
教育及语文学院 主页 People 职员简介
Dr. Sin Chun Man Ivan 冼俊文博士
BEd (LangEd) (First Hons) HKU, MPhil HKU, PhD (Figure of Speech in Modern Chinese) HKU
Registered Teacher




  • 现代汉语修辞学
  • 文类分析
  • 中国语文教育
  • 中文作为第二语言教学


2022 - 2023, Principal Investigator, A study on the language features of speeches in Chinese and English, Katie Shu Sui Pui Charitable Trust -  Research Training Fellowship, HK$100,000.
2022 - 2023, Principal Investigator, A study on the Genre Features of Children’s Novels, School Research Fund, HK$29,932.5.



Sin, C. M. (2022). 从外来词的角度看国际中文教育在地化的挑战及应对方法. Paper presented at the 9th International School Chinese Language Education Conference and Workshop (ISCLE-9), Shanghai. (Online workshop).

Sin, C. M. (2022). 从中央课程设计及建议篇章看主流中学中非华语学生学习中文的困难及相关教学建议. Paper presented at the The 7th International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, Hong Kong. (Online workshop).

Sin, C. M. (2021). 国际学校二年级中文一语班学生的汉语句式运用概况及相关的教学建议. Paper presented at the 8th International School Chinese Language Education Conference and Workshop, Taipei. (Online workshop).

Sin, C. M. (2019). 白话文版中国古代神话的时、地、人用词硏究,及其作为二语教材的编写建议. Paper presented at the 2019 International Schools' Chinese Education Conference and Workshop, Melbourne.

Sin, C. M. (2019). 迭字、倒装、反复辞格中元话语的生成及理解心理机制. Paper presented at the Metadiscourse across Languages and contexts, Chang Chun.

Sin, C. M. (2019). 公司网站中“公司简介”的语言特征及其相关的写作教学策略. Paper presented at the New Era on Chinese International Education Academic Conference, Qingdao.

Sin, C. M., Wong, K. H., Cheung, P. K., Wong, Y. L. (2017). 「阅读促进学习」教学法 (Reading to learn pedagogy) 对提高香港初中学生文言阅读能力的成效初探. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Han Characters Education and Research, Kaohsiung.

Sin, C. M., Wong, P. H., Au, C. C. (2016). IGCSE中文科常用字及学习阶段初探. Paper presented at the 3rd International School Chinese Language Education Conference and Workshop, Hong Kong.

Sin, C, M,, Wong, P. H., Ip, H. S., Au, C. C. (2015). 象形文字分类研究. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Han Characters Education and Research, Hanzhou.



  • 冼俊文(2022)。〈小学生优秀作文的词汇衔接情况及相关教学建议〉。《国际中文教育学报》,2022(11),83 - 98。
  • 冼俊文(2014)。〈香港中学生科学科语言表达能力及相关教学策略〉。《香港数理教育学会会刊》,2014(30),123 - 128。
  • 巢伟仪、冼俊文、林伟业、陈敬萍、马嘉敏(2014)。〈电子教学对香港小学生书写能力的影响〉。《汉字汉文教育》,2014(33),139 - 167。


  • Working Group, Development of a Guiding Framework for Primary and Secondary Techer Education Programmes (EDB) (2022 - )
  • Consultant, Chu Kwok Keung (Member of the Legislative Council: Functional Constituency – Education) (Apr 2022 - Feb 2023)
  • Editorial advisor, editorial board of the Hong Kong Education Workers Union (2021 - )

Modified Date: 15 Mar, 2023
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