You are reminded NOT to open or reply to any suspicious emails. If you have clicked the link/attachment and provided your information, please contact IT Helpdesk via email
You are reminded NOT to open or reply to any suspicious emails. If you have clicked the link/attachment and provided your information, please contact IT Helpdesk via email
You are reminded NOT to open or reply to any suspicious emails. If you have clicked the link/attachment and provided your information, please contact IT Helpdesk via email
You are reminded NOT to open or reply to any suspicious emails. If you have clicked the link/attachment and provided your information, please contact IT Helpdesk via email
You are reminded NOT to open or reply to any suspicious emails. If you have clicked the link/attachment and provided your information, please contact IT Helpdesk via email
You are reminded NOT to open or reply to any suspicious emails. If you have clicked the link/attachment and provided your information, please contact IT Helpdesk via email
You are reminded NOT to open or reply to any suspicious emails. If you have clicked the link/attachment and provided your information, please contact IT Helpdesk via email
請勿開啓或回覆任何可疑郵件,如閣下已回覆任何可疑郵件,請盡快與資訊科技處聯絡itohelp@hkmu.edu.hk。 若最近收到以下疑似網絡釣魚郵件,請立即刪除。 釣魚郵件亦會寄送假裝成教職員(通常為上司或管理層)的郵件。如一旦接收任何回覆,對方將會繼續誘出更多資訊以便作出欺詐行為。如你有任何疑問,請先核對清楚寄件者的電郵地址是否與內聯網中的職員電話簿中脗合,其次可用其它聯絡方法與職員聯絡,例如電話及親身見面。 網絡釣魚郵件:資訊科技網絡安全信息:1. 虛假電郵竊取個人資訊請勿回應或回覆任何可疑郵件,尤其內容需要你輸入帳戶名稱及密碼。大部分網絡釣魚郵件均有以下相同之處:a. 寄件者偽冒資訊科技处通訊帳戶(如資訊科技支援電郵帳戶)b. 要求收件者點擊大學網站以外的超連結c. 要求收件者開啟不明附件(如PDF)d. 要求收件者提供個人資訊(如帳戶名稱及密碼)e. 郵件內的超連結指向不安全網站(如http://非https://)請緊記香港都會大學永不要求任何教職員或學生提供帳戶名稱及密碼,如有疑問,請與資訊科技處聯絡。2. 網絡安全貼士以下為網絡安全小貼士:a. 不要隨意向任何人洩露個人密碼b. 定期轉換密碼c. 匯報任何虛假電郵及電郵騙案d. 請適當貯存USB隨身碟e. 使用可加密的USB隨身碟,以防資料外洩f. 使用郵件加密功能(選取郵件敏感度為”機密”),尤其郵件內提供個人或學生資料d. 使用加密工具將大學的資料加密h. 使用SharePoint儲存資料資訊科技處
This kind of phishing email is sent to you pretending to be from a staff of the OUHK (usually a senior staff or your supervisor). If there is a response,…
You are reminded NOT to open or reply to any suspicious emails. If you have clicked the link/attachment and provided your information, please contact IT Helpdesk via email