申請報讀手續及須知 Application Procedure and Notes
- 申請報讀人士必須為香港永久性居民;或為合法居港人士及持有有效可在港接受教育培訓證明文件。
Applicants must be permanent residents of Hong Kong; or have the right of residence and permission of receiving education in Hong Kong.
- 除特別說明外,本院大部份課程不設特定入學要求,歡迎有志人士報讀。惟本院會採取「寬進嚴出」的政策,確保課程的質素。
The majority of programmes offered by LiPACE (except those with specified entry requirements) are open to everyone. Applicants should note, however, that the School maintains strict exit standards.
- 本院課程通常只收取一項總費用,但部份兼讀制專業課程、海外學位課程及所有全日制課程,申請人須繳交報名費港幣$300[本地生] / 港幣$515[非本地生] (以每份申請表計算)。除因本院取消課程,已繳費用概不退還,亦不得轉授。詳情會在該課程資料中列出。
Generally a single consolidated fee will be applied to each course. For some part-time professional programmes, overseas degree programmes and all full-time programmes, applicants are required to pay an application fee of HK$300 (for local students) / HK$515 (for non-local students) which is non-refundable and non-transferable unless the programme chosen is subsequently cancelled. This will be clearly stated in the programme brochures.
- 報讀本院兼讀制專業課程、兼讀制海外學位課程(全日制課程及相關之兼讀制課程除外)
To apply for LiPACE’s part-time professional programmes, part-time Overseas Degree Programmes (except for part-time mode of the same full-time programme(s))
- 郵遞或親臨本院遞交以下文件及學費:
Please submit the following documents by post or in person:
- 課程「報名表」(載於《課程概覽》及本院網站);
A completed Enrollment Form (available in the prospectus and on our website);
- 所需學歷證明文件(只適用於設有入學要求的課程)及身分證副本; 及
A set of photocopies of relevant documents
(for programmes that have admission requirements only)
and copy of HKID card; &
- 學費 (可使用「易辦事」、信用卡、銀聯卡或支票繳交)。
Tuition fee (EPS, credit card, UnionPay or cheque will be accepted).
- 網上報名:部份課程可利用網上平台報讀,網址為 www.hkmu.edu.hk/lipace。
Please visit www.hkmu.edu.hk/lipace for online enrollment.學費可於網上平台使用「繳費靈網上服務」、信用卡或銀聯卡繳交。
Applicants can pay the tuition fee by online PPS, Credit Card or UnionPay.本院會就已收取的學費向報名人士發出收據,並會於開課前通知取錄結果。
Applicants will receive an official receipt for their tuition fee payment and will be notified of their enrollment results before course commencement.
- 報讀本院全日制課程及相關之兼讀制課程(毅進文憑課程除外)
To apply for LiPACE’s full-time programmes, part-time mode of the same full-time programme(s) (except Diploma Yi Jin)
On-line Application
可透過本院網上申請系統以Visa/ 萬事達/ 銀聯信用卡/ 支付寶/ 微信支付或網上繳費靈繳交。
Applicants can pay the application fee Applicants can pay the application fee by Visa, MasterCard, UnionPay, Alipay, WeChat Pay or online PPS through the School's online application platform.https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/lipace/pt/
Applicants will be invited to attend an admission interview.
Successful applicants will receive notification of admission.
- 兼讀制專業課程上課時間表可於開課前一星期在網頁下載。
Updated class timetable information of part-time professional programmes can be downloaded one week before commencement.
- 如因所報讀課程/科目額滿或取消,申請人將獲另函通知,安排轉班/延期/退款。
Applicants will be informed in writing for transfer/deferral/refund if the programme/course applied for is already over-subscribed or cancelled.
- 凡未辦妥入學手續或未繳清所需費用的申請人,概不被承認為註冊學員。
No applicant will be deemed to be an enrolled student of the School until such time as his/her application has been processed by the School and full payment of fees has been cleared at the Bank.
- 除非特別註明,所有入學申請均以先到先得的方法辦理。
All course enrollment applications will be dealt with on a first-come-first-served basis unless otherwise specified.
- 本院保留按需要更改原定課程/科目細則(如上課時間、地點、任教導師、學費等)的權利,如報名人數不足,本院有權取消課程/科目。然而,本院會盡量減低對學員的影響,並會盡快通知受影響的學員。
The School reserves the right to make any alterations about the programme/course that are considered to be necessary without prior notice (e.g. changes in teaching venues, time, instructors or tuition fee, etc.). The School also reserves the right to cancel a programme/course if there is insufficient number of enrollment. In any case, the School will make every effort to minimize the inconvenience caused and will notify all affected students of any such changes as early as possible.
