Gifts for the Library Collection

Library Gifts for the Library Collection

Gifts for the Library Collection

Notes to Donor

1.The Hong Kong Metropolitan University Library is grateful to you for your gifts to enrich its Library collection.
2.Acceptance of gifts will be determined on the basis of their suitability to the University's purposes and needs and in accordance with the Library's materials selection policy.  Added copies of materials already in the collection are usually not accepted due to space constraints.
3.Gifts are accepted depending on their good physical conditions and that there is no restriction or obligation placed upon their use.
4.You agree that the Library reserves the right to determine the location, retention or disposal of the gift items accepted to the Library collection.
5.Please deliver the donation items to the Library with a completed Gift Form.
6.Because of resource limitation, the Library would not acknowledge all gifts it receives unless you request an acknowledgement. Thank you for your understanding.
7.If you do not request the return of non-accepted items or cannot be reached with the contact details provided, the Library has sole discretion in the disposition of the non-accepted items.
8.For more information or for donation of items in bulk, please contact the following Sections of the Library before delivering gift items to the HKMU Library.

Collection Analysis & Management Section (For book items)

Phone: 2768-6796

Serials Section (For journals or periodicals)

Phone: 2768-6784
9.Thank you once again for your generosity.