LSU Issue 75 (Jan 2024)                

Library LSU Issue 75 (Jan 2024)                

Issue No. 75 (January 2024)

At the start of a new term, the Library has an array of new offerings for you, including helpful workshops, useful library guides, new learning resources, new facilities, and much more. We are also glad to share with you our past events and upcoming happenings!

Do come and visit us, make the best use of your library resources and facilities. May the Library be your good partner in reaching new heights for the new year!

Table of Contents

Access to Over 6 Million Volumes of Books & Dissertations

With the unwavering support we have received from the Schools, Offices, and students over the years, we are excited to announce that our Library's collection has expanded to include more than 6.3 million volumes. This encompasses a diverse array of books and dissertations. Importantly, a substantial portion of our collection has transitioned to the digital realm: over 97% of our books and dissertations, 99.8% of our journals, and 92% of our multimedia items are now accessible in electronic format, available 24/7. We cordially invite you to explore and utilize our extensive collections. If you need any assistance, our friendly and knowledgeable Library staff are always on hand to help.

Library Workshops and Database Training

As we bid farewell to 2023 and welcome 2024 with open arms, the Library has prepared a series of orientation workshops for the new term. These workshops are designed to help students, especially new students, quickly understand the rich resources and diversified services of the Library.  You are encouraged to attend if you are new to the Library! In addition, we have prepared a series of themed workshops starting in February. These workshops will cover topics such as generative AI, citing sources to avoid plagiarism, and familiarizing yourself with different databases to facilitate your assignment completion. Furthermore, in order for students to become familiar with different databases, we have invited platform providers to introduce various databases to everyone. Whether you are at home or on campus, students are welcome to join these workshops online or in person. Let's prepare for the New Year and new semester together!

New Library Guide – Generative AI

Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that can produce new content, such as text, images, or other media. It can be a valuable tool for academic work and study, providing a novel way to generate content for tasks like writing essays or creating art. To help you stay up-to-date with this emerging technology, we have curated a new Library Guide on Generative AI. This guide is divided into four sections including: 1) Generative AI Tools for different purposes; 2) Issues of using Generative AI; 3) Citing Generative AI content; and 4) Resources for AI literacy. This guide offers a comprehensive overview of the topic, including the benefits and challenges of using generative AI, as well as best practices for citing and referencing generative AI content. Whether you are a student, researcher, or professional, this guide serves as an excellent resource for anyone interested in delving deeper into the realm of Generative AI.

Library E-resources@Your Fingertips: Discover E-resources through Games and Earn Souvenirs

We are excited to show you how our e-resources can support your studies. From February to March 2024, we have prepared a series of engaging and enjoyable activities to help you familiarize yourself with these e-resources. You will have the opportunity to explore our e-books and databases through simple tasks and games. And, as a token of appreciation, we have prepared souvenirs for participants! Please visit our Library E-resources@Your Fingertips activity website for more details.

Discover New Services and Facilities at the Library!


We are delighted to introduce the Makerspace@Library, conveniently located on Level 2 of the Stanley Ho Library. This cutting-edge space is meticulously designed to foster creativity and collaboration. It provides an engaging environment where you can share ideas, work together on projects, and hone your skills. The Makerspace@Library is equipped with high-performance workstations and advanced 3D printing technology. HKMU students and staff can reserve the equipment through the Library Online Booking System. To learn more about this new library service, please visit the website of Makerspace@Library.

Water dispensers

Need to quench your thirst while studying in the Library? Water dispensers are now available in the two campus libraries, providing hot, warm and cold water.  Simply grab your water bottle and refill it at your convenience! Click here to find out more. 

Stay hydrated! Stay healthy!

New Additions to Our E-resources Collection

We are glad to let you know that the following databases have been recently added to our e-resources collection. Hospitality and Tourism Complete covers scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism, with coverage dating as far back as 1965. Full text is available for more than 490 publications, including periodicals, company and country reports, and books. SciVal is a web-based research performance assessment tool that allows the analysis of data from Scopus, which indexes international peer-reviewed scholarly publications. Users can identify and analyze emerging topics in a research area, track collaboration patterns, analyze research performance and conduct analysis by benchmarking against other similar local and international institutions. UpToDate is an evidence-based clinical decision support database that enables users to quickly and easily access referenced answers to frequently asked clinical questions. It offers peer-reviewed clinical resources curated by expert physicians, diagnostic and management options including information on the efficacy, dosages, and interactions of individual drugs. By using UpToDate, clinicians can enhance their clinical knowledge and deliver better patient care.

New Addition to HKMU Archives: University Publications

The HKMU Archives has recently launched a new online platform for the University Publications. This platform provides users with access to a wide range of publications, including MU Connect, Prospectus, Annual Reports, Facts and Figures from 1990 to 2013, Newsletters from different Schools, Library Service Updates, as well as Programmes of Congregations and Honorary Degrees Ceremonies, Honorary University Fellowship Presentation Ceremonies, and Student Handbooks, etc. The platform greatly facilitates the HKMU community and the general public in exploring the University’s history and obtaining comprehensive information about its development. We encourage researchers, students, faculty members, alumni, and anyone seeking insights into the institution's growth and milestones to visit this platform and utilize these valuable materials.

Celebrating Professor Serena Jin Sheng Hwa's Generous Book Donation

The School of Arts and Social Sciences recently hosted a talk by Emeritus Professor Serena Jin Sheng Hwa from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, focusing on one of her co-translated works. On this special occasion, the Library received 12 of Professor Jin's handpicked works. These include some of her classical works on translation like “橋畔譯談新編”, “因難見巧: 名家翻譯經驗談”, “傅雷與他的世界” and “彩夢世界”. We express our heartfelt gratitude to Professor Jin for her generosity. These valuable additions will undoubtedly enrich the Library Collection and broaden the horizons of our students, especially those studying translation.

Library Activities: a Kaleidoscope of Endless Excitement

During the past semester, the Library, in collaboration with various offices of the University, including the Student Affairs Office and the Development and Alumni Affairs Office, organized a wide range of activities in both campus libraries. These events included the Wellness Fest October in October, the Information Session for Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship (SPSS) in November, the Chinese Chess Fun Day and the “Before I die, I want to…” message wall exhibition in December. To help students unwind during exams, we also held the Comfort Zone and Happy Friday events in December at both campus libraries.

In the upcoming semester, the Library will continue to organize diverse activities. To stay up-to-date with the latest events and activities, please follow us on Instagram (@hkmulib) or regularly visit the Library website.

Graphics design
Chan Ho Ying Daisy
Students of School of Arts and Social Sciences

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