Events and activities

School of Education and Languages About RIBiLT Events and activities
RIBiLT facilitates academics and relevant participants to gain insights into the latest development in the field and create synergy with the development of potential research themes and projects through organizing various types of academic activities. Summaries of the events are listed below: 
Upcoming Events
For more details, please visit the website of School of Cantonese Studies
For more details, please visit the website of Yue28.

Summary of Past Events



Event Details 

12 March 2024




5 March 2024




20 Feb 2024





30 Jan 2024





26 Jan 2024

Professor Andy Gao

Professor Melinda Whong

Dr Jack Pun

Dr April Liu

RIBiLT Appliable Linguistics and Language Education Symposium

Please click here to access the video recording of the morning session

Please click here to access the video recording of the afternoon session

23 Nov 2023

Prof Cun Xi

RIBiLT 國際中文教學教育碩士網路研討會系列:

句子與認知結構的關係 —以對外漢語教學為例


17 Nov 2023

Prof. Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen

RIBiLT Systemic Functional Linguistics Webinars Series: “Systemic Functional Linguistics as a Resource in Language Education: System Networks Representing Options in Meaning Making”

Please click here for the video recording

10 Nov 2023

Dr. Jack Pun

RIBiLT Systemic Functional Linguistics Webinars Series: “Exploring the Literacy Demands and Coping Strategies in EMI Classrooms: A Case Study of Science Teachers and Students in Hong Kong”

Please click here for the PowerPoint

3 Nov 2023

Dr. Winfred Xuan

RIBiLT Systemic Functional Linguistics Webinars Series: “Writing to Evaluate: A Synthesis of Appraisal Studies at Different Levels of EAP Writing”

Please click here for the video recording



RIBiLT 國際中文教學教育碩士網路研討會系列:





RIBiLT 國際中文教學教育碩士網路研討會系列:

知行合一與人才成長 — 傳統育人理念的現代實踐

點擊這裡觀看投影片 (*投影片只供學習用,嚴禁引用)

20 Oct 2023

Professor Jorge Arus Hita

RIBiLT Systemic Functional Linguistics Webinars Series: “Metafunctional journey through Spanish, with an emphasis on contrasts with English”

14 July 2023


RIBiLT Chinese Language and Linguistics Webinar Series 中國語文及語言學網上研討會系列: “粵語語法演變的探索 – 以完整體標記為例”


29 June 2023

Dr. Cheng-Yu Edwin Tsai

RIBiLT Chinese Language and Linguistics Webinar Series: “Scalar particles and discourse structure”

Please click here for the video recording

23 June 2023

Dr. Yi (Esther) Su

RIBiLT Chinese Language and Linguistics Webinar Series: “Comprehension of Core Grammar in Diverse Samples of Mandarin-Acquiring Preschool Children with ASD”

Please click here for the video recording

23 May 2023

Dr LI Bin

RIBiLT Chinese Language and Linguistics Webinar Series: “Phonetic Approaches to Examining Speech Production and Perception Under Adverse Conditions”

Please click here for the video recording

12 May 2023

Professor Peppina Po-lun Lee

RIBiLT Chinese Language and Linguistics Webinar Series: ” A Semantic Study of Approximative Sentence-Final Particles in Cantonese”

Please click here for the video recording

30 Apr 2023











31 Mar 2023

Dr Kang Xin

RIBiLT Technology in Language Learning and Teaching Webinar Series “Using Online Experimental Tools to Study Language Learning and Processing”

Please click here for the video recording

23 Mar 2023


RIBiLT Chinese Language and Linguistics Webinar Series 中國語文及語言學網上研討會系列: “漢字本義的研究”


10 Mar 2023

Dr LIN Chin-Hsi

RIBiLT Technology in Language Learning and Teaching Webinar Series “Refining the Community of Inquiry as a Framework for Understanding Online Language Learning Processes, Perceptions and Outcomes”

Please click here for the video recording

24 Feb 2023

Prof Laurence Anthony

RIBiLT Technology in Language Learning and Teaching Webinar Series  “Classroom Applications of the Antconc 4 Corpus Toolkit”

Please click here for the PowerPoint.

17 Feb 2023

Dr Dr Zou Di

RIBiLT Technology in Language Learning and Teaching Webinar Series  “Digital Game-Based Learning of Information Literacy for Academic Writing: Effects of Gameplay Modes on University Students Writing Performance, Motivation, Self-Efficacy and Flow Experiences”

Please click here for the video recording

10 Feb 2023

Prof Jozef Colpaert

RIBiLT Technology in Language Learning and Teaching Webinar Series  “How to Choose the Most Appropriate Technology for My Multimodal Language Learning Environment?”

