Unlock New Opportunities with 15 Full-time Higher Diploma Programmes for AY2024–25 at Hong Kong Metropolitan University Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education
香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院 2024-25學年開辦15個全日制高級文憑課程

Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) Media Coverage Press Release Unlock New Opportunities with 15 Full-time Higher Diploma Programmes for AY2024–25 at Hong Kong Metropolitan University Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院 2024-25學年開辦15個全日制高級文憑課程

Hong Kong Metropolitan University Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKMU LiPACE) is offering 15 full-time Higher Diploma programmes, 2 full-time Diploma programmes, and Diploma of Applied Education programme for the AY2024-25. 7 Higher Diploma programmes are included in the “Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/ Sectors” (SSSDP), covering Health Care, Digital Fashion Creation, Civil Engineering, Interior Design, Resort and Theme Park Management, Tourism and Airline Studies, and Tourism and Hospitality, with a total of 560 subsidised places.

In addition to the 7 Higher Diploma programmes subsidised by the SSSDP, there are 6 other Higher Diploma programmes eligible for the Continuing Education Fund (CEF). These include Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy, Criminology, Psychology, Creative Culture and Media Practice, Business Administration Management, and Japanese Studies. 3 Higher Diploma programmes, including Early Childhood Education, Business Administration and Management, and Health and Molecular Testing, are also eligible for scholarships provided by the School.

To enhance the career prospects of its students, those enrolled in Higher Diploma programmes at HKMU LiPACE have the opportunity to intern at various institutions related to their field of study, such as Hong Kong Ocean Park, Menzies CNAC Aviation Services, and InterContinental Hotels Group, among others. Outstanding graduates may even be offered full-time employment opportunities. In terms of further education, the School has signed agreements with local and overseas tertiary institutions, allowing HKMU LiPACE graduates to benefit from credit exemptions or transfers when pursuing related Bachelor’s degree programmes.

Dr. Benjamin CHAN Tak-yuen, Dean of HKMU LiPACE, stated, “Currently, our Higher Diploma, Diploma, and Diploma of Applied Education programmes have over 2,300 students enrolled. The Higher Diploma in Health Care, Business Administration and Management, and Early Childhood Education have been particularly popular in recent years. HKMU LiPACE students are well-equipped with practical knowledge during their studies, making them highly favoured by employers in Hong Kong.”

Ivan Kan Shing-Hang, year 2 student of the “Higher Diploma in Health and Molecular Testing”, is currently interning at BGI Genomics, arranged by the School. The programme offers him numerous practicing opportunities, and he hopes to obtain a license to become a laboratory technician in the future.

Daisy Chan Hiu-Lam, a recent graduate of the “Higher Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management,” will be continuing her studies with a Bachelor of Science in Hotel Management at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. During her studies, she interned at a five-star hotel through an arrangement by the School. Impressed by her performance, the employer hired her as a part-time staff member and has promised to offer her a full-time position upon graduation.

Chloe Leung Hiu-Tung, year 2 student of the “Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy,” plans to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Pet Care and Grooming at Tajen University in Taiwan, a partner institution of HKMU LiPACE. She hopes to apply her knowledge in the future by opening a pet grooming shop.

From now until 31 July, students or graduates of the Foundation Diploma and Diploma of Applied Education programmes, as well as current HKDSE candidates, can apply online or on-site for the HKMU LiPACE Higher Diploma and Diploma programmes and application fee will be waived.

Overview of LiPACE’s SSSDP Higher Diploma Programmes:

