Distinguished Professors - Professor Becky Xi Chen

教育及語文學院 About RIBiLT - Introduction Distinguished Professors - Professor Becky Xi Chen
Dr. Chen's research focuses on bilingual and ELL (English Language Learner) children's language and literacy development. She is interested in how children develop literacy skills (e.g. morphological awareness, phonological awareness, orthographic processing, vocabulary, word reading, and reading comprehension) simultaneously in their first language and second language, and whether these skills transfer between the two languages.
Currently, she is running a five-year project on French immersion programs in Toronto and Vancouver. This project has three goals:
1) identify at-risk readers in French immersion with dynamic assessment tools 
2) compare the development of English and French literacy skills between children who are native speakers of English and those who speak another language at home and
3) examine transfer of literacy skills between English and French. She is also a co-lead of the Language, Literacy and Learning Cluster of the Child and Youth Refugee Research Coalition (CYRRC), an international coalition that conducts research on refugee children and youth.
This line of research focuses on language, literacy and well-being of Arabic-speaking children, particularly refugee children. Finally, she conducts cross-cultural studies comparing the development of Chinese literacy skills between Chinese-speaking children in Canada and children in China. In applied practice, she is interested in helping bilingual children who are at-risk readers or with reading disabilities.

部門: 教育及語文學院 ( el@ouhk.edu.hk )