center, National Taiwan Normal University and K-12 Education Administration, Ministry of Education, Taiwan.
  • Koong, M., & Wong, J. M. S. (2018). Children with toys. In World OMEP (Ed.), Children of the world: 70 years of OMEP in photographs (pp.100-103). Seoul: Changjisa Publishing Co.
  • Rao, N., & Wong, J. M. S. (2018). Early childhood development. In M. H. Bornstein (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development (pp.688-691). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
  • 謝錫金、李輝、王明善、黃阡薇與梁成安(2014)。〈幼兒粵語疑問句的發展及功能〉。載於謝錫金(主編),《香港幼兒口語發展(第二版)》(頁125-131)。香港:香港大學出版社。
  • Wong, J. M. S., Li, H., & Rao, N. (2012). Impacts of the Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme: Experiences of eight kindergartens. In R. Caron (Ed.), Educational policy in the twenty-first century (pp.173-197). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. [Scopus]
  • Chau, L. N. L., Wong, J. M. S., & Li, H. (2011). Hong Kong kindergartens in the Web 2.0 era: Practices, problems and prospects. In R. Kahn & S. Mazur (Eds.), Educational studies and school (pp.273-286). Los Angeles: Department of Education, Antioch University.

Journal Articles

  • Wong, J. M. S.*, Tong, V. S. Y., & Chan, S. C. M. (In press). Beyond constraints: Interpreting voices to reframe preparation of teachers for inclusive kindergarten classrooms. International Journal of Early Years Education. Advanced online publication. [ESCI, 1.9 (2022) IF, 2.0 (2022) 5 year IF, 1.9 (2022) CiteScore (Scopus), Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile, 0.938 (2022) SNIP, 0.346 (2022) SJR]
  • Wong, J. M. S.* (in press). Breaking stigma: Enhancing sexual health literacy for heterosexual men with mental health conditions through a psycho-educational group intervention. Social Work with Groups. Advanced online publication. [1.1 (2022) CiteScore (Scopus), Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile, 0.712 (2022) SNIP, 0.280 (2022) SJR]
  • Wong, J. M. S.*, & Wong, S. M. F. (2024). A struggle of identification: Hong Kong pre-service teachers' perceived dilemma of introducing 'national education' in preschools. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 54(2), 241-258. [SSCI, 1.8 (2022) IF, 1.9 (2022) 5 year IF, 4.3 (2022) CiteScore (Scopus), Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile, 1.591 (2022) SNIP, 0.719 (2022) SJR]
  • Wong, J. M. S.* (2023). Embracing team heterogeneity: A case study of the collaborative teaching practice in an international kindergarten in Hong Kong. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 17, Article 17. [ESCI, 1.9 (2022) IF, 1.9 (2022) 5 year IF, 2.3 (2022) CiteScore (Scopus), Q2 (2022) CiteScore Best Quartile, 1.503 (2022) SNIP, 0.449 (2022) SJR]
  • Wong, J. M. S.* (2023). Friedman or Jencks? Early childhood education vouchers in practice. Research on Preschool and Primary Education, 1(1), 30–38.
  • Wong, J. M. S.* (2022). Enhancing physical and psychological wellbeing of patients with end-stage renal disease: A pilot in-hospital Tai Chi group intervention in Hong Kong. International Journal of Social Sciences and Artistic Innovations, 2(3), 43-48.
  • Wong, J. M. S.* (2022). 'Are we becoming professionals?' Pre-service early childhood teachers' perceptions of the professionalism of early childhood teachers in Hong Kong. Early Years, 42(1), 23-38. [SSCI, 1.1 (2022) IF, 1.1 (2022) 5 year IF, 2.5 (2022) CiteScore (Scopus), Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile, 1.140 (2022) SNIP, 0.431 (2022) SJR]
  • Wong, J. M. S.*, & Rao, N. (2022). Pursuing quality in early childhood education with a government-regulated voucher: Views of parents and service providers in Hong Kong. Journal of Education Policy, 37(1), 36-68. [SSCI, 2.5 (2022) IF, 2.9 (2022) 5 year IF, 6.9 (2022) CiteScore (Scopus), Q1 CiteScore Best Quartile, 2.725 (2022) SNIP, 1.410 (2022) SJR]
  • Wong, J. M. S.* (2021). Being an “active and happy” elder while taking care of another chronically ill elder: The protective factors. Academia Letters, Article 3091.
  • Wong, J. M. S.*, & Tang, W. K. W. (2021). 'Online pre-service teacher placements' during COVID-19: A compromise or an opportunity? Academia Letters, Article 312.
  • Wong, J. M. S.* (2021). 'I am a little superhero!': A pilot play-based group to enhance self-esteem of children from low-income families in Hong Kong. Social Work with Groups, 44(2), 181-192. [1.1 (2022) CiteScore (Scopus), Q2 CiteScore Best Quartile, 0.712 (2022) SNIP, 0.280 (2022) SJR]
  • Lam, H. M. Y, & Wong, J. M. S.* (2020). Towards a new assessment paradigm: Are preschools convinced? Early Childhood Education Journal, 48(4), 405-413. [SSCI, 2.7 (2022) IF, 2.6 (2022) 5 year IF, 3.8 (2022) CiteScore (Scopus), Q1 (2022) CiteScore Best Quartile, 0.845 (2022) SNIP, 1.744 (2022) SJR]
  • Wong, J. M. S.*, & Rao, N. (2015). The evolution of early childhood education policy in Hong Kong. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 9, Article 3. [ESCI, 1.9 (2022) IF, 1.9 (2022) 5 year IF, 2.3 (2022) CiteScore (Scopus), Q2 (2022) CiteScore Best Quartile, 1.503 (2022) SNIP, 0.449 (2022) SJR]
  • Li, H., Tse, S. K., Wong, J. M. S., Wong, E. C. M., & Leung, S. O. (2013). The development of interrogative forms and functions in early childhood Cantonese. First Language, 33(2), 168-181. [SSCI, 1.9 (2022) IF, 1.9 (2022) 5 year IF, 3.6 (2022) CiteScore (Scopus), Q1 (2022) CiteScore Best Quartile, 1.339 (2022) SNIP, 0.688 (2022) SJR]
  • Li, H., Wang, X. C., & Wong, J. M. S. (2011). Early childhood curriculum reform in China: Perspectives from examining teachers' beliefs and practices in Chinese literacy teaching. Chinese Education and Society, 44(6), 5-23. [0.6 (2022) CiteScore (Scopus), Q3 (2021) CiteScore Best Quartile, 0.545 (2022) SNIP, 0.207 (2022) SJR]
  • Li, H., Wong, J. M. S., & Wang, X. C. (2010). Affordability, accessibility, and accountability: Perceived impacts of the Pre-primary Education Vouchers in Hong Kong. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 25(1), 125-138. [SSCI, 3.7 (2022) IF, 4.4 (2022) 5 year IF, 7.3 (2022) CiteScore (Scopus), Q1 (2022) CiteScore Best Quartile, 2.232 (2022) SNIP, 1.630 (2022) SJR]
  • 李輝與王明善(2009)。〈香港學前教育學券計劃之民意調查〉。《幼兒教育(教育科學)》,2009(3),6–8。
  • Li, H., Wong, J. M. S., & Wang, C. (2008). Early childhood education voucher in Hong Kong: Perspectives from online communities. International Journal of Early Childhood, 40(2), 49-63. [ESCI, 4.4 (2022) IF, 4.9 (2022) CiteScore (Scopus), Q1 (2022) CiteScore Best Quartile, 1.874 (2022) SNIP, 0.861(2022) SJR]

