About Us 學系概況

Department of Humanities, Language and Translation About Us 學系概況
The HKMU has been established for more than 30 years, and has developed into a young, dynamic and full-fledged university. We are committed to advance learning, knowledge, and research that meet aspirations of students and talents for society. The Department of Humanities, Language and Translation will continue to uphold the spirit of flexibility and innovation; to provide high-quality education to students; to foster their language skills, academic abilities, professional knowledge and cultural visions, so that they will be prepared for their success in the future.

Teaching and Research 教學與研究

The teaching team of the Department of Humanities, Language and Translation has rich teaching experience. The team has participated in different academic research areas to improve the quality of teaching. From 2014 to 2019, the University has launched two large-scale research projects, namely, the Research Institute for Digital Culture and Humanities and the IDS project “Chinese Culture in the Global Context”, funded by the Research Grants Council. The Research Institute is committed in promoting research and academic exchange via digital culture and humanities, to bring about new knowledge and teaching methods to creative industries and humanities. The research plan of the “Chinese Culture in the Global Context” covers all aspects of Chinese language, literature, history, philosophy, communication, film and arts, with a view of optimising teaching in related fields and an aim to launch a platform for connecting major Chinese research institutes around the world. A number of renowned scholars were invited to our international seminars and academic lectures for the above research projects, including Prof. PAI Hsien Yung's “Kunqu Opera on the World Stage: The Peony Pavilion – Young Lovers' Edition Travels to the West” and Prof. Mabel LEE's “Transcending Cultural Traditions: Lu Xun and Gao Xingjian” in 2018, etc. The team has also visited several countries, and exchanged with scholars from all over the world. Departmental members conducted cultural inspections, published academic journal articles and manuscripts, brought the latest research results into the classroom, integrated them into teaching, and expanded vision of students.
Our teaching team not only has rich teaching and research experience, but has also been repeatedly funded in different research topics, such as literature, language, history and culture. We have also been participating in review panels and committees of local and international competitions; encouraging students to communicate closely with professional groups and to enhance their understanding of the latest academic trends. The University possesses a number of language laboratories, in which advanced software programmes and updated equipment are installed, so that students who study language and translation can fully build up their skills to do simultaneous and conference interpreting in real time modes, implement their knowledge, and benefit their career development.
從2014 年至2019 年, 大學獲研究資助局資助,分別成立數碼文化與人文學科研究所及展開「全球背景下的中國文化」兩項大型的研究計劃。數碼文化與人文學科研究所致力推動各種數碼人文和文化之研究和學界交流工作,期望為創意工業與人文學科帶來新知識及教學手法。「全球背景下的中國文化」研究計劃涵蓋中國語文、文學、歷史、哲學、傳訊、電影及藝術等各個面向,以期優化相關領域的教學,冀能成為聯繫世界各地主要中國研究學院的平台。上述兩項的研究計劃,已舉辦多場國際研討會和學術講座,邀請著名學者分享學術成果及文化經驗,包括2018 年白先勇教授的「崑曲走向國際—青春版《牡丹亭》西遊記」、陳順妍教授的「超越文化的傳統:魯迅與高行健」等。研究團並多次往訪外地,與世界各地學者交流及進行文化考察,出版著作,把最新的研究成果帶進教室,融入教學,拓展學生的世界視野。

Student Development Activities 課外活動

In addition of classroom learning, the Department also encourages students to “go out” with the belief “He that travels far knows much.” The School offers a number of grants and scholarships for student exchange programmes. For instance, through the “Go Further Award” scholarship, students were able to travel to Romania to participate in the local grand art festival and visit famous local theatres in 2019, which allowed them to experience the local cultural atmosphere and deepen their knowledge. A Study Tour to Australia will be held, which includes visits of local universities, which could strengthen an exotic flavour. 
Moreover, the Department has regularly organized study tours to the UK and other countries. We also offered different grants for students to widen their exposure. For example, students have participated in a number of summer exchange programmes of the world's top universities, such as the Vancouver Summer Program at the University of British Columbia, to broaden their intellectual horizons. 
Furthermore, we have been supporting students to engage in different cultural activities. For example, seminars on Cantonese Opera were held for several times co-organised with HKMU Tin Ka Ping Centre of Chinese Culture. We invited the famous Cantonese opera musician Mr. CHOO Heng Cheong as our guest speaker, so that students could learn more about the heritage of local Chinese culture. Also, activities such as Wuyishan World Heritage Site Cultural Study Programme and Cantonese Opera Cultural Exchange Programme, were organised for students as their extra-curricular activities. Different internship opportunities were offered, and competitions on Chinese essay-writing and translation were organised for students to learn more about literature and culture.
本系的同學除了從課堂吸取知識外,我們更本著「讀萬卷書不如行萬里路」的精神,積極提供機會,鼓勵學生「走出去」。本學院設有不少的資助金,讓同學能到海外交流,實驗學習。2019 年通過「『高飛‧ 創未來』獎學金」(GoFurther Award),本系學生得以前往羅馬尼亞參與當地盛大的藝術節和參觀當地著名劇院等,讓他們親身感受當地的文化氣息,深化課堂知識;亦定時舉辦澳洲之旅,涵蓋語言、文化、翻譯,包括到訪當地的大學等,令學生體驗當地的語言習尚,加深了解文化與語言的關係。