- 本院在必要時,會以短訊或電郵發出學院通知。學員請於報名表上填上手提電話及電郵地址。
The School may send SMS message or email for urgent notice. Students should fill in their mobile number and email address on the enrollment form.
豁免科目申請 Application for Exemptions
- 學員如曾於其他認可院校修畢在內容、時數及水平上與課程個別科目相類同之課程,或已通過相關專業試,可申請豁免修讀課程之相
(a) 兼讀制專業課程:資歷學分的百分之五十
(b) 全日制課程及相關之兼讀制課程:學院學分的百分之五十
(c) 若課程未有資歷學分及學院學分:百分之五十科目
Some of our programmes allow exemptions to students who have completed study of comparable coverage, duration and standard at a recognized tertiary institution or through a professional examination. Application for exemption must be submitted with supporting evidence (e.g. copies of certificate of academic or professional qualification) within 2 weeks after course commencement. Late applications made after course commencement will not be accepted. In any case, the maximum exemption allowed cannot exceed the following:
(a) For part-time professional programmes: 50% of QF credits.
(b) For full-time programmes and part-time mode of the same full-time programmes: 50% of LiPACE credits.
(c) When QF and LiPACE credits are not available: 50% of the courses.
Remarks : Individual programme(s) may allow less than 50% of exemptions.
- 申請人必須填妥「課程事項申請表」,就每科豁免申請繳交相關行政費用。申請成功與否,所繳費用,概不發還。有關申請表格可在本院索取或於本院網頁下載。如欲提出申請,可先與有關課程主任商討。
Applicants are required to fill in the “Course Issues Application Form” which is available from the School office or website. Relevant administrative fees will be charged for each individual course exemption. This fee is non-refundable regardless of whether the application is approved or not. You are advised to consult the responsible Programme Leader before applying for exemption.
付款辦法 Payment Methods
- 報讀人士可選擇以支票、「易辦事」、信用卡、支付寶、微信支付或銀聯卡繳交所有費用。如以支票付款,請於支票背面寫上姓名、身分證號碼及課程編號,抬頭請寫「香港都會大學」。本院並不接受期票。如申請人選擇以「易辦事」、信用卡、支付寶、微信支付或銀聯卡繳費,可利用本院網上平台或親臨本院辦理手續。此外,申請人也可利用「繳費靈網上服務」交費。
You can pay by cheque, EPS, credit card, Alipay, WeChat Pay or UnionPay. For cheque payment, please prepare a cheque made payable to “Hong Kong Metropolitan University” and send it to our School with your completed Enrollment Form. Please ensure that you write clearly your name, HKID number and course code on the back of the cheque. Please note that POSTDATED CHEQUES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. For EPS, credit card, Alipay, WeChat Pay or UnionPay payment, please make use of our online enrollment platform or come to our School with your Enrollment Form. In addition, online PPS is also available for payment.
- 由 2021年 4月 1日起至聯營信用卡新計劃正式推出這段過渡期內,合資格都大學生可以中銀(香港)銀聯信用卡主卡持卡人之身份申請「免息分期付款計劃」(「 IFTI 計劃」) 以支付學費 [有關申請受指定條款約束]。合資格都大學生如欲於過渡期內享用中銀(香港)提供的「免息分期付款計劃」,而尚未持有中銀(香港)銀聯信用卡,可以透過中銀(香港)網站https://www.bochk.com/tc/creditcard/details.html申請,並直接與中銀(香港)聯繫或進行任何相關查詢。Starting from 1 April 2021 till the official launch of the new affinity card, eligible HKMU students who are existing principal cardholders of any BOC(HK) UnionPay credit cards can apply for the “Interest-free Tuition Installment Plan” (“IFTI Plan”), subject to specified terms and conditions, to facilitate their tuition payment. For any eligible HKMU student who would like to enjoy BOC(HK)’s offer of the IFTI Plan during the transition period but has not yet got a BOC(HK) UnionPay credit card, please visit BOC(HK) website at https://www.bochk.com/en/creditcard/details.html to apply for the credit card and contact BOC(HK) directly for any related enquiries.
- 除非課程資料特別註明,所有費用必須在申請報讀課程時全部付清。
Tuition fee must be paid in full at the time of application, unless otherwise specified in the particular course description.
