Staff Development Activities

Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) News and Events Staff Development Activities
"Global Forum on Digital Transformation in TVET (Shenzhen) 2024" and "TVET Leadership Workshop on Digital Transformation 2024"
Dr. Larry Ching, Associate Director, and Ms. Kaman Lai, Senior Lecturer, participated the "Global Forum on Digital Transformation in TVET (Shenzhen) 2024" and the "TVET Leadership Workshop on Digital Transformation 2024," both organized by UNESCO and Shenzhen Polytechnic University during the period of October 22-25, 2024. The events brought together 30 leaders and programme directors from TVET institutions and universities of applied sciences worldwide. Participants explored the challenges of digital transformation in TVET, gained insights into EdTech solutions, and developed strategies to align TVET with evolving labor market needs. In the "Innovative Practices in TVET Digital Transformation" session, Dr. Larry Ching shared a presentation titled "A Journey of Digital Transformation."

10th Annual Conference on Global Higher Education
Ms. Joanna Lai Yin Shan (Senior Lecturer) presented a case study titled “From Metropolitans to Cosmopolitans: Embedding Global Competency in Higher Education: A Case Study of HKMU LiPACE” at the 10th Annual Conference on Global Higher Education at Lakeland University Japan (LUJ). She discussed how the School's Three-I Initiatives nurture students with experience for inclusiveness, inter-cultural awareness and internationalization-in-place through extra-curricular learning activities. The conference was attended by nearly 50 scholars from all across Japan and various other countries.

Mental Wellbeing Conference in Higher Education

Dr. Kathleen Chim, Programme Director of Division of Health, represented the School to meet with Mr. Ian Hall, Head of Membership (International), at the annual Mental Wellbeing Conference in Higher Education organised by Advance HE in Leeds, UK, to discuss training and development and future collaboration opportunities.
During the conference, Dr. Chim presented teaching and learning practices and ongoing research work related to embedding mental wellbeing across the curriculum. The innovative work was recently selected to be part of the 'Embedding Wellbeing into Curriculum: A Global Compendium of Good Practice' published by Advance HE. Consisted of 15 selected case studies from the UK, Ireland, Hong Kong, Australia, and Pakistan, the Compendium aims to bridge the gap between research and practice by highlighting examples of how educators understand wellbeing and ways to improve Student Well Being in everyday teaching and learning practices.
Advance HE is a dedicated British charity and professional membership scheme that advocates evidence-based teaching and promotes excellence in higher education for staff, students and societies across the globe.
Compendium Free download (Advance HE members only)
Advance HE

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School Retreat
Nearly 70 members of the senior management, academic and senior administrative staff of the School were invited to attend School Retreat at the Jao Tsung-I Academy (JTIA) in Mei Foo on 30 April 2024. Staff attended the School Board meeting and walked around JTIA that morning. The brainstorming session was held after lunch, and some University department heads were invited to share their views on LiPACE's future directions and strategies with staff, as hosted by the Dean.
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Meeting with the Immigration Department
Ms. Shing Sze Wai (Associate Director) and Ms. Jessie Pang (Head of Registry Unit) participated in a meeting with the Immigration Department, organized by the Sichuan-Hong Kong Vocational and Applied Education Alliance at Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT).

Meeting arranged by the Sichuan-Hong Kong Vocational and Applied Education Alliance
Ms. Helen Pang (Programme Director) attended a meeting arranged by the Sichuan-Hong Kong Vocational and Applied Education Alliance at Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ).

14th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities
Mr. Oscar WONG (Lecturer) and his research collaborators, including six Cantonese linguists from universities in Hong Kong and the United States, delivered a presentation titled "線上問答遊戲「廣東話達人挑戰」:遊戲化科普與眾包式數據收集" at the 14th International Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities. The conference was organized by National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, on 1-3 December 2023. The presentation explores the potential of gamifying linguistics popularization and crowdsourced data collection, and the audience showed significant interest in our efforts to promote the Cantonese language and linguistics.

2023 Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute UNEVOC Center International Workshop: Outcomes Based Cultural Awareness and Global Citizenship Education in TVET
Dr. Benjamin CHAN Tak Yuen (Dean of HKMU LiPACE) and Ms. Betty LI Mengyuan (Head of Extra-Curricular Learning, LiPACE) presented in the 2023 Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute UNEVOC Center International Workshop: Outcomes Based Cultural Awareness and Global Citizenship Education in TVET on 23rd May. The event was hosted by UNEVOC Centre at Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute (SXPI) and Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi (Newzealand), and supported by UNESCO Beijing Office, The UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre, and Education New Zealand. Our presentation, Global Citizenship Case Study: Hong Kong Metropolitan University, was well received by the panel and audience.

Ms Crystal Chen gave a presentation at a webinar held by East Asia Federation for Adult Education (EAFAE) with the theme Women in Lifelong Learning on 10 March. She introduced the flagship women learning programme in Hong Kong-Capacity Mileage Learning Programme, its achievements and how it empowers women to all the participants.

The 13th International Symposium on Chinese Sociolinguistics
Dr. CHEUNG Tao, senior Lecturer of language team delivered a presentation “The development and status quo of language life in Hong Kong” at the webinar “The 13th International Symposium on Chinese Sociolinguistics” jointly organised by Chinese Linguistics society and Sichuan International Studies University, on 10 December 2022

The 3rd World Conference on Public Health 2022 Virtual Conference
Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) and Dr. Christopher Au Yeung (Lecturer) presented at the Virtual Conference “The 3rd World Conference on Public Health 2022” (WCPH 2022), organized by The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM) on 9 December 2022. The theme of this year's Conference is “Building Back Better Together: A Blueprint for a Sustainable, Resilient and Inclusive Recovery”. Before the presentation session started, Prof. Reggie Kwan (Provost, HKMU), with other distinguished guests, each delivered a Welcome Speech to welcome the participants of the Conference. Dean Chan was invited as a Keynote Speaker and his presentation topic was “Contesting the Public Health Curriculum in a Post-COVID Era”. The research topic of Dr Au Yeung and Ms Ada Lau (Lecturer) was “Peer-led Interventions on Seasonal Influenza and COVID-19 Booster Vaccinations Uptake Amongst Post-Secondary Students in Hong Kong”.

The British Psychological Society Annual Conference
Dr. Kathleen Chim, Associate Head of Division of Health and Science, presented virtually 'Rethinking Vocational Support: An Interdisciplinary Stepped-Care Approach' at the Annual Conference organised by the Division of Academics, Researchers and Teachers in Psychology, The British Psychological Society, on 24-25 November.

"Transitions in Lifelong Learning: Widening Access to 'leave no one behind'. Case Studies from Asia and Europe" Webinar
Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) delivered a presentation “Active Ageing through Participation in Elder Academies: The Case of Hong Kong” at a webinar “Transitions in Lifelong Learning: Widening Access to 'leave no one behind'. Case Studies from Asia and Europe” on 27 September 2022, organised by ASEM Global Lifelong Learning, Ireland.

FSTE-HKPCA Webinar: Positive Campus and Student Wellbeing
Dr. Kathleen Chim, Associate Head of Division of Health and Science, presented on the topic 'Beyond Intellectual Pursuits: A Whole School Approach' in the 'Positive Campus and Student Wellbeing' webinar jointly organised by the Federation of Self-Financing Tertiary Education (FSTE) and The Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association (HKPCA) on 22 August 2022. The webinar provided a platform for speakers from different self-financing institutions to share strategies and practices in creating a positive campus that supports student transition, wellbeing and success for the future.

The 10th European Conference on Education (ECE2022)
Dr. Kathleen Chim, Associate Head of Division of Health and Science, presented the paper 'A Virtual Brief Psychosocial Intervention on Mental Wellbeing During the Pandemic: A Pilot Study' at The 10th European Conference on Education organised by The International Academic Forum (IAFOR) on 14 July 2022.

Embedding Socioemotional Learning into Teaching and learning
Dr. Kathleen Chim, Associate Head of Division of Health and Science, was invited to give a guest talk on 'Embedding Socioemotional Learning into Teaching and learning' to the Supporting Learning for Employability Group and faculty colleagues, Nottingham Trent University, on 4 May 2022. The session provided a valuable opportunity to scaffold reflections about LiPACE's existing practices of socioemotional learning, leverage shared wisdom and cross-border support, and pave the way for deeper future collaboration on student success.

"Reflections on the Elderly: Lessons Learned from Diverse Activities" Webinar
Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) delivered a presentation “Elder Academy in a Postsecondary College: Multiple Possibilities and Synergies” at a webinar “Reflections on the Elderly: Lessons Learned from Diverse Activities ” on 20 April 2022, organised by East Asia Federation for Adult Education.

"Future in You 2022" Virtual Summit & Career Expo
Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) delivered a presentation “Up for the Challenge in Preparing Graduates for Career Readiness” at a virtual summit and career expo “Future in YOU 2022” on 16 April 2022, organised by Bling!.

