DIY your video@our DIY Studio: Learn, use and get rewarded!

Library DIY your video@our DIY Studio: Learn, use and get rewarded!
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 3

In order to support HKMU Students’ creativity and HKMU Staff teaching, the Library is organizing the following activities at the DIY Studio in this Autumn Term to help users get familiar with the equipment in the studio.

Activity 1
How to DIY my video?
- demonstration sessions


Activity 2
DIY my presentation video now!
- book and use DIY Studio

Details of Activity

Activity 3
Cheers to HKMU Students
with a short video

How to submit my video?

How to DIY my video? - demonstration sessions

We will show you how to use the DIY Studio to make the video of your presentation easily.  All participants will get a souvenir from the Library.

Demonstration Period
12 October – 24 October 2023

Demonstration: 20 minutes demo + 25 minutes free trial

DIY Studio@Ho Sik Yee Library (5/F, Jockey Club Campus)

All sessions will be conducted in Cantonese unless specify

Schedule for Students

To register, please select the session and fill in the online registration form.

DateTimeOnline Registration
12 October 2023 (THU)16:15 - 17:00Register
12 October 2023 (THU)17:15 - 18:00Register
13 October 2023 (FRI)16:15 - 17:00Register
13 October 2023 (FRI)17:15 – 18:00Register
(English Session)
16 October 2023 (MON)10:15 - 11:00Register
16 October 2023 (MON)11:15 - 12:00Register
16 October 2023 (MON)12:15 - 13:00Register
19 October 2023 (THU)16:15 - 17:00Register
19 October 2023 (THU)17:15 - 18:00Register
20 October 2023 (FRI)16:15 - 17:00Register
20 October 2023 (FRI)17:15 – 18:00Register
(English Session)
24 October 2023 (Tue)10:15 - 11:00Register


Schedule for Staff

Please send your request to us at for arrangement.

Demonstration Period
12 October – 24 October 2023

Available Hours
Monday – Friday:  9:30 – 17:30

Advance reservation is needed.


Please email to the Library for arrangement


Email Us

DIY my presentation video now! - book and use DIY Studio

From 16 October to 3 December 2023, users who had reserved the DIY Studio can redeem a multi-charging cable when checking-in at the Service Counter of Ho Sik Yee Library. The cables will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis while stocks last.

Reserve the DIY Studio now

HKMU Students

Booking through the "Online Booking System for Amenities" (OBSA)

Book Now

HKMU Staff

Please contact the Library for booking

Tel.:  3120 2555
(Ho Sik Yee Library Service Counter)


Email Us

Cheers to HKMU Students with a short video

Have a cheering message for your classmates? Create a 30-second video at the DIY Studio to show them!  What’s more, you will receive a USB flash drive as an encouragement.

Activity Period
16 October 2023 – 14 January 2024

All HKMU active students

Steps to join

  1. Use the DIY Studio to create an uplifting video message for fellow HKMU students.
  2. Upload your video to the cloud platform.
  3. Email the download link of your video to the Library.

Subject of the Video
Show Your Support for fellow HKMU Students

For example: 

  • Staying positive, conquering exams 
  • Welcoming freshmen
  • Overcoming obstacles 
  • Embracing U-life journey together

Upon joining this activity, all participants are deemed to have accepted and agreed to be bound by the Terms and Conditions set out by the HKMU Library.

