Jack Shu obtained his BA in English Language and Literature, MPhil in Translation, and PgDE in Liberal Studies at the Hong Kong Baptist University, MA in Drama Education and Cultural Studies and PhD from the University of Warwick (thesis titled “The ‘Unthinking Thinker’: the Reflexive Teacher for Integrated Drama Education”), and MFA in Drama (Directing) at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.
Jack had been Lecturer for “Performing Arts in Communication” programme at Caritas Institute for Further and Adult Education (Caine Road), Researcher and Tutor for “Drama-in-Education Seed Project” by EMB, Drama Teaching Artist at EMB (implementing “Secondary School Drama Education Seed Project”), Graduate Master for QualiEd College teaching Drama and Liberal Studies, part-time Lecturer for Master of Drama Education jointly offered by Griffith University (Australia) and Hong Kong Art School, part-time Lecturer for B.A. in Humanities at Hong Kong Baptist University, Co-investigator for “Drama Education in Hong Kong Schools—Research and Evaluation of Outcomes” project commissioned by Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Chairperson for Academic Programme Committee for IDEA Congress 2007, Examiner at Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Subject Specialist at the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications.
Over the years he has occupied various positions in stage projects for different theatre troupes and schools, involved in works such as Brecht's Caucasian Chalk Circle, Ibsen’s Ghosts, Aeschylus' Prometheus Bound, Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, Pirandello's Six Characters in Search of an Author, Friel's Molly Sweeney, Abbot & Bissell’s The Pajama Game, Beckett's Act Without Words, Stoppard's Dogg’s Hamlet, Cahoot’s Macbeth and Strindberg's The Stronger and Pariah or The Outcast etc. His publications include Applied Drama: The Praxis of Daily and Educational Drama; the Chinese translation of Structuring Drama Work and Gavin Bolton: the Essential Writings; Planting Trees of Drama for Global Vision in Local Knowledge: IDEA 2007 Congress Dialogues; The Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia; Drama Education in Hong Kong Schools: Research and Evaluation of Outcomes, etc.
Jack is now Associate Professor for School of Education and Languages of Hong Kong Metropolitan University (formerly the "Open University of Hong Kong"), offering postgraduate and undergraduate drama courses including the MEd in Drama and Language Education. He was also Chairperson of Hong Kong Drama/Theatre and Education Forum (2010-2014).
Teaching Areas & Research Interests
- Applied Theatre
- Forum Theatre
- Reality Theatre
- Drama Education
- Drama across the Curriculum
Academic & Professional Experience
Funded Research Projects
Principal Investigator
“Stage for Positive Ageing: Oral History Theatre by Older People”, as Principal Investigator, Faculty Development Scheme (FDS), Research Grant Council. (UGC/FDS16/H16/23 $479,650)
“Jockey Club ‘Fun with Classical Chinese’ Drama Education Research Project”, as Principal Investigator, HKMU Research & Development Fund. (R6559 $194,400)
“Script-writing Methodology of Ethnodrama”, 2019-2020, OUHK Research & Development Fund. (R6320, $79,982)
“Once Under the Lion Rock Oral History Theatre Project”, 2017-20, as Principal Investigator, OUHK in collaboration with Chung Ying Theatre Company, sponsored by Hong Kong Jockey Club. (40017 $225,600)
Recent Applied Theatre Performances
Director and Playwright for 《姊姊的守護者》 (My Sister’s Keeper, in Hong Kong Teachers Drama Association Public Performance, 2024), Hong Kong Metropolitan University.
Devising Director and Playwright for 《醜小鴨之台灣記趣》(The Ugly Ducklings’ Taiwan Experience, with group devising, in Hong Kong Teachers Drama Association Annual Performance, 2023), Hong Kong Metropolitan University.