Selected Professional & Community Services

  • Guest Editor, SN Computer Science, topical issue on “Agile-Blended Learning with Technology” [2023-Present]
  • Editorial Board Member, Research on Preschool and Primary Education [2022-Present]
  • External Advisor, Applied Learning – Child Care and Development Programme — Caritas Institute of Community Education [2020-Present]
  • External Examiner, Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education Programme — Caritas Institute of Higher Education [2018-Present]
  • Executive Committee Secretary — World Organization for Early Childhood Education-Hong Kong (OMEP-Hong Kong) [2020-Present] [Executive Committee Member 2016-Present]
  • Executive Committee Member — Hong Kong Child-Rity Association [2018-2023]
  • Review Committee Member, The 4th Southeast Asian Conference on Education [2024]
  • Review Committee Member — The Asian Conference on Education [2019, 2022]
  • Senior Reviewer — The Southeast Asian Conference on Education 2020
  • Reviewer — Child & Youth Services [2024]; SN Computer Science [2024]; Pedagogy, Culture and Society [2023-2024]; Early Years [2022; 2024]; Asia-Pacific Journal of Research in Early Childhood Education [2022, 2024]; Academia Letters [2021-2022]; Asia Pacific Education Review [2021]; Child Care in Practice [2021]; Early Childhood Education Journal [2020-2021, 2023-2024]; Journal of Research in Childhood Education [2020]; Springer Book Series [2020]; Children and Youth Services Review [2017, 2019]; International Journal of Early Years Education [2017]; International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy [2016-2017, 2019-2022]

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Modified Date: 22 Jul, 2024
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