Please click here for the video recording

18 Nov 2022

Prof. Jiang Feng, Kevin

RIBiLT English Language Learning and Teaching Webinar Series: “Epistemic Positioning by Science Students and Experts: A Divide by Applied and Pure Disciplines”

Please click here for the video recording

4 Nov 2022                            

Prof. Ken Hyland

RIBiLT English Language Learning and Teaching Webinar Series: “English for Academic Purposes – Towards Specific Courses”

Please click here for the video recording

28 Oct 2022

Dr. King Tat Daniel Fung

RIBiLT English Language Learning and Teaching Webinar Series: “Uncovering the Language Goal in EMI Assessment: What Students Need To Learn”

Please click here for the video recording

17 Oct 2022

Mr. James Shea


Dr. Dorothy Hiu Hung Tse

RIBiLT & One City One Book: Table Magic: On Translating Yam Gong's Poetry

14 Oct 2022

Dr. Sihui Echo Ke

RIBiLT English Language Learning and Teaching Webinar Series: “Developing Resilience in Second Language Reading”

Please click here for the video recording

7 Oct 2022

Dr. Benedict Rowlett

RIBiLT English Language Learning and Teaching Webinar Series: “Queering Applied Linguistics: Global Perspectives on Language Learning, Gender, and Sexuality”

Please click here for the video recording

27 Aug 2021

Dr. Weipeng Yang

RIBiLT Child Development Webinar Series: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy for Engaging Young Children in (Digital) Learning

13 Aug 2021

Dr. Faye Dorcas Yung Schwendeman

RIBiLT Child Development Webinar Series: Children's magazines: A brief walk through of the twentieth century

6 Aug 2021

Dr. Suzannie Leung

RIBiLT Child Development Webinar Series: Creative Digital Art for Young Children: Theory and Practice

28 May 2021

Dr. Danny Leung, Dr. Vanliza Chow and Dr. Emily

RIBiLT Corpus Research Webinar Series:A Learner Corpus Is Born This Way: Design, Demonstration and Direction

30 Apr 2021

Prof. Cynthia Lee, Dr. Edsoulla Chung and Dr.
Emily Ge

RIBiLT Corpus Research Webinar Series: What linguistic features distinguish and predict L2 writing quality? A study of examination scripts written by adolescent Chinese learners of English in Hong Kong

16 Apr 2021

Dr. Hinny Wong

RIBiLT Corpus Research Webinar Series: Analyzing writing quality: Insights from Chinese composition writing among Hong Kong secondary school students

26 Mar 2021

Prof. Laurence Anthony

RIBiLT Corpus Research Webinar Series: “Word profiling in corpus research: Going beyond frequency

15 Oct 2020

Dr. Christy Xuyan Qiu

RIBiLT: “Second Language Learners' Regulated Learning and Self-efficacy Beliefs in Peer Collaborative Writing

23 Sep 2020

Dr. Cherry Chit-Yu Lam

RIBiLT: “Rethinking polysemy: An all-in-one framework for Cantonese dak1

27 Aug 2020

Dr. Ge Haoyan Emily

RIBiLT: “Comprehension of focus in Cantonese: Comparison between children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and typically developing children


7 Nov 2019


Prof. Laurence Anthony

Seminar: “Analyzing Bottom-Up and Top-Down Language Patterns Using Corpus
Linguistics Methods

Please click here for PowerPoint slides.


21 Sep 2019


Dr. April Liu

Seminar: “Strategic Communication for Success in the Business World


20 Sep 2019


Dr. Danny Leung

Seminar: “Speaking English This Way

 Please click here for PowerPoint slides. 


11 Dec 2018


Ms. Nancy Tsang

Seminar: 支援有特殊教育需要的幼兒:回顧和展望

19 Nov 2018

Mr. Chris Shum

Seminar: 生涯規劃半步詞

25 Oct 2018


27 Oct 2018


Prof. Laurence Anthony


Prof. Jeannette Littlemore


Prof. Becky Xi Chen


Prof. Liah Greenfeld


Prof. Zhu Hua


Topic: 2018
International Conference on Bilingual Learning and Teaching

Date: 25 October 2018 (Thursday) – 27 October
2018 (Saturday)

Venue: OUHK Jockey Club Campus

Please click here for more

22 Jun 2018

Dr. Danny Leung

Seminar: “You Are What You SPEAK – Accurate English Pronunciation and Fluent English Speaking”

