Library Service Updates (Oct 2018)

Library About Us Library Publications Library Service Updates Library Service Updates (Oct 2018)

Issue no. 52   (Oct 2018)

Do you know ……?

Any notebook computer for loan from the Library?

The Library is always exploring ways to facilitate your learning.  To provide better support for the collaborative study among students, a pilot run of Student Notebook Computer Loan Service @Stanley Ho Library was launched on 3 September 2018.  To borrow a notebook PC, simply present your student card at the Circulation Counter of the Stanley Ho Library, Main Campus.
Do come and try out the service and let us know what you think about it.
Loan quota for students has been increased!

To provide better support for your study and research, the library loan quota has been increased.  The new loan quota is as below:
Active students taking OUHK undergraduate degree and sub-degree courses: 20
Active students taking OUHK postgraduate courses: 30
Students taking LiPACE eligible programmes: 10

Click here for details.

Online Book Recommendation Service

Do you have any good reads that you would love to share with other Library users and recommend us adding to the Library collection?  To encourage more Library users to recommend books to the Library via the Online Book Recommendation Service, Library has now prepared some souvenirs especially for you.  A souvenir will be presented to you as a token of thanks for using our services at the Library Counter or Information Desk.  First come first served.

Enhancement work at Stanley Ho Library

In order to improve air circulation conditions, new ventilation system has been installed for the study carrels area facing Good Shepherd Street on 2/F of the Stanley Ho Library.  You can now enjoy a more comfortable environment when studying in the Library.

E-Library is upgraded!

The OUHK E-Library has been upgraded this summer.  The upgraded interface provides one-stop search with enhanced features for you to quickly discover and access a wealth of library resources on your PC, smart phones or tablets.  Just type in your keywords in the search box and you can get a variety of resources, including electronic and print books, journal articles, databases, and multimedia materials on your topic. You can easily narrow down your search by using the filter function on the right of the search results.  Let’s try out the upgraded service on the Library Homepage (!

Collection of the Ho Sik Yee Library

“N, PN1992-1999, R, TR”, can you crack the codes?
In fact, they are the call numbers of books on fine arts, cinematography and film production, medicine, and photography, most of which are kept at the Ho Sik Yee Library on 5/F of the Jockey Club Campus. Remember to check the location and status of an item you found on E-Library to make sure you go to the right campus library for it!

Collection of the Ho Sik Yee Library

In the first Library Ambassador training session, our Library Ambassadors shared their views on library services with our Vice President (Administration and Development), Professor Tong Chong Sze, and Librarian, Mr. Owen Tam.

During the summer, we have recruited eleven young and energetic OUHK students as Library Ambassadors to help introduce our services and facilities to new comers in our library orientation.  They will also assist in other library events and activities during the academic year.

Student Library Assistants

Apart from Library Ambassadors, we have also recruited a number of student library assistants to help us in various library activities and projects. When on duty, both Library Ambassadors and Student Library Assistants will wear their work identity badge. Do say hello to them and seek their help if needed!

Our Student Library Assistant at work!

Student’s Corner

Connie was assisting in one of the orientation sessions.

It was my first time having such a valuable opportunity to promote the library services in orientation tours, to further develop my skills and to know more about the library.
Before the work started, we were required to attend two sessions of training, which was a good opportunity for us to familiarize with the library services more so that we could explain them clearly to the freshmen.  Moreover, time management was something I learnt from the orientation tour, which is important for gaining maximum productivity.
Finally, I have learnt how to promote the library facilities and services well and enhanced my skills.”
— Library Ambassador, Connie Ling, Final year student of School of Education and Languages