Hu, J., Gao, X., & Qiu, X. (2021). Lexical coverage and readability of science textbooks for English-medium instruction secondary schools in Hong Kong. Sage Open, 11(1), 1-9. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/21582440211001867. [SSCI-indexed journal]
Jack Shu (2021): The reflective lenses on forum theatre about marriage—negotiation of identities within multicultural community practice, Youth Theatre Journal, DOI: 10.1080/08929092.2021.1891163
Lee, C. (2021). (Ed.) Second Language Pragmatics and English Language Education in East Asia. New York & London: Routledge.
Lee, C. (2021). The Process of Constructing Intercultural Pragmatic Knowledge in Short-term Language and Culture Immersion Programmes: Two Case Studies. In C. Lee (Ed.), Second Language Pragmatics and English Language Education in East Asia, 143-163, New York & London: Routledge.
Lee, C., Ge, H-Y., & Chung, E. (2021, accepted, forthcoming). What linguistic features distinguish and predict L2 writing quality? A study of examination scripts written by adolescent Chinese learners of English in Hong Kong. System (SSCI journal)
Lo, Y. Y., Fung, D., & Qiu, X. (2021 online). Assessing content knowledge through L2: Mediating role of language of testing on students' performance. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2020.1854274. [SSCI-indexed journal]
Qiu, X., & Cheng, H. (2021 online). The effects of task types on L2 oral production and learner engagement. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/iral-2020-0128. [SSCI-indexed journal]
Qiu, X., & Jiang, F. (2021). Stance and engagement in 3MT presentations: How students communicate disciplinary knowledge to a wide audience. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 51, 100976. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jeap.2021.100976. [SSCI-indexed journal]
Tang, W.K.W. (2020). One plus one is greater than two: Faculty-librarian collaboration for developing information literacy in higher education. IAFOR Journal of Literature and Librarianship, 9(2), 82-87.
Wong, J. M. S., & Tang, W. K. W. (2021). 'Online pre-service teacher placements' during COVID-19: A compromise or an opportunity? Academia Letters, Article 312. doi: 10.20935/AL312
張燕珠 (2021)〈潤餅上的滋味〉,《香港文學》5月號總第437期,頁72-77。
張燕珠 (2021)《城市回眸:香港文學探論》。香港:初文出版社有限公司。
張燕珠(2021)《朱彝尊詞的因果章法〉,《國文天地》 2月號總第429期,頁106-110。
Chan, C. W. (2020). Moral education in Hong Kong kindergartens: An analysis of the preschool curriculum guides. Global Studies of Childhood, 10(2), 156-169.
Chan, C. W. (2020). The earnings advantage of university education: A case study of the financial sector in Hong Kong. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 19(1), 49-62.
Cheung, Y. C. (2020) Thought of “Harmonisation of Object and Ego” of Animals Poems by Luo Fu. Hong Kong Literary, 423 (3), 103-106.
Lee, C. (accepted, forthcoming). Intention to Use versus Actual Adoption of Technology by University English Language Learners: What Perceptions and Factors Matter? Computer Assisted Language Learning. DOI:10.1080/09588221.2020.1857410
Qiu, Xuyan & Lee, Man-Kit. (2020 online). Regulated learning and self-efficacy beliefs in peer collaborative writing: An exploratory study of L2 learners' written products, task discussions, and self-reports. System. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2020.102312. (SSCI-indexed journal)
Wong, C. S. H. (2020). An Experimental Study of L2 Acquisition of Mandarin Unaccusative Verbs by English-Speaking Learners. Advances in the Linguistic Sciences, 2(3), 35-54.
Wong, J. M. S & Rao, N. (2020) Pursuing quality in early childhood education with government-regulated voucher: views of parents and service providers in Hong Kong, Journal of Education Policy, DOI: 10.1080/02680939.2020.1764628
Wong, J. M. S. (2020). 'I am a little superhero!': A pilot play-based group to enhance self-esteem of children from low-income families in Hong Kong. Social Work with Groups. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/01609513.2020.1826387
X Ge, H., Chen, A., & Yip, V. (2020). Comprehension of focus-to-accentuation mapping in sentences with only by advanced Cantonese learners and Dutch learners of English. Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
Xu, J., & Qiu, X.* (2020). Study abroad experiences count: Motivational profile of EFL listeners and its impact on top-down and bottom-up processing. Applied Linguistics Review. doi: https://doi.org/10.1515/applirev-2020-0037
Yueting Xu & Xuyan Qiu* (2020) Necessary but problematic: Chinese university English teachers' perceptions and practices of assessing class participation, Teaching in Higher Education, DOI: 10.1080/13562517.2020.1747424 (Corresponding author)
Yung, F. D. (2020). The Silencing of Children's Literature Publishing in Hong Kong. International Research in Children's Literature, 13, 159 – 174. (A&HCI, Scopus).
