Research and Development Projects

School of Education and Languages Research & Support Research and Development Projects


Hu, J., Gao, X., & Qiu, X. (2021). Lexical coverage and readability of science textbooks for English-medium instruction secondary schools in Hong Kong. Sage Open, 11(1), 1-9. doi: [SSCI-indexed journal]

Jack Shu (2021): The reflective lenses on forum theatre about marriage—negotiation of identities within multicultural community practice, Youth Theatre Journal, DOI: 10.1080/08929092.2021.1891163

Lee, C. (2021). (Ed.) Second Language Pragmatics and English Language Education in East Asia. New York & London: Routledge.

Lee, C. (2021). The Process of Constructing Intercultural Pragmatic Knowledge in Short-term Language and Culture Immersion Programmes: Two Case Studies. In C. Lee (Ed.), Second Language Pragmatics and English Language Education in East Asia, 143-163, New York & London: Routledge.

Lee, C., Ge, H-Y., & Chung, E. (2021, accepted, forthcoming). What linguistic features distinguish and predict L2 writing quality? A study of examination scripts written by adolescent Chinese learners of English in Hong Kong. System (SSCI journal)

Lo, Y. Y., Fung, D., & Qiu, X. (2021 online). Assessing content knowledge through L2: Mediating role of language of testing on students' performance. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development. doi: [SSCI-indexed journal]

Qiu, X., & Cheng, H. (2021 online). The effects of task types on L2 oral production and learner engagement. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. doi: [SSCI-indexed journal]

Qiu, X., & Jiang, F. (2021). Stance and engagement in 3MT presentations: How students communicate disciplinary knowledge to a wide audience. Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 51, 100976. doi: [SSCI-indexed journal]

Tang, W.K.W. (2020). One plus one is greater than two: Faculty-librarian collaboration for developing information literacy in higher education. IAFOR Journal of Literature and Librarianship, 9(2), 82-87.

Wong, J. M. S., & Tang, W. K. W. (2021). 'Online pre-service teacher placements' during COVID-19: A compromise or an opportunity? Academia Letters, Article 312. doi: 10.20935/AL312

張燕珠 (2021)〈潤餅上的滋味〉,《香港文學》5月號總第437期,頁72-77。

張燕珠 (2021)《城市回眸:香港文學探論》。香港:初文出版社有限公司。

張燕珠(2021)《朱彝尊詞的因果章法〉,《國文天地》 2月號總第429期,頁106-110。