Director for 《宰予晝寢》(Zai Yu Sleeps at Daytime by Tsin Tak Shun, a play in Cantonese, as showcase for Hong Kong Creative Drama Festival cum Confucian Stories on Stage, co-organized by E&L School and Hong Kong Creative Drama Festival Committee, 2023), Hong Kong Metropolitan University
Devising Director for 《我的兼職女友》 (My Part-time Girlfriend by group devising, a forum theatre in Cantonese, 2019, as Open Day showcase for CHINE366CF student assignment), Open University of Hong Kong
Deputy Director for 《小城風光》 (Our Town by Thornton Wilder, a play in Cantonese, as part of “From Death to Life” death education project, 2017), S.K.H. Holy Carpenter Church District Elderly Community Centre.
Playwright and Principal Investigator for 《「睹」出我未來》 (an ethnodrama in Cantonese performed by a group of ex-gambling addicts, 2016), Just Education Services Organization, co-organized by Caritas Addicted Gamblers Counselling Centre and commissioned by Ping Wo Fund, research supported by OUHK
Director for 《迷‧悟》 (Astray, Awakened, a play in Cantonese by inmates from Stanley Prison, 2016), Ding Theatre, organized by Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong Lay Prison Evangelical Organization and Hong Kong Correctional Services
Selected Publications
- 伯頓[Bolton]著,黃婉萍、舒志義譯(2014),《蓋文伯頓:教育戲劇精選文集》[Gavin Bolton: Essential Writings],台北:心理出版社。
- 舒志義 (2012),《應該用戲劇:戲劇的理論與教育實踐》[Applied Drama: the Praxis of Daily and Educational Drama],香港:香港公開大學出版社(OUHK Press)。
- 許明輝、舒志義編 (2010),《香港學校戲劇教育:成果的研究與評鑑》[ Drama Education in Hong Kong Schools—Research and Evaluation of Outcomes],香港:香港教育學院及香港教育劇場論壇。
- Shu, Jack & Chan, Phoebe (Eds.) (2009). Planting Ideas for Global Vision in Local Knowledge: IDEA 2007 Congress Dialogues. HK: TEFO and IATC.
- Shu, Jack & Wong, Estella (Eds.) (2007). Risks and Opportunities: the Tension of Hong Kong Drama Education Development [《崎嶇小徑抑或康莊大道?――香港戲劇教育的危‧機》]. HK: IATC & TEFO.
- 舒志義編(2006),《游於藝,做好人――香港匯知中學的戲劇教育》[Immersed in the Arts and Become a Good Person: Drama Education in QualiEd College],香港:超域國際教育服務中心。
- 尼蘭德斯[Neelands]、古德[Goode]著,舒志義、李慧心譯(2005),《建構戲劇:戲劇教學策略70式》[Structuring Drama Work: a Handbook of Available Forms in Theatre and Drama, a Chinese translation],臺北:財團法人成長文教基金會。
Book Chapters
- Shu, Jack (2021). “Report on Jockey Club 'Once Under the Lion Rock' Oral History Theatre Programme Research Project”, commissioned by Chung Ying Theatre Company (
- 舒志義(2020),〈以戲劇推廣本土歷史——中英劇團的口述歷史劇〉[Promoting Local History Dramatically—the Oral History Theatre of Chung Ying Theatre Company],載陳國慧、朱琼愛編,《香港戲劇概述2017)》[Hong Kong Drama Overview 2017],香港:國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會)。
- 舒志義(2017),〈以語言去實踐行動來驗證理論──弔詭的論壇劇場(2015-16簡報)〉[Using Words to Implement Actions for Verifying Theories—the Paradoxical Forum Theatre (a Brief Report on 2015-16) ],載陳國慧編,《香港劇場年鑑2015(舞蹈、戲曲、戲劇)》[Hong Kong Theatre Yearbook 2015 (Dance, Xiqu, Drama)],香港:國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會)。(bilingual)
- 舒志義(2010),〈從纍纍獲獎到默默耕耘──林漢光開闢羅馬大道〉[From Prizes to Painful Practices: the Case Study of Lam Hon Kwong School],載許明輝、舒志義編,《香港學校戲劇教育:成果的研究與評鑑》[ Drama Education in Hong Kong Schools: Research and Evaluation of Outcomes],香港:香港教育學院及香港教育劇場論壇。
- Shu, Jack (2009). The Real Dimension of Education Reform: the Uncanny Education System. In Jack Shu & Phoebe Chan (Eds.), Planting Ideas for Global Vision in Local Knowledge: IDEA 2007 Congress Dialogues. HK: TEFO and IATC.
