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HKMU Physiotherapy Centre Book Now

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Please note that this is a preliminary booking.
Your booking will only be confirmed via a phone call within 24 hours.

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What to Bring for Your First Visit?

First Appointment Reminder

To ensure a smooth administration process, please bring and present the following documents:

    • A Valid Medical Referral issued by a registered doctor within 6 month
      To receive physiotherapy treatment, the service user must provide a valid referral letter from a General Practitioner, Specialist, or Dentist registered in Hong Kong. This referral letter must be signed and stamped by the issuing medical doctor within 6 months prior to the service user’s initial physiotherapy appointment. If a valid referral letter is not presented, HKMUPC has the authority to refuse service delivery to the service user. 
    • HKID Card
    • HKMU Staff Card/ Number (For Full-Time Staff, their Spouses, and Dependents)
    • HKMU Student Card (For Full-Time Students)
    • HKMU Alumni Association (HKMUAA) Membership Card (For HKMUAA Ordinary/ Life Ordinary Members)
    • HKMU Retirees (Identification Proof needed)
    • Council/ Court Member Identification Proof (For Council/Court Members and their Spouses)

If you could arrive 10 minutes earlier before your scheduled time is much appreciated. 

    • Electronic payments in VISA, Mastercard, UnionPay and WeChat Pay are accepted.
    • We do not accept cash payments.

Student Observation

The HKMU Physiotherapy Centre is a clinic that involves physiotherapy student's clinical practicum. Clients registered in our centre shall mean acceptance of their clinical data to be used for teaching and research purposes by HKMU. All clients are fully protected by the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance and their identities will not be revealed in any teaching material or research study.


Adverse Weather Arrangements

HKMU Physiotherapy Centre provides interim opening hours during:

Monday – Friday 9:00am to 6:00pm
Saturday, Sunday, Public Holiday Closed

Black Rainstorm Warning Signal:

(a) If a Black rainstorm warning signal is issued prior to 9am from Monday to Friday, the Centre will close for services.
(b) If the signal is issued after 12 noon from Monday to Friday, the Centre will only offer limited services and will close if the warning continues past 4pm.
(c) If the signal is issued after 4pm, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays, the Centre will remain closed until the Black rainstorm warning signal is withdrawn.

Typhoon Warning Signal 8 or Above:

(a) If a Typhoon warning signal No. 8 or above is issued before 9am from Monday to Friday, the Centre will be closed. However, limited clinical services will resume within 2 hours after the Typhoon Signal No.8 or above has been withdrawn during the Centre’s operating hours.
(b) If the signal is issued at or after 12 noon from Monday to Friday, the Centre will cease all services unless the Typhoon signal 8 or above is withdrawn before 3pm.
(c) If the signal is issued after 3pm, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays,
the Centre will remain closed until the Typhoon signal 8 or above is withdrawn.