Master of Arts in Bilingual Professional Translation 專業雙語翻譯文學碩士

Department of Humanities, Language and Translation Master of Arts in Bilingual Professional Translation 專業雙語翻譯文學碩士

Programme Outline 課程概覽

Programme Title 課程名稱 Master of Arts in Bilingual Professional Translation 專業雙語翻譯文學碩士
Mode of Study 修讀模式
Full-time / Part-time 全日制 / 半日制
Normal Period of Study 修業期限
1 year (Full-time) 全日制一年
2 year (Part-Time) 半日制兩年
Number of Credits 所需學分
30 credit units 學分

Aims and Objectives 宗旨與目標

Master of Arts in Bilingual Professional Translation (MABPTF) is intended to provide graduates with both intellectually challenging and professionally relevant qualification and experience. It aims to demonstrate in learners high-level professional translation on a practical basis. Much hands on experience of translation between Chinese (including Putonghua) and English will be provided, and learners are expected to develop a capacity for independent research in the field of translation studies and applied work-related training skills.

專業雙語翻譯文學碩士 (MABPTF) 旨在提供研習翻譯知識及筆譯實踐機會,培養專業全面的象寄之才。本課程涵蓋眾多中英 ( 包括普通話 ) 翻譯領域,畢業生既擁有從事翻譯研究之治學能力,亦具備應付專業所需之知識技能。

Features 特色

This programme is designed for professional translators and those who are interested to embark on a career in translation. The programme is also suitable for individuals who wish to enhance language proficiency and translation capacity. Unlike most other postgraduate programmes in translation, this programme is unique in reducing theory to a minimum and offering students opportunities to learn to translate through practice. In the training process, students will be able to obtain the necessary translation skills and professional work experience through the courses 'Translation for Professional Practitioners', 'Translation Practicum' and 'Translation Project'. Another feature of this programme is the flexibility of study. Its teaching mode and variety of courses can meet the needs of all types of people and learning styles.

本課程為專業翻譯工作者及有志從事翻譯工作的人士而設,也適合有意提高個人語 言水平及翻譯能力的各界人士修讀。相對於其他翻譯研究生課程,本課程的獨特之處 在於通過翻譯實踐學習翻譯,翻譯理論的學習相對減少。在進修過程中,學生將通過「職場翻譯實務」、「翻譯實踐」、「專題翻譯」等學科,掌握必要的翻譯技巧,取得專業工作所需的實踐經驗。本課程的另一個特點是學習的靈活性,科目選擇和教學模式均能配合各界人士的需求及學習風格。

Mode of Study and Assessment 教學模式與成績評核

All core courses are delivered on a face-to-face basis. Classes are to be held during weekday evenings or weekends. Students will be evaluated by assignments, presentations and/or quizzes.

所有必修科目以面授形式進行,多安排在平日晚上或週末下午上課。 成績評核主要以作業、口頭報告或測驗作準。

Programme Structure and Course Offerings 課程結構及開辦科目 (intake at Autumn 2023 or afterwards) 

Students have to obtain a total of 30 credit units. Full-time students should complete it within one year while part-time students within two years.

學生必須修畢至少 30 學分以取得學位。全日制學生用一年完成整個課程,而兼讀制學生則用兩年完成整個課程。

Autumn Term (9 credit units)
Spring Term (15 credit units)
Course code
 Course title
Medium of instruction
Credit unit
Translation Practicum
Chinese Language Arts for Translators
Advanced Translation
Summer Term (6 credit units)
Course code
 Course title
Medium of instruction
Credit unit
TRAN 8008ABF*Legal Translation in Hong Kong
Selected Topics in Translation for Professionals
Translation Project
Students should choose either the 6-credit-unit course (TRAN 8052ABF) or a combination of two 3-credit-unit courses (i.e., TRAN 8008ABF and TRAN 8038ABF), whose decision should be approved by the Programme Leader.

Advanced Standing/ Exemption/Credit Transfer 學分承認

Advanced standing/exemption/credit transfer opportunities are available. Eligible claimants are required to hold a higher degree at least at the Master's degree level from a recognized institution.


Entry Requirements 入學要求

  1. Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualifications from a recognized institution 由認可學院頒發的學士 ( 本科 ) 或同等學歷 / 資歷
  2. Applicants whose Bachelor's degrees are obtained from an institution where the medium of instruction is not English should fulfill the following minimum English proficiency requirement 若申請人所持學位並非來自以英語為官方教學語言的學術機構,須獲得以下英語資歷:
    • A TOFEL score of 550 (paper-based test), 60 (paper-delivered test), or 79 (internet-based test); or
    • An overall band score of 6.0 in IELTS (Academic); or
    • A College English Text (CET-6) score of the PRC normally not lower than 430;
    • Other equivalent qualifications in English
    • 托福筆試 (PBT) 550 分或網路考試 (iBT) 79 分;或
    • 雅思(學術組)總分 6.0;或
    • 全國大學英語六級考試 (CET-6) 一般不低於 430 分;或
    • 其他同等英語資歷

Application 申請入學

Application is accepted every year from November to July next year, with interviews conducted on a rolling basis. Students are only admitted in September at the programme's commencement. Please check Registry's website ( for the most updated schedule.

每年 11 月至翌年 7 月接受申請,面試以先到先審方式 安排。課程只於每年 9 月學期招收新生。有關最新收生時間表,請參閱教務處網頁(。

Enquiries 查詢

Dr. Kelly Chan 陳家愉博士
Tel. 電話: (852) 2768 5730
Email 電郵: