FHDTAS Higher Diploma in Tourism and Airline Studies

Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) Higher Diploma / Diploma Programmes FHDTAS Higher Diploma in Tourism and Airline Studies
Flying high. Programme for a career
in flight services
Mock-up Cabin Room
Class Photo
Selected for the “Study Subsidy Scheme For Designated Professions/ Sectors (SSSDP)”

Mode of Study


Medium of Instruction

Except for Chinese language courses, lectures will be conducted in English (supplemented with Chinese as appropriate) and teaching notes and course assessments are in English.


2 Years Full-time

Supported by




2025-2026 Intake
[Local Students]


  Tuition Fee Per Year
Subsidy from SSSDP ^
Total Tuition Fee for reference*
Year 1 $66,250 -$23,390 $42,860
Year 2 $66,250 -$23,390 $42,860


^This programme is subsidized by the government under the Study Subsidy Scheme for Designated Professions/Sectors (SSSDP). The stated subsidy amount is for Academic year of 2025/26. The amount will be adjusted every academic year and actual subsidy amount is confirmed according to Government announcement.

* Tuition fees will be paid in 2 equal installments. The actual tuition fee paid will be changed according to the adjusted subsidy amount.


[Non-local Students]
Total Fees (for 2 years): HK$173,200
(Paid in 4 equal semester installments, HK$43,300 each)


  • Professional subjects are taught jointly by the University lecturers and industry partner (Menzies CNAC Aviation Services), and industry partner also provides internship opportunities.
  • Work-integrated learning of not less than 400 hours
  • Leads to full-time employment for students who excelled in the internship
  • Broad exposure to knowledge about aviation services and tourism industry, multiple articulation pathways provided for further study
  • Menzies CNAC Aviation Services provides a scholarship of annual amount of HK$20,000 to recognize and award well performing students.
  • Avenue for graduates to work in HK's flourishing aviation industry

  • Hong Kong International airport is certified with the 5-star airport rating. In 2023, it was ranked as the fourth-busiest airport for international passengers in Asia-Pacific region and the world's busiest cargo airport.

  • Good career prospects with numerous job options are available in the ever-growing aviation industry due to many going projects. it includes: Three Runway System (3RS), Hong Kong-Macau-Zhuhai Bridge to the Greater Bay Area (GBA), SKYCITY, the Phrase 2 development of Asia-World Expo (AWE) and etc



2022-2023 Graduates articulated to UGC-funded Programme

  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Aviation Operations and Systems [Poly U] (UGC-funded Programme)
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Aviation Operations and Systems [Poly U] (UGC-funded Programme)
Chan Oi To
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Hotel Management [Poly U] (UGC-funded Programme)
Pang Sau Ying
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Hotel Management [Poly U] (UGC-funded Programme)
TAM Lok Yiu, Yo Yo
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Tourism and Events Management [Poly U] (UGC-funded Programme)
TING Cheuk Yiu
  • Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Aviation Operations and Systems [Poly U] (UGC-funded Programme)
YIP,Ngo Nam Adrian
  • Bachelor of Business Administration (Hons) in Aviation Management and Logistics [Poly U] (UGC-funded Programme)

2021 Graduates articulated to UGC-funded Programme

Hui Tsz Hang
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Aviation Operations and Systems [Poly U] (UGC-funded Programme)
由中學時期到現在,我不是班中最聰明或成績最好的學生。但憑著自己的堅持和努力,在都會大學LiPACE取得優異的成績,除了獲得怡中航空頒發的「最佳學生」獎外,我更成功升讀Poly U 的學士課程三年級。我想藉著今次機會,鼓勵今年DSE 的同學們,只要努力及不怕困難,找到自己興趣,一定會成功的。

Kong Hok Yan
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Aviation Operations and Systems [Poly U] (UGC-funded Programme)

Poon Yin Wing
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Aviation Operations and Systems [Poly U] (UGC-funded Programme)
很榮幸我可以成為LiPACE的學生,通過這兩年的努力和老師的教導,讓我成功升讀理工大學航空營運及系统學(榮譽)理學士的三年級。LiPACE的老師教學認真,使每個同學都可以在這裡發掘自己的專長。再者,LiPACE 舉辦很多講座及課外活動,豐富了我的知識,開闊了我的眼界。最後,我感謝每一位老師和同學對我的教導與包容,我相信在以後的日子裡,我可以帶着在LiPACE學習到的知識走得更遠。

Suen Ka Hei
  • Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Aviation Operations and Systems [Poly U] (UGC-funded Programme)



Programme Information
Entry Requirement
Programme Structure
Articulation Pathways
Career Prospect
Professional Advisors
Co-Teaching by Industry Trainers
Work-integrated Learning, Visits and Career Talks
Graduates' Sharing
Other Information