- 除報名不獲接納或課程/科目被取消的情況外,已繳學費,恕不退還。在特殊情況下,本院院長有權豁免此條款及考慮退還部分學費,但申請人於申請退款時必須繳付相關的行政費用。
Except for unsuccessful applications and programme/course cancellation, tuition fees paid are not refundable. The Dean of the School reserves the right to waive this condition and consider partial refund under extreme circumstances. However, relevant administrative fees will be charged upon application for refund.
學生證明 Student Identification
- 除短期課程及個別單科外,報讀本院課程(包括兼讀制專業課程、海外學位、全日制課程、長者學苑及自在人生自學計劃)的人士將獲發本院學生證作身份識別之用。
Except for those on short courses and individual subjects, students (including students of part-time professional programmes, overseas degree, full-time programmes, Elder Academy and Capacity Building Mileage Programme) will be issued with the School student card for identification purpose.
- 學員必須保留本院所發出的正式收據及學生證,在開課、領取課程資料及進入上課地點時,本院有權要求學員出示收據及學生證以供
Students are requested to use their official receipts and student card as a means of student identification, particularly for class commencement, course materials distribution and access to class venues.
圖書館服務 Library Service
- 本院全日制文憑、副學士、高級文憑及海外學位課程的學生可進入香港都會大學圖書館借閱圖書,並在館內使用電子資料庫。
Students of LiPACE full-time Diploma, Associate Degree, Higher Diploma and overseas degree programmes are provided with access to the HKMU Library for borrowing books and using online databases (in the Library only).
學歷證書及成績 Programme Award and Transcript
- 除非特別註明,本院課程一般不設銜接香港都會大學的學位課程的安排。
Generally our programmes have no articulation to any of the credit-bearing courses of the HKMU undergraduate programmes unless otherwise specified.
- 除非課程另有說明指定要求,學員修讀本院課程,出席率不少於百分之七十者(兼讀制專業課程或全日制課程之相關兼讀制課程)或八十者(全日制課程),一般可申請「聽講證書」(需繳付相關行政費用)。
Unless otherwise specified, generally students who have attended at least 70% (part-time professional programmes or part-time mode of the relevant full-time programmes) or 80% (full-time programmes) of classes can apply for a Certificate of Attendance with an administrative fee at the prevailing rate.
- 若課程設有考核,本院會按規定向考核及格的學員頒發課程證書或文憑,而學員的成績紀錄會被保留四年。
For those programmes where there are assessment requirements, relevant Certificates or Diplomas will be awarded to those students who satisfactorily meet the requirements. All academic results will be kept for 4 years.
- 修讀海外學位課程的學員只會由該海外大學頒授有關學位,本院不會額外頒發任何學歷證書或學位。
Students of overseas degree programmes will be awarded the relevant degree from the overseas universities. There will be no additional awards granted by the School.
- 學員如欲申請成績覆核,請於獲發成績後2星期內(兼讀制專業課程)或7天內(全日制課程及全日制課程之相關兼讀制課程)填妥「課程事項申請表」以書面提出,並同時繳付相關行政費用。覆核要求將交由本院課程管理委員會審議,結果將於一個月內以書面通知申請人。行政費用將會退還予成績覆核成功之申請。
Application for results appeal must be submitted using the “Course Issues Application Form” with an administrative fee at the prevailing rate within 2 weeks (part-time professional programmes) or within 7 days (full-time programmes and part-time mode of the relevant fulltime programmes) of the announcement of results. Requests will be submitted to the School’s Programme Management Committee to determine the results and students will be notified within one month of the date of application. The fee is refundable for successful cases of appeal in the circumstances that a more favorable course result is awarded.
- 學科成績一般在考試後8-12星期上載至「學生入門網站」。鑒於質素保證要求,成績需經課程管理委員會通過,學員請耐心等候。
Course results will be uploaded on the student portal normally within 8-12 weeks after examination. For the purpose of quality assurance, the assessment results are subject to the moderation and approval of the Programme Management Committee.
- 畢業學員若重複修讀已獲頒授證書/文憑之同一課程,本院不會再就同一課程頒授課程證書/文憑,但學員在修畢該課程後可獲發更新的成績表,該成績表將詳列課程內所有曾修讀的科目。
If a graduate of a programme repeats the same programme, the School will not issue the programme award again. However, an updated transcript, listing out all previously studied courses in the programme, will be issued after the successful completion of the whole programme.
行政費用 Administration Charges
- 為收回處理學員申請的行政成本,本院會按有關申請事項收取以下費用,費用須於申請時連同「課程事項申請表」繳交,申請成功與否,將不獲發還。詳情請瀏覽課程事項申請表* 申請必須於繳付有關行政費用後方獲受理。所繳付的行政費用,無論申請成功與否概不退還。Due to the administrative costs in handling the requests below, a non-refundable administrative fee will be charged and payable at the time of submission of the “Course Issues Application Form”.For details, please refer to the “Course Issues Application Form“* Your application will only be processed after the administration fee is settled (which is non-refundable regardless of whether your application is approved or not).
