学生事务处X图书馆 "Comfort Zone"

图书馆 学生事务处X图书馆 "Comfort Zone"


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隨住學期接近尾聲,可以想像同學喺面對考試同功課上會有好大壓力😔😔喺呢個充滿壓力嘅時刻,識自我照顧同放鬆真係好重要㗎!有見及此,學生事務處 @hkmusao 會同圖書館📚合作,舉辦「Comfort Zone」幫助同學放鬆:

輔導員同精神健康大使喺圖書館設置咗一個舒適嘅空間名為「Comfort Zone」,讓同學喺呢個充滿壓力嘅時刻😇,在舒服、放鬆的角落為自己「叉叉電」💪💪。「Comfort Zone」提供一個空間畀同學享用各種小吃及花茶🍵、睇吓書、同精神健康大使聊天及放鬆休息!🥰🥰

日期:2024年4月2日-2024年4月30日 (不包括週末及公眾假期)

1. 精神健康大使會在Comfort Zone當值。
2. 使用Comfort Zone的設備及物品時,請遵守房間使用規則。
3. 如對活動内容有查詢,可致電2768 6205聯絡輔導員Bobo或Pak。

As the semester gradually comes to an end😔😔, we understand that you may be feeling overwhelmed with the pressure of completing reports, exams, and tests. However, it is essential to prioritize self-care and relaxation during this stressful time. That's why SAO and the Library📚 have jointly organized “Comfort Zone”🌙 to help you unwind.

To support your mental well-being during this stressful time💪💪, our Mental Health Ambassadors and Counsellors have created a dedicated space called the “Comfort Zone” in the Library.😇 Here, MU students can gather to alleviate mental stress and enjoy various snacks and tea.🍵 You can also borrow books, take a break, and engage in meaningful conversations with our supportive “Mental Health Ambassadors”.🥰🥰

🛎Details of the “Comfort Zone”:
Dates: 2 to 30 April 2024 (excluding weekends and public holidays)
Time: 12:00-18:00
Target audience: HKMU Full-time students
Location: Ho Sik Yee Library Group Study Room 1 (in the Jockey Club Campus)

1. Mental Health Ambassadors (MHA) will be stationed in the comfort zone.
2. Please follow the rules of the “Comfort Zone” when enjoying this cozy area.
3. If you have any inquiries about the activity, please contact the counsellor Bobo or Pak at 2768 6205.