Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy at HKMU LiPACE Equipping Students with the Necessary Skill Sets to Succeed in the Thriving Pet Economy
都大LiPACE寵物護養及動物輔助治療高級文憑課程 把握雙重專業技能 捕捉蓬勃市場機遇

Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) Media Coverage Press Release Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy at HKMU LiPACE Equipping Students with the Necessary Skill Sets to Succeed in the Thriving Pet Economy都大LiPACE寵物護養及動物輔助治療高級文憑課程 把握雙重專業技能 捕捉蓬勃市場機遇

According to a survey by the HKSAR Census and Statistics Department, there were 242,000 households in Hong Kong having approximately 405,200 cats and dogs in 2018. These figures do not even include other pets such as rabbits and hamsters. The pet market is definitely booming, resulting in a strong demand for the relevant professional services. What's more, pets have a positive impact on human emotions, making animal-assisted therapy an emerging industry. In response to such phenomenon, Hong Kong Metropolitan University Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKMU LiPACE) has launched the Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy to nurture new talents for the pet industry.

Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy

HKMU LiPACE is a pioneer in pet care programme among the tertiary education providers in Hong Kong. The School launched the Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy as early as 2019. The programme aims to cultivate students’ knowledge and practical skills in animal care, pet grooming and pet training. Additionally, it provides students with an understanding of the theory and development of animal assisted therapy, comprehending its benefits in improving human cognition, emotions, and social functioning. The programme offers internship and volunteer opportunities for students to practise animal assisted therapy, allowing them to apply animal behavior theories outside the classroom. The Animal Assisted Therapy course is taught by the Hong Kong Institute of Animal Assisted Intervention (HKIAAI), an organisation that grants relevant industry professional membership qualifications. The programme is also internationally accredited by City & Guilds Assured, ensuring professional recognition.

Employment and Further Study Opportunities Abound

Graduates of the Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy enjoy multifold career opportunities, from pet grooming, animal training, veterinary nursing to psychology and counselling industries. They may also explore careers in the up-and-coming industry of animal assisted therapy. In terms of further education, HKMU LiPACE has established close connections with local and overseas institutions. In 2024, the School will collaborate an internship programme with the City University of Hong Kong. Graduates can further their studies in pet grooming in Taiwan's most established programme at Tajen University with credit exemption, or even enroll in the 2nd year of the BSc (Hons) Psychology of Human and Animal Behavior programme at the University of Salford in the United Kingdom. Many graduates pursued bachelor’s degrees in psychology, counseling and social studies at local universities, or continued their studies in animal healthcare and pet grooming at higher education institutions in Taiwan.

Dr. Kathleen Chim, the programme leader of the Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy at HKMU LiPACE, stated, “Having a pet is a serious decision, and having relevant knowledge not only allows you to be responsible for your pets but also opens up future opportunities. This programme provides professional knowledge for individuals aspiring to enter this industry to meet market demands.”

根據政府統計處的調查,早在2018年全港已經有242,000個住戶,在家中飼養了約405,200隻貓狗,以上數字還未包括其他相對冷門的寵物,如兔子、倉鼠等。寵物市場發展急速,因此極需要相關的專業服務及配套。寵物對人類情緒起正面作用,令動物輔助治療成為引人注意的新興行業。香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院 (都大LiPACE)推出寵物護養及動物輔助治療高級文憑課程,以配合市場需要。


都大LiPACE是香港大專學院寵物護養課程的先驅,早於2019年推出寵物護養及動物輔助治療高級文憑課程,課程目標培育學員在動物護理、寵物美容及寵物訓練方面的廣泛知識及實用技巧,同時讓他們了解有關動物輔助治療的理論和發展,認識它在改善人類認知、情緒及社會功能帶來的幫助。課程提供實習及義工機會讓學員實習動物輔助治療,親身實踐動物行為理論,累積實戰經驗。動物輔助治療科由在香港頒授相關行業專業會員資格的香港動物輔助治療學會(HKIAAI)講授;整個課程更獲得City & Guilds Assured 國際技能資歷認證,具專業認受性。

開拓就業升學前景  擠身專業之列

寵物護養及動物輔助治療高級文憑課程畢業生出路廣泛,可投身寵物美容、產品銷售、獸醫診所,以及行為矯正等寵物相關行業,亦可向日益普及的動物輔助治療行業繼續發展。升學方面,都大LiPACE與本港及海外院校緊密聯繫,2024年與香港城市大學合作設立實習計劃,畢業生合資格報讀台灣大仁科技大學寵物照護及美容學士學位,甚至可獲豁免部份學分;亦可報讀英國University of Salford 的 BSc (Hons) Psychology of Human and Animal Behavior 二年級。不少畢業生已升讀本地大學心理學、輔導學、社會研究等榮譽學士課程,又或前往台灣高等院校深造動物保健及美容相關科目,升學路徑專業而多元化。