International Conference Emerging Platform Society
The Dean (Dr. Benjamin Chan) has attended the International Conference on Emerging Platform Society organized by the University of Bologna and IIT-Kanpur Digital Sociology International Research Group on April 6, 2022

Flexible Learning Modality Training Programme for HEIs
Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) and Ms. Crystal Chen (Head of Division of Community Learning and Training) presented in the plenary session of “Flexible Learning Modality Training Programme for HEIs” hosted by the Polytechnic University of the Philippines, Open University System on 20 January 2022.
International Vocational Education and Industry Training Association (IVEITA) Symposium 2021
Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) presented "The Total Learning Experience: A Unifying Educational Philosophy for VET Colleges" for the Symposium on 16 Nov 2021 via zoom.

SYA Project Credit Transfer Webinar Series: Establishment of MoU between Institutions - Local Session
Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) presented in “SYA Project Credit Transfer Webinar Series: Establishment of MoU between Institutions - Local Session” on 3 June 2021 via zoom.

Polytechnic University of the Philippines OUS Conference on May 8
Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Ms. Joyce Wong (Lecturer) and Mr. Cho Lok-kan (Assistant Lecturer) presented in different sessions for the "Excellent Leadership in Remote Learning Amidst Pandemic and Beyond", the PUP Open University System's International Virtual Conference on 8 May 2021 via zoom.

Conference on SYA Project Credit Transfer Webinar Series
Ms Erika Lee (Associate Director), Dr Larry Ching (Programme Director) and Dr Carol Poon (Team Leader of Design, Culture and Creative Arts) presented in different sessions for the “SYA Project Credit Transfer Webinar Series” on 22 April 2021 via zoom.

The 5th Conference of the International Association for Japanese Philosophy (IAJP)
Dr. Carol Poon Man Wai and Ms. Joanna Lai Yin Shan from the Creative Arts team presented at the 5th Conference of the International Association for Japanese Philosophy (IAJP), which was held at the Nanzen-ji temple in Kyoto and online simultaneously. They attempted to read Nishida Kitaro's 'Basho' from the perspectives of media and philosophy.

The Effect and Potential of E-Learning in Catering to Post-secondary ESL Students' Affective Needs – A Sharing by a Team of English Teachers
Ms. Melissa Yeung presented a paper titled “The Effect and Potential of E-Learning in Catering to Post-secondary ESL Students' Affective Needs – A Sharing by a Team of English Teachers” on behalf of her teammates Ms. Dorothy Kwok, Ms. Heidi Cheng and Mr. Peter Chan (Lecturer and Assistant Lecturers of the Language Team) at the FSTE Conference: Emotional and Mental Wellbeing for Whole Person Development on 11 Dec, 2020 via Zoom.
FSTE conference 1-Lang Team
FSTE conference 2-Lang Team

Conference on Credit Transfer Practices in Higher Education: Partnership for Success
Dr. Benjamin Chan, Dr. Larry Ching and Ms. Wendy Yam presented in different sessions for the “Conference on Credit Transfer Practices in Higher Education: Partnership for Success” on 27 November 2020 via zoom.

WFCP Applied Research Affinity Group relaunch meeting
The Dean, Dr. Benjamin Chan, participated in the WFCP Applied Research Affinity Group relaunch meeting hosted by the Basque VET Applied Research Centre, Tknika on 22 Sept, 2020

The sixth International Symposium on Language Policy and Planning in China
Dr. CHEUNG Tao, lecturer in Putonghua, presented a research paper at the sixth International Symposium on Language Policy and Planning in China at the School of Foreign Language Education,Jilin University. The topic is “Biliterate and Trilingual” in Hong Kong”. The exchange will help the academia to increase their understanding of Hong Kong's language and culture and build a harmonious multilingual environment.

EAA online workshop “Infection and Literature” which organized by East Asian Academy for New Liberal Arts, The University of Tokyo
Dr Carol Poon, Team Leader of Culture and Creative Arts, presented a paper of “Understanding Coronavirus through Comic” in an online workshop which enhance the mutual understanding with scholars, researchers and students across boundaries.
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Forum on “Ways to Facilitate Language Development in Kindergarten Children”
Lecturers of the Early Childhood Education Team Ms. Ada Wong, Mr. Bruno Chiu and Ms. Carmen Chim attended the Forum on “Ways to Facilitate Language Development in Kindergarten Children” at the University of Hong Kong.

How Traditional Japanese Culture Influences Business
Dr Carol Poon, Team Leader of Culture and Creative Arts, was invited to share about “How Traditional Japanese Culture Influences Business” with Seiwajyuku (Hong Kong).

