最新 New Page Admission

教育及语文学院 最新 New Page Admission

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Being an integral part of an advancing metropolis, we offer a wide range of innovative, professional and industry-responsive programmes to meet your learning aspirations and address the contemporary needs of the city and neighbouring regions.

Programmes on offer for 2021 Intake (Non-JUPAS Local Applicants)
The OUHK offers various Bachelor’s Degree programmes (Year 1 entry and Senior Year entry) and Higher Diploma programmes (Year 1 entry) for the 2021/22 academic year through direct application. Associate Degree students and Higher Diploma students may apply for admission via Senior Year entry. After graduation, students can enter different industries and take up related professional positions.

Apart from admitting students to Bachelor's Degree programmes via Year 1 entry and Senior Year entry, the University also admits students to Higher Diploma via Year 1 entry. Applicants can apply via direct application

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