24 May 2018

Mr. Akira Nogami and Dr. Miki Takeuch

Seminar: “Post 3.11 Japanese Children’s Books and Subculture – Picture, Manga, Anime and Film”

12 Apr 2018

Prof. Zhao Shuo

Seminar: “European Bilingual Education Policy and Model in Bologna process”

11 Apr 2018

Prof. Zhao Shuo

Seminar: “On Multiculturalism of Bilingual Education雙語教育的多元文化研究以歐盟國家為例

11 Apr 2018

Mr. Chris Shum

Seminar: 半步來詞歌詞創作的創意與實務

19 Mar 2018

Prof. Hsin Shih-chang

Round Table Seminar: “The Discrepancies
among Teaching Chinese as the First Language, Second Language and Heritage

16 Mar 2018

Prof. Hsin Shih-chang

Seminar: “The Diversification of Chinese Languages & Cultures and the Principles of Chinese Language Education 華人語言文化之多元性與漢語教學之處理原則

7 Mar 2018

Prof. Zhu Qingzhi


22 Feb 2018

Prof. Tseng Chin-chin

Seminar: “Second Language Acquisition and Teaching L2 Chinese Reading 第二語言習得與華語文閱讀教學

22 Jan 2018

Prof. Cheung Kwong Yue

Seminar: “Symbols of Human Wisdom – The quintessence of Chinese characters, relics and culture 智慧的印記: 漢字﹑文物與文化擷萃

30 Oct 2017

Prof. CC Lam

Seminar: “Doing ethnographic studies in Hong Kong schools”

14 Sep 2017

Prof. Shi Jianguo

Seminar: “Current issues in studies of Modern Chinese Language 現代漢語研究現狀          

1 Sep 2017


Prof. Tseng Chin-Chin

Distinguished Professor Seminar Series 2017: “Language
and Culture in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

19 Aug 2017


Prof. Tseng Chin-chin

Distinguished Professor Seminar Series 2017: “In Class Pronunciation Diagnosis through PBL method and Acoustic Spectrogram: a Study on Chinese as a Second Language 利用問題導向模式結合聲學語音圖示進行課堂語音診斷教學:以對外漢語學習者為例

18 Aug 2017


Prof. Tseng Chin-Chin

Distinguished Professor Seminar Series 2017: “Introducing Department of Chinese as a Second Language at National Taiwan Normal University”

18 May 2017

Prof. Ernesto Macaro

Distinguished Professor Seminar Series 2017: “English Medium Instruction: A cost-benefit analysis”

17 May 2017

Prof. Ernesto Macaro

Distinguished Professor Seminar Series 2017: “Introducing EMI Oxford”

16 May 2017

Prof. Ernesto Macaro

Distinguished Professor Seminar Series 2017: “English Medium Instruction: Which English and how much English?”

3 Mar 2017

Prof. CC Lam

Workshop: “Designing a needs analysis study: The case of Math Curriculum Review study”

24 Feb 2017

Prof. Liz Hamp-Lyons

Distinguished Professor Seminar Series 2016-17: “How Assessments Can Support Learning: Teachers’ roles, Teachers’ Knowledge”

21 Feb 2017

Prof. Liz Hamp-Lyons

Distinguished Professor Seminar Series 2016-17: “Why is assessment literacy important? And to whom?”

23 Jan 2017

Prof. Jeannette Littlemore

Distinguished Professor Seminar Series 2016-17: “Metaphor and the Language Learner”

21 Jan 2017

Prof. Jeannette Littlemore

Distinguished Professor Seminar Series 2016-17: “Metaphor and Advertising”

20 Jan 2017

Prof. Jeannette

Distinguished Professor Seminar Series 2016-17: “Figurative Language in Cross-linguistic Communication and Language Teaching”

20 Dec 2016

Dr. Danny Leung and Dr. Vanliza Chow

Workshop: “Applying Cognitive Linguistics to L2 Figurative Learning and Teaching”

9 Dec 2016

Prof. Li Wei

Distinguished Professor Seminar Series 2016-17: “New Chinglish and the Post- Multilingualism Challenge”

6 Dec 2016

Prof. Li Wei

Distinguished Professor Seminar Series 2016-17: “Translanguaging
As a Theory of Language: Some Conceptual and Methodological Considerations”

15 Nov 2016

Prof. Robin Yang

Workshop: “Prof. Li Wei: A Remarkable Scholar in the Field of Bilingualism”

12 Aug 2016

Ms. Cheung Ching Ching

Workshop: “Code-switching as Peer Scaffolding in L2 Chinese Writing: A Case of Ethnic Minority Learners in a Hong Kong Secondary School”