  • Terms and Conditions
  1. Create an inspiring 30-second video with DIY Studio and get a reward! (referred as “Activity” below) is open to all active students of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University. An active student refers to a student who is currently enrolled in a course in Autumn term 2023 (September 2023).
  2. Upon joining this Activity, all participants are deemed to have accepted and agreed to be bound by the terms and conditions set out below.
  3. The video should not contain any material that is obscene, violent, pornographic, defamatory, indecent, disparaging or content that is controversial and inappropriate.
  4. The video must be the original work of the participant and does not infringe upon the rights (including intellectual property rights, rights of privacy or confidentiality) of any other parties. Otherwise, it would be disqualified for the Activity. Participants are responsible for all legal liabilities. Shall an entry violate any laws, the Library will not be held legally responsible. The related participant shall indemnify and keep the Library and its authorised users fully and effectively indemnified against any and all actions, damages, costs, claims, demands, expenses (including the fees and disbursements of lawyers, agents and expert witnesses) and any awards and costs which may be agreed to be paid in settlement of any proceedings and liabilities of any nature arising from or incurred by reason of.
  5. Each participant can submit multiple videos during the activity. However, each participant can only redeem the reward once.
  6. Participants should send the download link of the video to the Library's email ( Successful participants will be notified via their HKMU email for prize collection.
  7. Participants should be responsible for the security and virus issues in relation to submitting and creating the videos. If virus is detected at the submitted video/file, the entry will be disqualified.
  8. All students must collect their prizes within two months upon receiving the email notification from the Library. Unclaimed prizes will be forfeited two months from the date of email notification. The Library reserves the right to re-allocate the prize after the deadline.
  9. No warranty or maintenance service will be provided for the prizes.
  10. All personal information collected in the Activity will be kept confidential and used for the Activity and all the Activity related promotion matters only.
  11. Participants shall understand and agree to grant and assign exclusively to the Library all the intellectual property rights of the video. The Library has the right to display the video content (including the third party materials in the video), title, synopsis and participants' information in any form of media for demonstration, publication, exhibition, promotion or any non-commercial activities, including uploading the videos to the library website and HKMU Student Works Repository. The Library also has the authority to edit, translate, adapt, use, copy, broadcast and distribute, in whole or in part of the entries without any need for prior consent of or payment of fees to the participants.
  12. The Library reserves the right in its sole discretion to disqualify any participants that it deems to be in breach of the above Terms and Conditions. The HKMU Library's decision will be final.
  13. This Terms and Conditions has been translated into Chinese. If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version, the English version shall prevail.
  • 條款及細則
  1. 「用自助影音製作坊創作鼓舞人心的30秒視頻,獲得獎勵!」(以下簡稱“本活動”)開放給香港都會大學所有在學學生參加。在學學生指的是在2023年秋季學期(2023年9月)有報讀香港都會大學課程的學生。
  2. 凡參加本活動的所有參加者均被視為接受並同意受以下條款和細則的約束。
  3. 短片不能含有淫褻、暴力、色情、誹謗、不良意識、侮辱成分或任何具爭議性及不適當之內容。
  4. 短片必須為原創,及不會侵犯任何第三者的任何權利 (包括知識產權、保密權或私隱權)。如有違規,即被取消資格。短片如有抵觸法例,一切法律責任將由參加者承擔,圖書館概不負責。遞交者須就以上情況所引致或招致的任何及全部訴訟、損失、損害賠償、申索、付款要求、開支(包括律師、代理人及專家證人收取的費用及開銷),以及為任何研訊程序及任何性質的法律責任達成和解而可能同意支付的償金及訟費,向圖書館及其授權使用者作出彌償,並完全及有效地使其獲得彌償。
  5. 每名參加者可在活動期間遞交多段短片,唯只能換領禮品一次。
  6. 參加者需把有效的下載連結電郵至圖書館電郵帳戶(。所有合資格的參加者將通過電子郵件帳戶收到領獎通知,並會列明領奬方法。
  7. 參加者必須注意遞交作品及有關製作檔案的保安及病毒問題,如發現檔案存有病毒,將被取消資格。
  8. 所有參加者必須在收到郵件通知的兩個月內領取獎品。無人領取的獎項將從郵件通知日起計兩個月後作廢。圖書館保留在截止日期之後重新分配獎品的權利。
  9. 所有獎品均不會提供保養或維修服務。
  10. 在本活動中收集的所有個人資料將被保密並用於本活動,並且僅與本活動有關的所有宣傳事項。
  11. 參加者必須清楚並同意所遞交的短片,其版權將歸於圖書館所有。圖書館有權將作品的錄像(包括錄像內之第三方之物料)、標題、簡介及參加者資料以任何媒體形式展覽、出版、宣傳或作非牟利用途,包括上載至圖書館網頁及香港都會大學學生作品庫。圖書館亦有權將有關作品作出修改、翻譯、改編、使用、複製、廣播及派發全部或部份內容而毋須取得參加者同意或繳付任何費用。
  12. 圖書館保留自行決定取消其認為違反上述條款和細則的任何參加者的得獎資格。香港都會大學圖書館的決定具備終局性且在所有方面均具備約束力。
  13. 此中文細則及條款為英文版本譯本,如中、英文兩個版本有任何抵觸或不相符之處,應以英文版本為準。