Staff Profile

School of Education and Languages Home People Staff Profile
Dr. Ho Wing Yee Wing 何詠儀博士
BSc (Psy) (Hons) (Cum Laude) UIU, MSocSc (SW) (Credit) CityUHK, MSocSc (Coun) (Dist) CityUHK, PhD CityUHK
CPsychol (BPS), CKP, Member of APA (Div of Edu Psy), ACA (Professional), Member of CPA and the Div of Coun Psy
Assistant Professor
School of Education and Languages


Dr. HO received her Ph.D. from the City University of Hong Kong and has taught at The Education University of Hong Kong and at the City University of Hong Kong. Dr. HO has rich experience working with children, adolescents, and adults in a school setting and has provided counseling for individuals and families to address anxiety, depression, abuse, grief, ADHD, and ASD. The Education University of Hong Kong named her an Honorable Professional Consultant. Dr. HO’s research interests include experiential learning, psychological trauma, mirror effects, and special education needs.



Research Tuition Scholarship, Department of Applied Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong

Departmental Tuition Scholarship, Department of Applied Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong

Best Graduate Scholarships, Department of Applied Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong

Entrance Scholarships, Department of Applied Social Sciences, City University of Hong Kong



Honorable Professional Consultant Award, Department of Early Childhood Education, The Education University of Hong Kong

Outstanding Teaching Achievement, Department of Early Childhood Education, The Education University of Hong Kong

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Educational Psychology (Social Story, Video Modeling)
  • Special Educational Needs (Autism Spectrum Disorder, Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • Counseling Psychology (Psychodrama)
  • Psychological Trauma

Academic & Professional Experience

Selected Research Grant Applications

Driving Multi-Generations into the World of Social Media Stardom, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Research and Development Fund, December 1, 2023 - November 30, 2024, (Principal Investigator: Funding: $200,000)

Enhancing metacognition through experiential learning: A comparison of reflective thinking practices among pre-service teachers from Australia and Hong Kong, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Research and Development Fund, November 1, 2022 - October 31, 2023, (Principal Investigator: Funding: $199,999.4)

Incorporating App-based Games into Animated Video Modeling for the Enhancement of Self-care Ability in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, School Research Fund, January 2022-December 2022, (Principal Investigator, Funding: $40,000)

Interactive Video-based Social Stories for the Enhancement of Self-care Ability in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, The Open University of Hong Kong, School Research Fund, March 2021-January 2022, (Principal Investigator, Funding: $40,000)

Project Grant Applications

Provision of Training to Training Officers of Hong Kong Correctional Services Academy, The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, November 2022 - October 2023, (Program Coordinator, Funding HK$499,997)

Provision of Services for Developing Learning and Teaching Resources for Combined Modules on Personal and Social Development in Life and Society (Secondary 1-3), Education BureauJan 2020 - Jan 2021, (Project Coordinator, Funding: HK$755,720)

Selected Conferences

Ho, Wing W. Y. (2023, July 3-6). Enhancing metacognition through experiential learning: The effects of reflective thinking practices on pre-service teachers' early teaching experiences. The 18th European Congress of Psychology. Brighton, UK.

Ho, Wing W. Y., & Chan, Brown P. L. (2022, October 7-9). Video game app enhanced self-care skills in children with intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorder. The 13th Autism-Europe International Congress, Cracow, Poland.

Ho, Wing W. Y., & Chan, Brown P. L. (2022, June 17-19). Mirror Effects: Action-Oriented Approach Enhancing Metacognitive Knowledge in Counseling Education. 2022 CPA Annual National Convention, Calgary, AB, Canada.

Ho, Wing W. Y., & Chan, Brown P. L. (2021, July 15-18). Exploring the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on parents’ perceptions of play. The 9th European Conference on Education, UCL, London, UK.

Ho, Wing W. Y., & Chan, Brown P. L., & Li, Vicky M. W. (2021, July 1-2). Exploring the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on parents’ perceptions of play and children’s mental health. The British Psychological Society Conference 2021, Online Conference.

Chan, Brown P. L., & Ho, Wing W. Y. (2021, May 26-27). The therapeutic seat cushion increases attention to tasks in children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. The 2021 APS Virtual Convention, United States.

Ho, W. Y. (2020, August 6-9). The therapeutic healing process of mirror effect in group counseling education, The 2020 Annual American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, USA.

