圖書館學生大使證書頒贈儀式                 - Library - Hong Kong Metropolitan University


圖書館 圖書館學生大使證書頒贈儀式                


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Our student trainees have been working at the library for a year now! We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the students for their efforts, and we hope that their experience serving at the library has been beneficial to them.

On 16 July 2024, we held a certificate of appreciation presentation ceremony at the Ho Sik Yee Library, our University Librarian presented certificates of appreciation to each student.


不經不覺,我哋嘅student trainees又為圖書館服務咗一年喇!多謝咁多位同學嘅付出,亦都希望喺圖書館嘅服務經驗能令大家日有所得著。
