打印、影印 新增AliPay及WeChat Pay付款方式

圖書館 打印、影印 新增AliPay及WeChat Pay付款方式

Printing and photocopying have always been among our most popular services. In this new semester, we have upgraded some of our printers and photocopiers, so that in addition to paying with Octopus cards, you can also pay with AliPay and WeChat Pay!

We hope this service enhancement will bring you more convenience.!

圖書館嘅影印及打印服務一直喺我哋熱門服務之一。今個學期,呢項服務更有所提升,部份嘅影印機同打印機,除咗原本嘅八達通,仲可以用AliPay同埋WeChat Pay付款!