Ho, W. Y., & Li, M. W. (2020, May 21-24). Child’s play reaps psychological benefits, but parents prioritize academic work, The 32nd APS Annual Convention, Chicago, IL USA.

Ho, W. Y. (2019, October 9-12). The therapeutic healing process of mirror effect in group counseling education, The 10th ICEEPSY The International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology, Barcelona, Spain.

Ho, W. Y. (2019, April 26-28). Mirror effects: Curative factors of group counseling in tertiary education, The 9th International Conference on Education, Teaching & Learning, New York, United States.

Selected Publications

Book Chapters

  • Ip, Vivianne K. T., & Ho, W. Y. (2021). Healing childhood psychological trauma and improving body image through cosmetic surgery. In T. A. Kato, A. R. Teo, & Paul W. C. Wong (Eds.), Psychopathology Among Youth in the 21st Century: Examining Influences from culture, society, and technology (pp. 173-182). Frontiers in Psychiatry and Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Ho, W. Y. (2020). New vistas for mixed methods case studies: Sharing experiences of exploring childhood psychological trauma through cosmetic surgery. SAGE Research Methods Cases: Medicine & Health Methods Case.SAGE.
  • Ho, W. Y. (2019). Starting literature review in qualitative research: An illustration using the mirror effect. In K. K. Tsang, D. Liu, & Y. B. Hong (Eds.), Challenges and opportunities in qualitative research: Sharing young scholars' experiences (pp.7-18). Springer. (citation no 5)

Journal Articles

  • Ho, Wing W. Y. (2023). Principal components analysis: Development and initial validation of the Mirror Effects Inventory. BMC Psychology, 11, 363. (SSCI, IF: 3.6, H-index, 47, Q1, citation no 1)
  • Ho, W. Y. (2022). Influence of play on positive psychological development in emerging adulthood: A serial mediation model. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. (SSCI, IF: 4.232, H-index: 169, Q1, citation no 2)
  • Ho, W.W.Y. (2021). Therapeutic factors mediating positive mirror effects in group counseling education. Current Psychology, 42, 10136–10150.n (SSCI, IF: 2.8, H-Index 68, Q1, citation no 3)
  • Ho, W. Y. (2019). Students' experiences of the mirror effect while studying group counselling. In P. Besedová, N. Heinrichová & J. Ondráková (Eds.), ICEEPSY 2019 - 10th International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology: European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (pp. 110-125). (eISSN: 2357-1330) (citation no 1)
  • Ip, Vivianne K. T., & Ho, W. Y. (2019). Healing childhood psychological trauma and improving body image through cosmetic surgery. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, 540. (SCI andSSCI, IF: 5.435, H-Index 120, Q1, citation no 19)
  • Ho, W. Y. (2019). Mirror effects: Curative factors of group counseling in tertiary education. International Journal of Research in Teaching, Learning, Creativity & Technology, 2(1), 95-120. (citation no 3)
  • Lo, T. W., & Ho, W. Y. (2012). Action therapy ---Application of psychodrama in teaching counselling in Hong Kong tertiary education. DaTEAsia, 3, 93-110. (citation no 3)

Selected Professional & Community Services

  • 2021-present Associate Editor for European proceedings of Educational Sciences
  • 2020-present Associate Editor for International Journal of Research in Teaching, Learning, Creativity & Technology
  • 2020-present Reviewer for AIDS Care - Psychology, Health & Medicine - Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies (SSCI, Scopus)
  • 2021-present Reviewer for Journal of Integrative Neuroscience (Scopus, SCIE)
  • 2012-present Reviewer for Asia Pacific Education Researcher (SSCI, Scopus)
  • 2021 Reviewer for EARLI 2021 - ONLINE
  • 2020 Examiner of Doctor of Education Thesis Examination, The University of Western Australia
  • 2020-2021 Reviewer for American Psychological Association (APA) conference 2020 and 2021, the Division 15 (Educational Psychology)
  • 2019 Member of Expert Task Force, The 21st Century Learning Environments for Publication, The Lifelong Learning Platform, The European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI)
  • 2019-2021 Member of Editorial Review & Advisory Board for The 10th and 11th International Conference on Education, Teaching & Learning

Further Information

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Modified Date: 24 Jun, 2024
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