Account and Password Management

Information Technology Office Student Services Account and Password Management

About HKMU Account

HKMU student is provided with an account that enables them to access wide variety of computing resources at HKMU.

Student Account

Student Accounts are created according to the student records maintained in the University Student Administrative System where usernames are assigned, and roles are defined. With the account, a student can access a range of IT applications and services. The format of username is lower-case “s” + the first seven digits of your student number          (e.g.  s1234567). You can use one Single Password for all HKMU online services. New student needs to create a new Single Password in order to activate the account. Current student should also change your Single Password regularly.

About Password Management

The password of a Student Account is managed by a Single Password service. It provides one-stop password management for password creation, update and synchronization to Single Password enabled IT Services including MyHKMU, Email, OLE, eLibrary, Desktop Login, Wi-Fi, etc. When a student changes his/her password by Single Password Service, the passwords of the mentioned IT Systems will be updatedsimultaneously.

Strong Password Policies

A student is required to abide by the following Strong Password polices:

  • Single Password must be 8 to 12 of alphanumeric characters, with at least an uppercase letter, a lowercase letter and a number
  • Student should change password regularly. Notification message will be received when the password age approaches 180 days. Your account will be locked when password expired.