Dr. TSANG Chi Chung Gary 曾智聰博士

Department of Humanities, Language and Translation Dr. TSANG Chi Chung Gary 曾智聰博士
doctor tsang

Dr. TSANG Chi Chung Gary


BA CUHK, MPhil CUHK, PhD Tsinghua


Dr. Tsang received his B.A. and M.Phil degree in Chinese Language and Literature from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. He then pursued further study and obtained his PhD form Tsinghua University.  He is currently Programme Leader of the Bachelor of Arts, and the Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Chinese Language and Literature (Distance Learning). His research focus is classical Chinese literature, especially in Ci poetry and literary theory.

Teaching Areas & Research Interests

  • Classical Chinese Literature, Classical Chinese Literary Criticism, Ci poetry Studies
Staff Profile on the School’s website: <Here>

Last updated: 7 Oct 2024