Loan Privileges

Library Using the Library Loan Service Loan Privileges

Borrowing Privilege
Students and staff of the University can use the University ID cards or valid Borrower's Tickets issued by HKMU Library to enter the HKMU Library and borrow Library materials. Borrower categories and borrowing privileges are listed below. University ID cards, Library tickets and Tutor cards are not transferable.

Borrowers CategoriesGeneral Collection¹Reserve Materials²
Loan quota4Initial loan periodMaximum loan periodHold quota4Loan QuotaLoan Period³
Academic/administrative staff60903604032
General grade staff303012020
Undergraduates and sub-degree students
(including students taking LiPACE eligible programmes)
(including HKMU graduates and HKMU retirees, visitors, and outsiders)

¹All loaned items are subject to recall. For details, please click here.
²All loaned items, except those in the Reserve Collection, can be renewed anytime until the maximum loan period is reached if they have not been requested by other patrons.
³Loan period may vary with the nature or playing time of the item.
4ILL request and loan quota are counted in your total hold and loan quota.

Circulating materials can be checked out at the Service Counter or the self-checkout machine. Users must use their own University ID cards to check out Library materials. Circulation services will stop 15 minutes before the Library closes.

Library Users can return their loaned items to the Service Counter or the book return box located at the Library entrance. Loan records of the Library materials returned to the book return box will be updated on the next library opening day.  Items with disks, interlibrary loan items, materials from Reserve Collection, in-house use items, and library equipment have to be returned to the Service Counter.

Overdue and Losses
  • Borrowers are responsible for returning their loans on or before the due date. Late return of Library materials is subject to an overdue fine and the amount of which is specified in the Library Regulations.
  • There is a grace period of 3 days on normal loans and recalled loans, i.e. no penalty will be imposed if items are returned within the grace period.  If items are returned after the expiration of the grace period, fines would be calculated from the original due date.
  • For lost or damaged items, borrowers are liable for the cost of replacement plus the shipping and/or processing fees. Any loss or damage to loan item should be reported to the Library Service Counters in person, email to or return the signed hardcopy of “Report Lost/Damaged Library material/Notebook Computer” to Service Counter as soon as discovered.
  • Borrowers can settle their overdue fines or replacement and handling costs for lost item by e-payment (Octopus Card, Visa / MasterCard (aforesaid cards via Apple Pay / Google Pay accepted), Alipay and AlipayHK, WeChat Pay and WeChat Pay HK) in person at two Services Counters or send in a cheque payable to “Hong Kong Metropolitan University”, with your name and HKMU ID number written on the back of the cheque and send to the Library, Hong Kong Metropolitan University, Main Campus, 30 Good Shepherd Street, Ho Man Tin, Kowloon.

All loaned items of the General Collection can be renewed anytime until the maximum loan period is reached. No renewal will be allowed if the item has been requested by another borrower. Borrowers may renew their loans at the Service Counter or online via the Electronic Library under their own borrower records.

Library materials cannot be renewed if:

  • Maximum loan period has been reached OR
  • Items are being reserved by other users OR
  • Your borrowing right is being suspended.

Making hold requests on Library Materials and recalls

  • Materials that can be placed hold via the Electronic Library are General Collection books and their accompanying items (SPM) when all the title’s available copies are checked out or reserved by another user. A hold request has to be made in person for all other reserve materials (except SPM) at the Service Counter.
  • All loaned items are subject to recall. Once an item is recalled, the borrower is required to return the recalled item in 14 days or by the due date, whichever comes earlier.  Borrowers will receive email notices if their borrowed items are recalled.

Library notices
Current Staff/Students can receive the following Library notices timely through their personal HKMU email account. Students can also receive the notifications via the HKMU Student Mobile App.

i. Pre-overdue reminders 

ii. Overdue notices

iii. Book reservation notices

iv. Recall notices

Library newsletter
Current Staff/Students can receive the following Library notices timely through their personal HKMU email account:

i. Library Service Updates (LSU) – the latest issue

ii. Library workshops and other announcements