張燕珠 (2020)〈厲鶚清雅詞學及其創作風格〉,《中國韻文學刊》, 94 (3), 79-85。
張燕珠 (2020)〈浙西詞派雅正理論的譜系學研究〉,載熊志琴、曾智聰主編:《承傳與流播:全球脈絡與中國文化論集》,臺北:秀威資訊科技股份有限公司,251-268頁。
張燕珠 (2020)〈詩四首〉,《香港文學》7月總第427期,98-99頁。
張燕珠:〈王昶清雅詞學與創作中的時代精神》,《文學論衡》 2020年總第37期,第43-52頁。
馬顯慈著(2020年)〈今古漢語句中補語之比較闡析〉《新亞論叢》(第廿一期) 臺北:萬卷樓圖書股份有限公司,頁337-348.
Chan, C. W. (2019). Moral education in Hong Kong kindergartens: An analysis of the preschool curriculum guides. Global Studies of Childhood. (SAGE, Online first, DOI: 10.1177/2043610619885385)
Chan, C. W. (2019). The earnings advantage of university education: A case study of the financial sector in Hong Kong. Educational Research for Policy and Practice. (Springer, Online first, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10671-018-9241-7
Cheung, Y. C. (2019) Canonization of Cao Tang Shi Yu in the Qing Dynasty. Colloquium for the 3rd International Academic Conference on the Development of Chinese Culture and Humanities, pp.1209-1222.
Cheung, Y. C. (2019)〈王昶生活化實踐與浙西詞派中期的發展〉,載《第四屆清代文學國際學術研討會論文集》(下冊),Hefei:Anhui University, pp. 174-182.
Cheung, Y. C. (2019)〈舒巷城專欄散文的時代意義〉. Hong Kong Literary, June (Serial No. 414), pp. 86-89.
Cheung, Y. C. (2019)〈舒巷城異邦城市的人文情懷〉. Hong Kong Literature Bimonthly, June (Serial No. 101), pp. 86-87.
Cheung, Yin Chu.〈花生與人〉. Hong Kong Writers (《香港作家》), Feb 2019, pp. 39-41.
Cheung, Yin Chu〈從編纂角度看古典詩詞的文化傳承〉Newsletter of OUHK Tin Ka Ping Centre of Chinese Culture (《田家炳中華文化中心通訊》), Issue Mar 2019, pp. 35-36.
Chu, E. Y. (2019) What is effective second language exposure and how does it relate to Content-based instruction (CBI) and Language Across the Curriculum (LAC)?. Journal of Second Language Studies, 2(1), 93-118. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1075/jsls.18002.chu
Chung, E. (2018). Revisiting second language vocabulary teaching: Insights from Hong Kong in-service teachers. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 27(6), 499-508. [SSCI]
Dr April Liu published a research article entitled “Exploring bilingual learners' desires in English-medium studies: Evidence from a Thai private bilingual school” in International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism (DOI: 10.1080/ 13670050.2019.1631750), a Quartile 1 SSCI journal in both “Education & Educational Research” and “Linguistics”.
Dr Emily Ge published a research paper entitled “The effect of explicit training on comprehension of English focus-to-prosody mapping by Indonesian learners of English” with April Sasmar Putri, Aelish Hart, Virginia Yip, and Aoju Chen in Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
Ho, W. Y. (2019). Mirror effects: Curative factors of group counseling in tertiary education. International Journal of Research in Teaching, Learning, Creativity & Technology, 2(1), 95-120.
Ho, W. Y. (2019). Students' experiences of the mirror effect while studying group counselling. In P. Besedová, N. Heinrichová & J. Ondráková (Eds.), ICEEPSY 2019 – 10th International Conference on Education and Educational Psychology: European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences (pp. 110-125). (eISSN: 2357-1330) Retrieved from https://www.futureacademy.org.uk/files/images/upload/ICEEPSY2019F09.pdf
Hui-Wen Deng, Kwok Wah Cheung, (2019) “Exploring changes of governance discourse of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China: A historical approach”, Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, https://doi.org/10.1108/STICS-09-2018-0014
Ip, Vivianne K. T., & Ho, W. Y. (2019). Healing childhood psychological trauma and improving body image through cosmetic surgery. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, 540. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00540 (SSCI)
Lam, H. M. Y, & Wong, J. M. S.* (2019). Towards a new assessment paradigm: Are preschools convinced? Early Childhood Education Journal. [Online first; doi: 10.1007/s10643-019-01010-x] [* as Corresponding Author] [SSCI]
Lee, C. & Ge, E. (2019) A pilot study on analyzing HKEAA English argumentative essays for learning and teaching in Hong Kong secondary schools. Small-scale School Research Grant.