  1. Higher Diploma in Health Care
  • Largest SSSDP subsidised Higher Diploma programme in health care
  • Work-integrated learning not less than 100 hours
  • 70% of 2023 graduates continued their studies in local nursing degree programmes/
  • accredited nurse training courses; 19% pursued health-related bachelor’s degree programmes
  • Annual tuition fee HKD 31,560 after deducting the SSSDP subsidy
  1. Higher Diploma in Resort and Theme Park Management
  • Hong Kong Ocean Park as the teaching partner
  • Work-integrated learning not less than 400 hours
  • Leads to full-time employment for students who excelled in the internship
  • Annual tuition fee HKD 41,990 after deducting the SSSDP subsidy
  1. Higher Diploma in Digital Fashion Creation
  • Clothing Industry Training Authority as the teaching partner
  • Work-integrated learning not less than 45 hours
  • Focuses on the application of digital technology in fashion design and product development
  • Participation in major fashion events and exhibitions in Hong Kong to stay close to the industry development
  • Annual tuition fee HKD 25,010 after deducting the SSSDP subsidy
  1. Higher Diploma in Interior Design
  • Students have the opportunity to apply for student membership with the Hong Kong Interior Design Association
  • Work-integrated learning not less than 90 hours
  • Annual tuition fee HKD 25,010 after deducting the SSSDP subsidy
  1. Higher Diploma in Engineering (Civil Engineering)
  • Work-integrated learning not less than 100 hours
  • The emphasis of Higher Diploma in Engineering (Civil Engineering) has been put on both technical and managerial aspects of built environment construction
  • Annual tuition fee HKD 29,410 after deducting the SSSDP subsidy
  1. Higher Diploma in Tourism and Airline Studies
  • Menzies CNAC Aviation Services as the teaching partner
  • Work-integrated learning not less than 400 hours
  • Leads to full-time employment opportunities with Menzies CNAC Aviation Services and Hong Kong Airport Services Ltd. for students with proactive attitude and good internship performance
  • Annual tuition fee HKD 41,990 after deducting the SSSDP subsidy
  1. Higher Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Studies
  • InterContinental Hotels Group as the teaching partner
  • Work-integrated learning not less than 400 hours
  • Leads to full-time employment opportunities with InterContinental Hotels Group for students with good internship performance
  • Annual tuition fee HKD 41,990 after deducting the SSSDP subsidy

Introduction to Other Key Higher Diploma Programmes:

Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy

HKMU LiPACE is a pioneer in pet care programme among the tertiary education providers in Hong Kong. This comprehensive programme encompasses professional knowledge and techniques in 2 main areas of pet care, namely pet care and grooming and animal assisted therapy. Outstanding students of the current academic year are granted exclusive access to the CityU Veterinary Medical Centre’s Volunteer and Shadowing Programme. This unparalleled opportunity enables them to closely observe and learn from seasoned veterinary professionals, enriching their academic journey with valuable practical experiences.  

Upon successful completion of the programme, graduates will possess the necessary skills to pursue rewarding careers in pet grooming, pet product marketing, animal behavior correction, and veterinary assistance. Furthermore, graduates can further their study by enrolling in overseas programmes such as Bachelor of Science in Pet Care and Grooming at the Tajen University in Taiwan, Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) in Psychology of Human and Animal Behavior (Year 2) at the University of Salford in the United Kingdom, or continue their studies with HKMU's Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology or Bachelor of Social Sciences in Applied Social Studies, entering at Year 3.

Higher Diploma in Health and Molecular Testing

The curriculum of Higher Diploma in Health and Molecular Testing was developed in accordance with the “Hong Kong Blueprint for Innovation and Technology Development” announced by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government at the end of 2022. HKMU LiPACE collaborates with renowned testing and certification companies such as BGI Genomics, Grant Technology, Intertek Testing Services HK Ltd., and SGS Hong Kong to provide each student with a minimum of 100 hours of work-integrated learning.

Graduates of the programme not only can pursue careers in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology and diagnostic products industries, but can also work in diagnostic, testing, and certification laboratories, universities, and research institutions. They can pursue relevant degree programmes in local universities, such as bioscience, testing and certification, and natural sciences. For example, they can articulate to the biomedical science programme at Queensland University of Technology in Australia or the Bachelor of Biotechnology programme at Clark University in the United States, with the possibility of credit exemptions or transfers.

Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education

HKMU LiPACE pioneers the establishment of the first kindergarten mock-up classroom and ECE STEAM room in Hong Kong. The curriculum comprehensively encompasses child development, educational theories, early childhood STEAM education, parent education, and educational practices. Students also enjoy unique volunteer service opportunities provided by kindergarten and early childhood education institutions across Hong Kong.

HKMU LiPACE has signed an agreement with Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, to allow its graduates to pursue a one-year bridging programme. Those who successfully complete the programme and pass the relevant teaching qualification examination are eligible to apply for teaching positions in mainland China. Furthermore, graduates are qualified to become registered teachers under the Hong Kong Education Bureau and registered childcare workers or childcare centre supervisors under the Social Welfare Department.

Higher Diploma in Digital Fashion Creation

The programme offers practical training such as fashion technology, design thinking, visual communication, and IT and digital design literacy. To provide students with workplace exposure, HKMU LiPACE proactively engages students in prestigious fashion events and international competitions and regularly invites industry professionals including designers, entrepreneurs, and fashion innovators to share their valuable experiences.


