FHDECE Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education

Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) Higher Diploma / Diploma Programmes FHDECE Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education
International Articulations and Career
Class Photo
Mini-Education Carnival (MEC)
Kindergarten Mock-up Room

Mode of Study

Full-time (FHDECE)

Medium of Instruction

  • Bilingual teaching, i.e. taught in English and Cantonese as deemed appropriate (except for English and Putonghua language courses).

  • Teaching notes and assessments* are provided in bilingual (except reference materials with English or Chinese version only).

*Note: Students will be required to choose using either English or Chinese as the language to answer examination questions and to complete continuous assignments at the beginning of the programme (except for English and Putonghua language courses).


2 years full-time


[Local Students]
Full-Time : HK$133,800
(Paid in 4 equal installments, HK$33,450 each semester)


Continuing Education Fund

This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund


[ Consent for CEF Course Participant upon Enrolment]



Graduation Progression 2021-2023

72% Further Study in ECE related Degree Programmes

21% Work in Education Field

7% Other

  • Worldwide recognized academic qualifications, LiPACE graduates meet the requirements for further study in Hong Kong, Mainland China, UK, Canada, Finland and Japan #.

  • Possess the first kindergarten mock-up classroom and ECE STEAM room in Hong Kong.

  • Unique volunteer service opportunities provided by kindergartens and early childhood education institutions.

  • Organizing the only parent-child carnival in Hong Kong organized by pre-service teachers in early childhood education.

  • The course content is comprehensive, including teaching workshops, teaching props design, volunteer services, visits to early childhood education institutions, understanding community resources, lectures by ECE experts, overseas exchanges, etc.

#  Relevant requirements must be met


Programme Information
Entry Requirement
Programme Structure
Professional Recognition
Articulation Pathways
Career Prospects
Graduate Destinations
Professional Development
Overseas Exchange Tours
Serving the Community
Mini-Education Carnival
Professionals Pass the Torch and Wisdom to Students
Message from Employers
Media Coverage
Graduates' Sharing