Applied Education Forum
Director Dr. Benjamin Chan and staff members attended the “Applied Education Forum”, jointly organized by the Federation for Self-financing Tertiary Education (FSTE) and Our Hong Kong Foundation (OHKF). The forum aimed to explore the current position and future developments of the Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) in Hong Kong.

Museum Summit 2019: Formation and Transformation
Assistant Director Dr. Pamela Lam and Team Leader of Culture and Creative Arts Dr. Carol Poon attended the 'Museum Summit 2019: Formation and Transformation', a platform to share ideas and connect with directors of local museums, and representatives from world-renowned museums.

Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit 2019
Coordinators of elderly programmes Dr. Sylvia Lam, Ms. Cathy Leung, Mr. Henry Chung and Ms. Vienna Cheung attended the “Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit 2019” to learn about the innovative products and latest technology, exploring how technology changes the lives of the elderly.

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology Twenty-sixth Annual Congress of Gerontology “Ageing 2020 and beyond: Challenges and Opportunities”
Ms. Erika Lee (Assistant Director), Ms. Crystal Chen and Dr. Katherine Siu attended the 26th Annual Congress of Gerontology. The congress provides a platform for the academia and professionals in health care to discuss gerontological care issues. Topics included healthy living, rehabilitation, dementia and long-term care, etc.
Geron congress Nov 2019

Preparation for Learning Programme Accreditation (QF Level 4 or above)
Mr. Chris Wong and Ms. Joyce Wong, lecturers from the Business and Hospitality Team, attended the Workshop on "Preparation for Learning Programme Accreditation (QF Level 4 or above)", hosted by the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), to learn about the latest requirements on programme design from HKCAAVQ.

United Nations Climate Finance & Sustainable Investing Conference 2019
Dr. Alex Tse and Dr. Larry Ching, Programme Directors, participated in the “United Nations Climate Finance & Sustainable Investing Conference 2019”, co-organized by UNESCAP and World Green Organization.

'C- for- Chinese @ JC Project' Forum
Lecturers of the Early Childhood Education Team Ms. Ada Wong, Ms. Amanda Wu, Mr. Bruno Chiu, Ms. Jesmond Fan and Ms. Carmen Chim, attended the 'C- for- Chinese @ JC Project' forum to learn about the Chinese learning resources for non- Chinese speaking kindergarten children, especially the cases of culturally inclusive learning in the kindergarten classroom and the community.

The 14th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
22.07.2019 – 24.07.2019
Dr. Kathleen Chim, lecturer in Psychology, presented a research paper at the 14th International Conference on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology at the University of Roehampton, UK. Through scientific knowledge dissemination and expertise mastery, the valuable exchanges are expected to benefit students' learning experiences and the overall development of psychology-related programmes.

Interconnection of the Greater China Youth Chinese Writing Competition 2019 and the Official Launch of "Sailing: Collection of Best Articles"
Amanda Wu and Ada Wong, lecturers of the Early Childhood Education Team, attended the prize presentation ceremony of the Chinese Writing Competition organized by the Language Promotion Committee of the General Aptitude Putonghua Shuiping Kaoshi (GAPSK). The purpose of the event was to enhance the Chinese writing proficiency of young students and to promote cultural exchange.

The Pathway of Chinese Learning: Workshop on Supporting Non-Chinese Speaking Post-secondary Students
Assistant Director Ms. Erika Lee and Lecturers of Early Childhood Education Ms. Carol Chan, Dr. Cheung Tao, Mr. Fung Pak Him, Ms. Amanda Wu, Ms. Joan Guo and Ms. Chen Ruiran attended the workshop to learn about the challenges encountered by ethnic minorities/ non-Chinese speaking students in the local education system, and how these challenges affect their post-secondary education as well as their career pathways.

International Conference on Multilingual Acquisition and Multilingual Education
English Instructor Ms. Betty Li attended The International Conference on Multilingual Acquisition and Multilingual Education (IConMAME 2019) at The Education University of Hong Kong. She learned from academics from around the world on their latest research work and discussed multilingual and multicultural education on campus with different researchers.
20190623Multilingual Education

FSTE 25th Anniversary Conference
LiPACE staff attended the FSTE 25th Anniversary Conference "Developing Higher Education for the Next Decade".