質素監控 Quality Assurance
- 作為一間負責任的教育機構,本院設有嚴謹的質素保證機制,確保課程質素及運作能持續改進。詳情請參閱本院網頁。
Being a responsible education provider, the School has a rigorous Quality Assurance mechanism in place to ensure programme quality and continuous improvement. Details are available on the
School’s website.
- 香港政府於2008年5月5日正式推出資歷架構,以整理主流教育、職業培訓和持續進修三方面的資歷。資歷架構共分為七個資歷等級,訂明各項資歷持有人應該擁有的能力,並清晰界定各級別資歷的質素、標準和銜接,方便學員訂定進修目標。課程經過質素保證機制 審核後,方可獲得資歷架構認可。本院大部份證書和文憑課程已經納入資歷架構內,其餘正分批進行,而已納入資歷架構的課程的資歷級別及編號會在課程網頁標示。詳情請瀏覽學院網頁,或參閱資歷架構網頁www.hkqr.gov.hk。Launched by the Government on 5 May 2008, the Qualifications Framework (QF) is a 7-level hierarchy designed to order and support qualifications of academic, vocational and continuing education. QF sets out the competences that qualification holders should possess and aims to clearly define the standards of different qualifications, ensure their quality and indicate the articulation ladders between different levels of qualifications. Education providers can apply for registering their programmes under the QF subject to a quality assurance assessment. At LiPACE, majority of the certificate/diploma programmes have been registered under the QF. More works are underway. Those QF registered programmes will have the QF Level and Registration Number displayed on the programme webpage. For details, please visit the School’s website, or visit the website of QF: www.hk.qr.gov.hk.
學費分期付款 Tuition Fees Payment by Installment
由 2021年 4月 1日起至聯營信用卡新計劃正式推出這段過渡期內,合資格都大學生可以中銀(香港)銀聯信用卡主卡持卡人之身份申請「免息分期付款計劃」(「 IFTI 計劃」) 以支付學費 [有關申請受指定條款約束]。合資格都大學生如欲於過渡期內享用中銀(香港)提供的「免息分期付款計劃」,而尚未持有中銀(香港)銀聯信用卡,可以透過中銀(香港)網站 https://www.bochk.com/tc/creditcard/details.html申請,並直接與中銀(香港)聯繫或進行任何相關查詢。
Starting from 1 April 2021 till the official launch of the new affinity card, eligible HKMU students who are existing principal cardholders of any BOC(HK) UnionPay credit cards can apply for the “Interest-free Tuition Installment Plan” (“IFTI Plan”), subject to specified terms and conditions, to facilitate their tuition payment. For any eligible HKMU student who would like to enjoy BOC(HK)’s offer of the IFTI Plan during the transition period but has not yet got a BOC(HK) UnionPay credit card, please visit BOC(HK) website at https://www.bochk.com/en/creditcard/details.html to apply for the credit card and contact BOC(HK) directly for any related enquiries.
《個人資料(私隱)條例》公告—使用個人資料 Personal Data (Privacy) Notice – Use of Personal Data
Click here for details
出版資料免責聲明 Disclaimer of Responsibility of Published Information
- 資料以截至出版日期為依據。
This information on the LiPACE webpage was correct as at the date of last update.
- 本院保留更改課程報讀方法,學費,內容及規例的權利。如有改動,恕不另行通告。學生應留意本院正式通知或透過其他途徑(例如網頁)發佈的最新資料的改動。
The School reserves the right to alter procedures, fees, programme contents and regulations should the need arise. Students should carefully read all official correspondence and other sources of information (such as the website) to be aware of changes to the information contained in the Prospectus.
- 本院已力求出版資料及時和準確,惟本院恕不擔保其準確性,或通過電子途徑時能恰當地傳送及顯示。
While every effort is made to ensure the timeliness and accuracy of information, no express or implied warranty is given by the School as to the accuracy of the information published, or the proper transmission or display of the information on the intended receivers through electronic means.
- 本院恕不就因使用本院網頁及聯結網頁的資料而導致的損失負上任何法律責任,亦不就網頁或網站連結出現的內容失誤負責。
The School does not accept any responsibilities for any loss or damage arising from any cause of use in connection with its websites. It is also not liable for any malcontent of weblinks and webpages on the LiPACE websites.