
School of Education and Languages About RIBiLT Webcast
Topic: 國際中文教學教育碩士研討會系列講座 – IB、AP理念與國際中文教學
Speakers: 施仲謀教授
Date: 2025/01/20
Topic: The 28th International Conference on Yue Dialects Keynote Speech
Speakers: Professor Zhuang Chusheng (庄初升教授)
Date: 2024/12/14
Topic: The 28th International Conference on Yue Dialects Keynote Speech
Speakers: Professor Giorgio Francesco Arcodia
Date: 2024/12/13
Topic: RIBiLT Inclusive Education Seminar
Understanding Linguistic Diversity in Ethnic Minority Students for Inclusive Education Planning
Speakers:  Professor Cheung Hin Tat
Date: 2024/8/19
Topic: 國際中文教學教育碩士網路研討會系列 – 以「續」促學—「續論」在漢語二語教學中的應用研究
Speakers: 張麗博士
Date: 2024/2/20
Topic: 香港非華語學生學習中文的現況與學習進程框架的設計和應用
Speakers: 許守仁博士
Date: 2024/1/30
Topic: RIBiLT Appliable Linguistics and Language Education Symposium Afternoon Session
Speakers: Speaker: Professor Andy Gao, Professor Melinda Whong, Dr Jack Pun and Dr April Liu
Date: 2024/1/26
Topic: RIBiLT Appliable Linguistics and Language Education Symposium Morning Session
Speakers: Speaker: Professor Andy Gao, Professor Melinda Whong, Dr Jack Pun and Dr April Liu
Date: 2024/1/26
Topic: 句子與認知結構的關係—以對外漢語教學為例
Speaker: 寸熙教授
Date: 2023/11/23
Topic: Systemic Functional Linguistics as a Resource in Language Education: System Networks Representing Options in Meaning Making
Speaker: Prof Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen
Date: 2023/11/17
Topic: Writing to Evaluate: A Synthesis of Appraisal Studies at Different Levels of EAP Writing
Speaker: Dr Winfred Xuan
Date: 2023/11/03
Topic: 國際學校中文教師素養與教師定位
Speaker: 賴春博士
Date: 2023/10/26
Topic: Metafunctional journey through Spanish, with an emphasis on contrasts with English
Speaker: Professor Jorge Arús Hita
Date: 2023/10/20
Topic: 粵語語法演變的探索 – 以完整體標記為例
Speaker: 郭必之教授
Date: 2023/07/14
Topic: Scalar particles and discourse structure
Speaker: Dr. Cheng-Yu Edwin Tsai
Date: 2023/06/29
Topic: Comprehension of Core Grammar in Diverse Samples of Mandarin-Acquiring Preschool Children with ASD
Speaker: Dr. Yi (Esther) Su
Date: 2023/06/23
Topic: Phonetic Approaches to Examining Speech Production and Perception Under Adverse Conditions
Speaker: Dr Lin Bin
Date: 2023/05/23
Topic:A Semantic Study of Approximative Sentence-Final Particles in Cantonese
Speaker: Professor Peppina Po-lun Lee
Date: 2023/05/12
Topic: 聾人語文教育的路與徑
Speaker:李慧心教授 鄧惠儀小姐 薛海暉先生 路駿怡小姐 黃耀良先生 呂俊潁老師 潘若詩小姐
Date: 2023/4/30
Topic: Using Online Experimental Tools to Study Language Learning and Processing
Speaker: Dr Xin KANG
Date: 2023/03/31
Topic: Refining the Community of Inquiry as a Framework for Understanding Online Language Learning Processes, Perceptions and Outcomes
Speaker: Dr Lin, Chin-Hsi
Date: 2023/03/10
Topic: Digital game-based learning of information literacy for academic writing: Effects of gameplay modes on university students writing performance, motivation, self-efficacy and flow experiences
Speaker: Dr Zou Di
Date: 2023/02/17
Topic: How to Choose the Most Appropriate Technology for My Multimodal Language Learning Environment?
Speaker: Professor Jozef Colpaert
Date: 2023/02/10
Topic: Epistemic positioning by science students and experts: A divide by applied and pure disciplines
Speaker: Professor Feng Kevin Jiang
Date: 2022/11/18
Topic: English for Academic Purposes – Towards Specific Courses
Speaker: Professor Ken Hyland
Date: 2022/11/4
Topic: Uncovering the Language Goal in EMI Assessment: What Students Need To Learn
Speaker: Dr King Tat Daniel FUNG
Date: 2022/10/18
Topic: Developing Resilience in Second Language Reading
Speaker: Dr Sihui Echo KE
Date: 2022/10/14
Topic: Queering Applied Linguistics: Global Perspectives on Language Learning, Gender, and Sexuality
Speaker: Dr Benedict ROWLETT
Date: 2022/10/07
Topic: Rethinking polysemy An all-in-one framework for Cantonese dak1
Speaker: Dr Cherry Chit-Yu LAM
Date: 2020/09/23
Topic: Analyzing Bottom-Up and Top-Down Language Patterns Using Corpus Linguistics Methods
Speaker: Prof Laurence Anthony
Date: 2019/11/07
Topic: Idioms and the Body : How the two Connect
Speaker: Prof Jeannette Littlemore
Date: 2018/10/30 (2018 ICBLT)
Topic: Language Choices and Learning at Home
Speaker: Prof Zhu Hua
Date: 2018/10/29 (2018 ICBLT)
Topic: Dynamic Assessment of Language and Literacy (语言和阅读水平的动态评估)
Speaker: Prof Becky Xi Chen
Date: 2018/10/24 (2018 ICBLT)
Topic: Pre-conference workshop : The awareness of cultural and civilizational differences and its implications on humanities and social sciences
Speaker: Prof Liah Greenfeld
Date: 2018/10/23 (2018 ICBLT)
Topic: 半步來詞—歌詞創作的創意與實務
Speaker: Mr Chris Shum
Date: 2018/04/11
Topic: Current issues in studies of Modern Chinese Language
Speaker: Prof Shi Jianguo
Date: 2017/09/14
Topic: Language and Culture in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
Speaker: Prof Tseng Chin Chin
Date: 2017/09/01
Topic: In Class Pronunciation Diagnosis through PBL method and Acoustic Spectrogram: a Study on Chinese as a Second Language
Speaker: Prof Tseng Chin Chin
Date: 2017/08/19
Topic: EMI Which English and How Much English
Speaker: Prof Ernesto Macaro
Date: 2017/05/18
Topic: EMI A Cost Benefit Analysis
Speaker: Prof Ernesto Macaro
Date: 2017/05/16
Topic: How Assessment can Support Learning Teachers role, Teachers knowledge
Speaker: Prof Liz Hamp Lyons
Date: 2017/02/24
Topic: Why is Assessment Literacy important and to whom
Speaker: Prof Liz Hamp Lyons
Date: 2017/02/21
Topic: Metaphor and Advertising
Speaker: Prof Jeannette Littlemore
Date: 2017/01/21
Topic: The Role of Figurative Language in Advertising
Speaker: Prof Jeannette Littlemore
Date: 2018/10/31 (2018 ICBLT)
Topic: Translanguaging as a Theory of Language
Speaker: Prof Li Wei
Date: 2016/12/06