Lee, C. (2018) Review of Current Issues in Intercultural Pragmatics. Corpus Pragmatics. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41701-018-00047-4 (SCOPUS-indexed journal)
Lee, C. (2019) A Study of Adolescent English Learners' Cognitive Engagement in Writing while Using an Automated Content Feedback Program. Computer Assisted Language Learning, DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2018.1544152. (SSCI-indexed journal)
Lee, C., Yeung, A., and Cheung, W. K.W. (2019) Learner Perceptions Versus Technology Usage: A Study of Adolescent English Learners in Hong Kong Secondary School. Computers and Education, 133, 13-26. (SSCI-indexed journal)
Qiu, X., & Fang, C. (2019 online). Creating an effective English-medium Instruction (EMI) classroom: Chinese undergraduate students' perceptions of native and non-native English-speaking content teachers and their experiences. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/13670050.2019.
Qiu, X., & Ma, X. (2019). Disciplinary enculturation and authorial stance: Comparison of stance features among master's dissertations, doctoral theses, and research article. Ibérica, 38, 327-348. (SSCI)
Rao, N., Lau, C., Chan, S., Koong, M. & Wong, J. M. S. (2019). Responsive policymaking and implementation: From equality to equity. A case study of the Hong Kong early childhood education and care system. Washington, DC: National Center on Education and the Economy. http://ncee.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/EA-Hong-Kong-Case-Study-022819.pdf (284 pages)
Shu, Jack (2019) “Ethnodrama with Hong Kong Problem Gamblers and their Family: between Ethnographic Reality and Dramatic Fiction” Research in Drama Education: the Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance 24 (4) DOI: 10.1080/13569783.2019.1667225. (SSCI)
邱逸等著 (2019)《皕載英華》(Two Centuries of Excellence: The Bicentennial History of Ying Wa College),香港:三聯書店,共621頁。
馬顯慈著(2019)〈《說文解字》「兂」篆之形義同源闡釋〉《新亞論叢》(第十九期) 臺北:萬卷樓,頁67-74.
Chan, C. W. (2018). Contextual intelligence and school leadership. Teachers' Centre Bullentin, 95, 9-10.
Chan, C. W. (2018). Early years values education in Hong Kong: A discussion derived from the curriculum guide (in Chinese). The Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal, 17, 37-51.
Chan, C. W. (2018). Leading today's kindergartens: Practices of strategic leadership in Hong Kong's early childhood education. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 46(4), 679-691. [SSCI]
Cheung, Y.C. (2018). Semantic Cohesion in Chinese Reading Texts: Chinese Reading Texts for Secondary School as Example, The World of Chinese Language and Literature, Sept. (Serial No. 400), pp. 94-98. (〈篇章教學中的詞匯銜接——以中學中國語文學習參考篇章為討論範疇〉,《國文天地》)。
Chow, V. & Yeung, K. K. (2018). The representation of oncology and paediatric nurses in nursing research articles: who are they and what do they do? Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Corpus Linguistics Conference (APCLC 2018), 80-87.
Koong, M., & Wong, J. M. S. (2018). Children with toys. In World OMEP (Ed.), Children of the world: 70 years of OMEP in photographs (pp.100-103). Seoul: Changjisa Publishing Co.
Leung, S. K. Y. (2018) No more crafts: When student teachers bring visual arts into Hong Kong kindergartens. World Organisation for Early Childhood Education (OMEP) Journal: Theory into Practice, 1, 17-19.
Leung, S. K. Y. (In press). An exploratory study of early visual arts education in Hong Kong. Journal of Research in Childhood Education. DOI: 10.1080/02568543.2018.149841
Rao, N., & Wong, J. M. S. (2018). Early childhood development. In M. H. Bornstein (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development (pp.688-691). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. doi: 10.4135/9781506307633.n258
Shu, Jack (2018). Forum theatre by ex-gambling addicts – the Chinese family, NJ: Drama Australia Journal. (Project R4080; DOI: 10.1080/14452294.2018.1443752; https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/fAVQJDFusXSqr3M9qmrq/full)
Tang, W.K.W. (2018). Assessing Information Literacy skills of undergraduate freshmen: A Case Study from Hong Kong, International Journal of Media and Information Literacy, 3(1), 11-17.
Yang, Ruowei & Zhang, X. (2018) Sorry used by L2 learner: Managing learning opportunity and interpersonal relationship in classroom interaction. International Journal of English Linguistics, 8 (2):48-55.
Chan, C. W. (2017). A curriculum framework for Hong Kong's life education (in Chinese). The Hong Kong Teachers' Centre Journal, 16, 85-101.
Chan, C.W. (2017). Leading today's kindergartens: Practices of strategic leadership in Hong Kong's early childhood education. Educational Management Administration & Leadership. 9SSCI0 DOI: 10.1177/1741143217694892
Dr. Suzannie Leung published an article titled “Beliefs associated with support for child-centered learning environment among Hong Kong pre-service early childhood teachers.” in Journal of Education for Teaching, 43(2), 232-244.
