HKMU LiPACE’s Four Cutting-Edge Higher Diploma Programmes Staying Connected with the Global Professional Trends
香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院 四大重點高級文憑課程 接軌國際專業知識潮流

Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) Media Coverage Press Release HKMU LiPACE’s Four Cutting-Edge Higher Diploma Programmes Staying Connected with the Global Professional Trends香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院 四大重點高級文憑課程 接軌國際專業知識潮流

Hong Kong Metropolitan University Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKMU LiPACE) proudly introduces four highlighted Higher Diploma programmes for the upcoming AY2024-25. These Higher Diploma programmes include Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy, Health and Molecular Testing, Early Childhood Education, and Digital Fashion Creation. They are all strategically aligned with the latest professional trends around the world.

Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy

HKMU LiPACE is a pioneer in pet care programme among the tertiary education providers in Hong Kong. This comprehensive programme encompasses a professional knowledge and techniques in 2 main areas of pet care, namely pet care and grooming and animal assisted therapy. Outstanding students of current academic year are granted exclusive access to the CityU Veterinary Medical Centre’s Volunteer and Shadowing Programme. This unparalleled opportunity enables them to closely observe and learn from seasoned veterinary professionals, enriching their academic journey with valuable practical experiences.

Upon successful completion of the programme, graduates will possess the necessary skills to pursue rewarding careers in pet grooming, pet product marketing, animal behavior correction, and veterinary assistance. Furthermore, graduates can further their study by enrolling in overseas programmes such as Bachelor of Science in Pet Care and Grooming at the Tajen University in Taiwan, Bachelor of Social Science (Honours) in Psychology of Human and Animal Behavior (Year 2) at the University of Salford in the United Kingdom, or continue their studies with HKMU's Bachelor of Social Sciences in Psychology or Bachelor of Social Sciences in Applied Social Studies, entering at Year 3.

Ginny Chan, student of Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy shares her learnings from the programme, “given that cats and dogs cannot communicate through words, I am always fascinated by the hidden meanings behind their every behavior, action, and expression. Guided by our instructors, who bring therapy dogs into the classroom, we unravel the intricate language of these animals, deciphering their intentions and needs.” Another student, Sam Wong, shares an entrepreneurial vision for the future, “I want to launch a unique reptile café, serving as a platform to spread comprehensive knowledge about exotic animals, captivating the interest of a wider audience.”

Higher Diploma in Health and Molecular Testing

The curriculum of Higher Diploma in Health and Molecular Testing was developed in accordance with the “Hong Kong Blueprint for Innovation and Technology Development” announced by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government at the end of 2022. HKMU LiPACE collaborates with renowned testing and certification companies such as BGI Genomics, Grant Technology, Intertek Testing Services HK Ltd., and SGS Hong Kong to provide each student with a minimum of 100 hours of work-integrated learning.

Graduates of the programme not only can pursue careers in the pharmaceutical in, biotechnology and diagnostic products industries, but can also work in diagnostic, testing, and certification laboratories, universities, and research institutions. They can pursue relevant degree programmes in local universities, such as bioscience, testing and certification, and natural sciences. For example, they can articulate to the biomedical science programme at Queensland University of Technology in Australia or the Bachelor of Biotechnology programme at Clark University in the United States, with the possibility of credit exemptions or transfers.

Wong Kam Wing, student of Higher Diploma in Health and Molecular Testing shared his view on the programme, “it offers diversified teaching and abundant learning resources, providing freshmen with profound learning experiences. The learning support provided on campus effectively helps newcomers adapt and integrate into the environment quickly.”

Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education

HKMU LiPACE pioneers the establishment of the first kindergarten mock-up classroom and ECE STEAM room in Hong Kong. The curriculum comprehensively encompasses child development, educational theories, early childhood STEAM education, parent education, and educational practices. Students also enjoy unique volunteer service opportunities provided by kindergarten and early childhood education institutions across Hong Kong.

HKMU LiPACE has signed an agreement with Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology, to allow its graduates to pursue a one-year bridging programme . Those who successfully complete the programme and pass the relevant teaching qualification examination are eligible to apply for teaching positions in mainland China. Furthermore, graduates are qualified to become registered teachers under the Hong Kong Education Bureau and registered childcare workers or childcare center supervisors under the Social Welfare Department.

Dr. Larry Ching, Programme Leader of Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education, shares the strength of the programme, “HKMU LiPACE draws inspiration from ‘Joyful Learning’ of the Finnish educational approach and takes the lead in incorporating STEAM education for early childhood. By aligning with the global trends in early childhood education, we provide our students with a comprehensive and forward-thinking curriculum.”

Higher Diploma in Digital Fashion Creation

The programme offers practical training such as fashion technology, design thinking, visual communication, and IT and digital design literacy. To provide students with workplace exposure, HKMU LiPACE proactively engages students in prestigious fashion events and international competitions and regularly invites industry professionals including designers, entrepreneurs, and fashion innovators to share their valuable experiences.

HKMU LiPACE empowers students to excel by offering a curriculum reflecting the current industry landscape. Fok Hui Tung, student of Higher Diploma in Digital Fashion Creation, also a former costume director in the film industry for six years, shares her experience, “the programme is truly relevant and up-to-date. Our instructors teach us how to utilise advanced computer software for garment production, at the same time build our traditional tailoring skills. They patiently address our questions, enabling us to continuously elevate ourselves.”


香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院 (都大LiPACE) 於2024-25學年推出四大重點高級文憑課程,包括寵物護養及動物輔助治療、健康及分子檢測、幼兒教育及數碼時裝設計,接軌國際專業知識潮流。


都大LiPACE是本港首間推出寵物護養及動物輔助治療課程的大專院校。此課程涵蓋了寵物護理及動物輔助治療兩大專業知識及技能,本年度學生被選中參與城大動物醫療中心義工及影子計劃 (Volunteer and Shadowing Programme),可以近距離觀察專業獸醫工作,豐富學習體驗。畢業生可投身寵物美容和寵物相關行業(例如寵物產品營銷、動物行為矯正等),或擔任獸醫助理。畢業生亦可選擇報讀台灣大仁科技大學寵物照護暨美容學士學位、英國University of Salford 的 BSc (Hons) Psychology of Human and Animal Behavior 二年級、都會大學心理學榮譽社會科學學士或應用社會研究榮譽社會科學學士三年級。



課程配合香港特區政府2022年底公布的《香港創新科技發展藍圖》發展出來。都大LiPACE與BGI (華大基因)、Grant Technology、Intertek Testing Services HK Ltd.及SGS Hong Kong等知名檢測及認證公司合作,為學生提供最少100小時的實習時數,畢業生除了可投身製藥業、生物及診斷產品業、醫療集團外,亦能於診斷、檢測和認證實驗室、大學及研究機構工作。更可選擇升讀本地大學生物科學、檢測認證、自然科學等相關學位課程,如銜接升讀澳洲昆士蘭科技大學生物醫學及美國克拉克大學生物技術學士學位課程,還能豁免或轉移部分學分。







曾在電影行業擔任服裝指導工作達6年,其後報讀都大LiPACE毅進文憑並升讀數碼時裝設計高級文憑的學生霍曉彤表示: 「課程切合時宜,導師會教導我們如何利用先進電腦軟件製作衣服及傳統製衣技術,亦會耐心解答我們的疑問,讓我們能夠不斷增值自己。」