
圖書館 香港都會大學圖書館聊天機器人:小圖


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同大家介紹一下,圖書館嘅新成員小圖!佢係我哋喺圖書館網頁新加入嘅Enquiry Chatbot,我哋希望培訓佢為大家解答各種有關圖書館服務嘅問題。下次大家如果需要查詢圖書館資訊,可以問下小圖,希望佢幫到你!

We are glad to introduce the Library's new member, Libi, to you! Libi is our new Enquiry Chatbot in training, hoping to assist you with Library-related inquiries. You can find Libi on our website. Next time, try asking Libi when you would like to know any Library information and see if he could help you!