香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院(都大 LiPACE)於2024-25學年開辦15個全日制高級文憑、2個全日制文憑應用教育文憑課程。當中有7個高級文憑課程獲納入「指定專業/界別課程資助計劃」(SSSDP),包括醫療護理、數碼時裝設計、工程學(土木工程)、室內設計、度假區及主題樂園管理、旅遊及航空業以及旅遊及款待業,合共560個資助學額。除了以上 7個高級文憑課程獲SSSDP資助,另有6個高級文憑課程可申請持續進修基金,包括寵物護養及動物輔助治療、犯罪學、心理學、創意文化及媒體實務、工商管理及日本研究。亦有3個高級文憑課程,包括幼兒教育、工商管理、健康及分子檢測,亦可申請學院提供之獎學金。

就讀都大LiPACE高級文憑課程的學生均有機會按修讀學科到不同機構實習,如香港海洋公園、中航明捷、洲際酒店集團等。表現優異的畢業生,更有機會獲聘為全職員工。 升學方面,學院與多間本地及海外專上院校簽訂了協議,畢業生升讀相關學士學位課程可獲豁免或轉移部分學分。

都大 LiPACE院長曾德源博士表示:「目前,本院的高級文憑、文憑及應用教育文憑課程共有逾2,300名學生。醫療護理、工商管理及幼兒教育高級文憑都是近年大熱課程。都大LiPACE學生於求學時期已裝備了不少實戰知識,深受香港僱主喜愛。」




都大 LiPACE「指定專業/界別課程資助計劃」(SSSDP高級文憑課程簡介

  1. 醫療護理高級文憑
  • SSSDP中最具規模的醫療護理副學位課程
  • 實習時數不少於100小時
  • 2023年畢業生中,有70% 升讀本地護理學學士/認可護士訓練課程;19% 升讀健康相關學士課程
  • 扣減SSSDP資助後,每年學費為港幣31,560元
  1. 度假區及主題樂園管理高級文憑
  • 香港海洋公園為課程教學伙伴
  • 實習時數不少於400小時
  • 實習表現優異的畢業生有機會獲香港主題樂園或其他相關度假區聘請為全職員工
  • 扣減SSSDP資助後,每年學費為港幣41,990元
  1. 數碼時裝設計高級文憑
  • 製衣業訓練局為課程教學伙伴
  • 實習時數不少於45小時
  • 針對時裝行業數碼化的發展方向,應用數碼技術於時裝設計
  • 參與香港時裝設計界盛事及展覽,全面掌握行業脈搏
  • 扣減SSSDP資助後,每年學費為港幣25,010元
  1. 室內設計高級文憑
  1. 工程學高級文憑 (土木工程)
  • 實習時數不少於100小時
  • 課程內容涵蓋土木/ 建築工程的技術及管理知識,培育學員於工程界的專業工作能力
  • 扣減SSSDP資助後,每年學費為港幣29,410元
  1. 旅遊及航空業高級文憑
  • 中航明捷為課程教學伙伴
  • 實習時數不少於400小時
  • 學習態度積極及實習表現良好的同學可獲得中航明捷或香港機場服務有限公司所提供的工作機會
  • 扣減SSSDP資助後,每年學費為港幣41,990元
  1. 旅遊及款待業高級文憑
  • 洲際酒店集團為課程教學伙伴
  • 實習時數不少於400小時
  • 實習表現卓越的畢業生將有機會獲洲際酒店集團聘請成為全職員工
  • 扣減SSSDP資助後,每年學費為港幣41,990元



都大LiPACE是本港首間推出寵物護養及動物輔助治療課程的大專院校。此課程涵蓋了寵物護理及動物輔助治療兩大專業知識及技能,本年度學生被選中參與城大動物醫療中心義工及影子計劃 (Volunteer and Shadowing Programme),可以近距離觀察專業獸醫工作,豐富學習體驗。畢業生可投身寵物美容和寵物相關行業(例如寵物產品營銷、動物行為矯正等),或擔任獸醫助理。畢業生亦可選擇報讀台灣大仁科技大學寵物照護暨美容學士學位、英國University of Salford 的 BSc (Hons) Psychology of Human and Animal Behavior 二年級、都會大學心理學榮譽社會科學學士或應用社會研究榮譽社會科學學士三年級。


課程配合香港特區政府2022年底公布的《香港創新科技發展藍圖》而開辦。都大LiPACE與BGI (華大基因)、Grant Technology、Intertek Testing Services HK Ltd.及SGS Hong Kong等知名檢測及認證公司合作,為學生提供最少100小時的實習時數,畢業生可投身製藥業、生物及診斷產品業、醫療集團外,亦能於診斷、檢測和認證實驗室、大學及研究機構工作。另可選擇升讀本地大學生物科學、檢測認證、自然科學等相關學位課程,如銜接升讀澳洲昆士蘭科技大學生物醫學及美國克拉克大學生物技術學士學位課程,更可豁免或轉移部分學分。



