Staff Profile

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Dr. Ng Hung Wai Rex 吳鴻偉博士
B.Ed (Chinese Language) HKU, M.Ed (Chinese Language Education) HKU
Senior Lecturer
School of Education and Languages

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Development of reading literacy, reading instruction
  • Language testing, assessment and measurement
  • Using ICT to support of language teaching and learning

Selected Publications

Book Chapters

  • Tse, S. K., Hui, S. Y. Z., Yue, & Ng, H. W. (2015). Developing school-based Chinese Language curriculum for non-Chinese speaking students in a secondary school in Hong Kong: An action research study. In J. Y. Cui (Ed.), New Perspectives in Teaching and Learning of Chinese Language in the 21st Century: From Conventional Textbooks to ICT-Based Teaching Materials (pp. 17-39). Singapore: NTU-SCCL Press. (in Chinese)

Journal Articles

  • Liu, Y. P., Cheong, C. M., Ng, R. H. W. & Tse, S. K. (2023). The role of L1 self-efficacy in L2 reading comprehension: an exploration of L1–L2 cross-linguistic transfer, International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2023.2290478
  • Tse, S. K., Lin, L., & Ng, R. H. W. (2022). Self-Regulated learning strategies and reading comprehension among bilingual primary school students in Hong Kong. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 1-16. doi:10.1080/13670050.2022.2049686
  • Huang, H., Tse, S. K., Chu, S. K. W., Xiao, X. Y., Lam, J. W. Y., Ng, R. H. W. & Hui, S. Y. (2019). The correlation between out-of-school and in-school reading resources with primary school students' reading attainment. Information Research, 24(3), paper 834. Retrieved from
  • Tse, S. K., Lin, L., & Ng, H. W. (2019). A comparison of Hong Kong primary four students' Chinese and English reading attainment in 2016. L1 Educational Studies in Language and Literature, 19, 1-19. doi:10.17239/L1ESLL-2019.19.01.04
  • NG, H. W. (2018). Understanding and interpreting PIRLS 2016 with Macao teaching practitioners. Teacher Magazine (Revista dos Docentes), 60, 19-23. (in Chinese “與澳門教育同仁一同思考解讀PIRLS 2016”)
  • Tse, S. K., Zhu, Y., Hui, S. Y., & Ng, H. W. (2017). The effects of home reading activities during preschool and Grade 4 on children's reading performance in Chinese and English in Hong Kong. Australian Journal of Education, 0004944116689093. doi:10.1177/0004944116689093
  • Tse, S. K., Hui, S. Y., Ng, H. W., & Lam, W.-I. (2015). The reading attainment of Hong Kong primary four students: A study of literacy achievements and its implications. Education Journal, 43(1), 35-58.
  • Tse, S. K., Hui, S. Y., Ng, H. W., & Lam, W. I. (2014). A comparison of Hong Kong primary 4 students' relative progress in Chinese and English reading attainment in 2013. Quarterly Journal of Chinese Studies, 3(2), 37-54.
  • Tse, S.K., Xiao, X.Y., Ko, H.W., Lam, J.W.I., Hui, S.Y., & Ng, H. W. (2014). Do reading practices make a difference? Evidence from PIRLS data for Hong Kong and Taiwan primary school Grade 4 students. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 1-25. doi: 10.1080/03057925.2014.927732
  • Tse, S. K., Lam, J. W. I., Hui, S. Y., & Ng, H. W. R. (2013). A Comparison of Hong Kong primary 4 students' progress in Chinese and English Reading attainments. Quarterly Journal of Chinese Studies, 1(4), 1-16.

Modified Date: 12 Jun, 2024
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