- Shu, Chi-yee Jack (2006). The Discipline Issue in Hong Kong: Does Image Matter? In Laura A. McCammon et al (Eds.), The Universal Mosaic of Drama/Theatre: The IDEA 2004 Dialogues. St. Catherines: Theatre Canada/IDEA Publications.
Journal Articles
- Shu, Jack (2024) “An Autoethnography of Teaching Drama to Student Teachers in Hong Kong” Education Sciences 14: 835 (
- Shu, Jack (2023) “Facets of Human Conditions—Some Artistic Records and Ethnotheatrical Interpretations of Ex-gambling Addicts” Applied Theatre Research 11 (1): 57-70.
- Shu, Jack (2022) “The Art of Growing Old: Oral History Theatre Plays a Part” Research in Drama Education: the Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance 28 (2): 295-310.
- Shu, Jack (2021) “The Reflective Lenses on Forum Theatre about Marriage— Negotiation of Identities within Multicultural Community Practice” Youth Theatre Journal 35 (1-2): 49-64.
- Shu, Jack (2019) “Ethnodrama with Hong Kong Problem Gamblers and their Family: between Ethnographic Reality and Dramatic Fiction” Research in Drama Education: the Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance 25 (2): 302-308.
- Shu, Jack (2018) “Forum Theatre by Ex-gambling Addicts—the Chinese Family” NJ: Drama Australia Journal 42 (1): 26-36.
- Shu, Jack (2016) “Theatre of the Oppressed on Love, Sex and Gender: Hong Kong students' reflection” Applied Theatre Research 4 (1): 55-71.
- Shu, Jack (2012) “Children as the Oppressed or Oppressors to Parents? —a Theatrical Observation” Asia-Pacific Journal for Arts Education 11 (8): 184-204.
- Shu, Jack (2012) “Heritage Theatre and Semiotics: Framing a performance at an ancestral hall” Applied Theatre Research 1 (1): 29-41.
- 舒志義(2012),〈透過被壓迫者劇場進行性態度和兩性關係的反思〉[Reflection on Issues about Sex and Gender through Theatre of the Oppressed],《戲劇教育與應用劇場》[Research in Drama Education and Theatre Studies],2: 79-95。
- Shu, Jack (2011) “Teacher as Actor: Future English Teachers' Training in the Natural Approach Using Drama” Applied Theatre Researcher 12: Article 7.
- 舒志義 (2010). “文化符號與劇場符號──鄧氏古蹟劇場中的道德與方法[Cultural and Theatrical Signs: Moral Issues and Methods in the Heritage Theatre about the Tang Clan]” Journal of Drama and Theatre Education in Asia 1 (1): 60-71.
- Shu, Jack (2010). “Return of the Ghost—to Discipline or/and to Teach?: A Teacher's Narrative of Change through Drama” Asia Pacific Journal of Education 30 (1): 105-120. (SSCI)
- Shu, Jack (2010). “Teacher-in-Role as Gangster: Unity of the Acting Body and the Teaching Mind” Drama Research: International Journal of Drama in Education 1 (1): April 2010.
Selected Professional & Community Services
- 2006-Present Subject Specialist (Performing Arts), Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ)
- 2005-Present Examiner and Assessor (Drama), Hong Kong Arts Development Council (HKADC)
- 2004-2014 Chairperson (from 2010), Vice Chairperson (from 2007) and Executive Committee Member, Hong Kong Drama / Theatre and Education Forum (TEFO)
Modified Date: 16 Oct, 2024
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