Dr. Suzannie Leung published an article titled “The magic of inquiry-based learning in early childhood: When two hermit crabs empower children's holistic development” in Young Children, National Association for the Education of Young Children.
Lai, K.L. (2017). Teacher knowledge for early mathematics education in a technology-rich environment – in the eyes of practitioners. In P. Resta & S. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference 2017 (pp. 50-53). Chesapeake, VA: Association for Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Liu, Y. & Lin, A. (2017). Popular culture and teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). In S. L.Thorne (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Language and Education (Ed. S. May) Vol. 9: Language, Education and Technology. Springer. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-02328-1_38-1
Tang, K. W. (2017). Assessing Information Literacy Skills of First Year Undergraduate Students. Proceedings of The Asian Conference on Education (pp. 81-89).
Yang R. & X. Zhang (2017) The dual functions of code-switching in Cantonese-English bilingual children's conversation with parents. Journal of Child Language Acquisition and Development, 5(1):65-77. (Funded project: KS2015/1.1/R6195)
Yang Ruowei (2017) Sorry as a Marker for Self-negation Used by Learners in language Classrooms. Linguistics and Literature Studies, 5(6):391-399.
舒志義(2017),〈以語言去實踐行動來驗證理論—弔詭的論壇劇場(2015-16簡報)〉[Using Words to Implement Actions for Verifying Theories – the Paradoxical Forum Theatre (a Brief Report on 2015-16)],載陳國慧編,《香港劇場年鑑2015(舞蹈、戲曲、戲劇)》[Hong Kong Theater Yearbook 2015 (Dance, Xiqu, Drama)],香港:國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會)。(Bilingual)(http://www.iatc.com.hk/teatre2015/?a=doc&id=100883)
Dr Edward Y.W. Chu (2016). A planning error revealed: Mother Tongue Education (1998-2010) in Hong Kong. European Journal of Language Policy, 8(2), 153-172.
Lee, W.O. Hui, C. & Low, E.L. (eds.) (2016) Special issue on “Equity, resilience and achievements in high performing education systems in Asia”, Frontiers of Education in China, Vol. 11, No. 33, pp. 267-427.
Lee, W.O. (2016) 在撕裂社會需要重拾的價值觀—尊重 [Respect: A value to be recovered in a torn society],《拓思》ICAC Journal of Moral Education, No. 77, pp.4-5. (In Chinese)
Jack Shu (2016) Theatre of the Oppressed on love, sex and gender: Hong Kong students' reflections. Applied Theatre Research, 4 (1): 55-72.
Lee, W.O., Hui, C. & Low, E.L. (2016) “Equity, resilience and achievements in high performing education systems in Asia”, Frontiers of Education in China, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 267-271. Beijing: Springer Publishers.
Chan, C. W. (2015). The ultimate trickster in the story of Tamar from a feminist perspective. Feminist Theology, 24(1), 93-101. (SSCI)
Luk, N. Y. G. and Lin, M. Y. A. (2015). L1 as a pedagogical resource in building students' L2 academic literacy: pedagogical innovation in the science classroom in a Hong Kong school. In J. Cenoz and D. Gorter (eds.), Multilingual Education Between language learning and translanguaging (pp. 16-34). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lee, I., Mak, P., & Burns, A. (2015). Bringing innovation to conventional feedback approaches in EFL secondary writing classrooms: A Hong Kong case study. English Teaching: Practice and Critique, 14(2), 140-163. [SSCI]
Lee, I., Mak, P. & Burns, A. (2015). EFL teachers' attempts at feedback innovation in the writing classroom. Language Teaching Research. doi: 10.1177/1362168815581007 [SSCI]
Dr. Ma Hin Tse published one article entitled “文言教材與教學略說之一〈古寓言四則〉” in “現代教育通訊”2014, December, Vol106. Page28-31. Published by (香港)現代教育研究社 in Hong Kong.
Dr. Ma Hin Tse published one article entitled “《廣韻》一字三音現象與《切韻》系諸書之承傳關係” in “新亞論叢”2014, December, Vol 15. Pg179-191. Published by (台北)萬卷樓 in Taipei.
馬顯慈 (2015) 《說文句讀研究訂補》,臺北:萬卷樓。
馬顯慈 (2015) 《文言教材與教學略說之二(〈木蘭辭〉動詞句型舉隅》,載於現代教育通訊編製委員會編《現代教育通訊》(107期),香港:現代教育研究社,頁39-43。
嚴宇樂 (2015) 《從〈秦婦吟〉研究看王水照先生的早期學術經歷與治學方法》,載於高克勤、侯體健編《半肖居問學錄》,上海:上海人民出版社。