Belt & Road Wine Revolution Forum: How Female Wine Makers Change the Wine World?
Mr. Chris Wong, Mr. Jan Chau and Ms. Joyce Wong, lecturers from the Business and Hospitality Team, attended the 'Belt & Road Wine Revolution Forum: How Female Wine Makers Change the Wine World?' to learn about the new trends of the wine market, and the rise of Chinese female wine makers.
20190611Belt & Road

Research Conference on Child Development: The Role of Family and School Practices
Early Childhood Education Instructors Ms. Ada Wong and Mr. Bruno Chiu attended the Research Conference on 'Child Development: The Role of Family and School Practices', organized by the EdUHK, sharing with other scholars their understanding of how families and schools, individually and in partnership, shape the development of children. They also reflected on their own practices and explored alternative ways to enrich their teaching methods and curriculum development.
20190611Child Development

Ms. Jesmond Fan and Ms. Carmen Chim, Lecturers of the Early Childhood Education Team, participated in the 'Tokyo Kindergarten Exchange Enrichment Trip 2019'. They have visited the Kohoku Shirayuri Kindergarten and Daiichi Hino Kindergarten, and discussed teacher training with local kindergarten principals.

The Children's Visual Arts Exhibition Opening Ceremony
Ms. Carmen Chim, Ms. Amanda Wu, Ms. Ada Wong and Ms. Jesmond Fan, Lecturers of the Early Childhood Education Team, attended the Children's Visual Arts Exhibition Opening Ceremony organised by the Yan Oi Tong Pang Hung Cheung Kindergarten and bonded with participating kindergarten principals.

International Forum: Cultural Power, Business and Creative Industries in East Asia
Dr Carol Poon, Programme Leader of 'Higher Diploma in Japanese Studies' and 'Higher Diploma in Creative Culture and Media Practices' was invited to be the discussant of the Keynote Speech and the Special Lecture in the forum held at HKU.

Seminar on enhancing teachers' professional competencies in teaching business-related subjects in the digital era
Mr. Chris Wong, Mr. Eric Lee and Mr. Jan Chau, instructors of the Business and Hospitality Team, attended the seminar to enhance their professional competencies by acquiring the knowledge of the latest digital technology.

ELTU Conference 2019
English instructors Ms. Sylvia Sze, Ms. Jean Tse and Ms. Melissa Yeung attended the ELTU Conference 2019 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, sharing with other ELT practitioners their insights and experiences on the design and implementation of innovative approaches to teaching English as a second language at the tertiary level. Through the exchange they also reflected on their own current practices and explored alternative ways to enrich their teaching methods and curriculum development.

ProWine Asia - the International Trade Fair for Wines & Spirits in Hong Kong
Mr. Chris Wong and Ms. Joyce Wong, lecturers from the Business and Hospitality Team, attended the ProWine Asia Wine Forum, which featured a round of seminars, wine tastings and masterclasses. They solicited professional views from industry members regarding the offering of relevant programmes.
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Research and Development Project Dissemination Conference of SCOLAR
Ms. Ada Wong, Ms. Jesmond Fan and Ms. Carmen Chim, Lecturers of the Early Childhood Education Team, attended the Research and Development Project Dissemination Conference of SCOLAR to learn about the latest research on the Chinese language learning of non-Chinese speaking (NCS) children in school and home settings.

Malaysia Kindergarten Visit
Ms. Carol Chan, Lecturer of the Early Childhood Education Team, took part in the Malaysia Kindergarten Visit organized by the Professional Association of Masters of Education in Early Childhood Education, The Education University of Hong Kong.

Discover South Africa Annual Tasting 2019
Mr. Chris Wong and Ms. Joyce Wong, lecturers from the Business and Hospitality Team, attended the “Discover South Africa Annual Tasting 2019” and tasted various new wines from the South African regions. They learned about the characteristics and brewing of different wines from world-renowned sommeliers.
20190412Discover South Africa 2019 Annual tasting

Gifted Education Conference 2019
Dr. Andrew Tang, Dr. Kathleen Chim and Dr. Amy Cheung of the Health and Science Team (Science) attended the Gifted Education Conference at EdUHK and presented in an oral presentation entitled 'Integrative Wellness Programmes on SEN Supportive Interventions and Children Development', sharing on their experience in relevant programmes and initiatives, such as LiPACE's new 'Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy'.

The 4th Aviation Silk Road International Conference
Ms. Joyce Wong and Mr. Chris Wong, lecturers of the Business and Hospitality Team, attended 'The Fourth Aviation Silk Road International Conference' to learn about the latest development of the aviation industry with regards to China's Belt and Road Initiative. They also explored different internship opportunities for LiPACE students.

Haikou Hainan Island Kindergarten Visit
Ms. Carol Chan, Lecturer of the Early Childhood Education Team, went for training and exchange visit to Haikou/ Hainan to learn about latest development in kindergarten education in the Mainland. She visited private and public kindergartens, and discussed environmental education topics with local counterparts for learning and teaching enhancement.