Organizers and Partners

Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) AIUTA Asia International Conference 2025 Organizers and Partners

1 Apr – 2 Apr 2025
1 Apr : Conference
2 Apr : Field Visit

Hong Kong SAR, China

Lam Kin Chung Lecture Theatre,
11/F, Tower 2, Kowloon Commerce Centre, 51-53 Kwai Cheong Road, Kwai Chung, N.T

English. Some topics will be presented in Putonghua with simultaneous translation to both languages available during the conference.


Hong Kong Metropolitan University Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education

The Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) is one of the seven constituent schools of Hong Kong Metropolitan University. Originally established in 1992 as the Centre for Continuing and Community Education (CCCE) and renamed as LiPACE in 2000, it has carried out its original mission of serving the broadest range of learners in HK. LiPACE is now an established Vocational Professional Education and Training (VPET) provider of full-time post-secondary education and part-time professional and continuing education as well as corporate training. At the same time, it advances non-formal learning through its two flagship programmes for women and senior learners, the Capacity Building Mileage Programme (CBMP) and the Elderly Academy at Hong Kong Metropolitan University (EAMU).



Elderly Academy at Hong Kong Metropolitan University (EAMU)

The EAMU was established in 2009 with the support of the Labour and Welfare Bureau and the Elderly Commission. It was founded in response to the HKSAR Government’s policy direction of enhancing the quality of life for the elderly, providing them with opportunities for continuous learning, and promoting the spirit of active aging. The EAMU currently offers short-term courses specifically designed to meet the needs of the elderly under the “Active Elderly Learning Program,” university auditing courses, and the Enriched ICT Training Programme funded by the Digital Policy Office. Each year, the EAMU receives over 2,000 enrolments.



International Association of Universities of the Third Age

International Association of Universities of the Third Age (AIUTA) brings together the universities of the third age from all the continents. For four decades AIUTA has been defending elderly people's cause through life-long education by means of university exchanges and, above all, innovations in the fields of education and scientific research in order for everyone to find their place in society.

