Students of “Higher Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Studies” Sara Chan and Cheung Yiu Fung received the scholarships for “Best Intern Award” from Jardine Aviation Services.

LiPACE students excelled in the 'Social Innovation Inventor – Competition for Innovative Design Competition 2019'. Chan Wang Ngai, student of 'Diploma Yi Jin (Architectural Studies)', won the championship in the Secondary School / Yi Jin Group and a study trip to Taiwan. Five students from the 'Higher Diploma in Interior Design' also won the merit award in the Tertiary Education Group.

In 2018, LiPACE students actively participated in various volunteer works and contributed a total of 3,424 hours to community services. These service hours have achieved the Gold Award for Volunteer Service (Organization) 2018 issued by the Volunteer Movement of Social Welfare Department. Furthermore, 36 outstanding students attained the Silver and Bronze Awards for contributing over 100 and 50 accumulated service hours respectively.

Yannis Wong, Vanessa Lai, Jacob Ng and Kayden Yeung, Year 2 students of “Higher Diploma in Business Administration and Management”, formed a team to join the “Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macao Accounting and Business Case Competition 2019” and won the third prize.

Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme Presentation Ceremony 2019 In 2019, a total of 79 LiPACE students have been selected as recipients of the Outstanding Performance Scholarship (OPS), Best Progress Award (BPA), Talent Development Scheme (TDS), Reaching Out Award (ROA) and Endeavour Scholarship (EDS) under the Self-financing Post-secondary Scholarship Scheme (SPSS), amounting to HK$1.13 million.
Awards |
No. of awardees |
Scholarship per student |
Total amount of scholarship |
Outstanding Performance Scholarship |
17 |
HK$30,000 |
HK$510,000 |
Best Progress Award |
6 |
HK$10,000 |
HK$60,000 |
Reaching Out Award |
4 |
HK$10,000 |
HK$40,000 |
Endeavour Scholarship |
45 |
HK$10,000 |
HK$450,000 |
Talent Development Scholarship |
7 |
HK$10,000 |
HK$70,000 |
Total |
79 |
— |
HK$1.13 million |

Students with outstanding academic performance were awarded the Director's List on the presentation ceremony.

8 Diploma Yi Jin students were awarded the Sir Robert Black Trust Fund Scholarships!
- TSUI Chung Yu
- MA Ming
- NGAN Mei Yan
- CHANG Yuk Wai
- LAU Ho Yan
- LUI Yuk Yan
- PANG Kin Wai
- HONG Rongsen

Philip Leung, graduate of “BSc (Hons) in Occupational Safety, Health and Environment”, took home the 3rd Place for the Outstanding Achievement in the OSH Student Award at “The 33rd Asia Pacific Occupational Safety and Health Organization annual conference” (APOSHO 33), for his paper “A Critical Study on Safe Working at Height Below 2 Meters”. LiPACE's Programme Director Mr. Alex Tse and the engineering team also attended the conference to show support for Philip.
Mr. Ha Tsz Hin, graduate of “Higher Diploma in Criminology and Disciplinary Forces” and Ms. TSUNOBE Motoyo, Year 2 student of “Higher Diploma in Popular Music and Music Production” were each awarded a HK$5,000 Scholarship from Lions Club of Metropolitan Hong Kong.

Japanese Studies Students Won Fully-funded Study Tour to Tokyo Yuri Cheng and Envy Pang, graduates of “Higher Diploma in Japanese Studies”, were selected from a group of 31 students to be fully funded by the Unipet Petroleum Company (Unipet) to participate in a 5-day Problem Based Learning (PBL) programme in Tokyo during the summer. They subsequently conducted a presentation to conclude the trip at the Unipet Hong Kong office in October.

Students of “Higher Diploma in Japanese Studies” received scholarships from the Society of Japanese Language Education Hong Kong. Dawnnie Mak was awarded the “SOJLEHK Scholarship for Sub-Degree & Higher Diploma Students of Japanese Language Learning”, whilst the team formed by Cheng Tsz Yan, Fung King Fai and Lee Kai Kin won the Group Project Award. The award presentation ceremony was held on 30 September 2017.

Choi Ka Ling won 1st runner-up award at a fashion competition for heritage preservation.

Students Pinky Leung and So Pak Lam were each awarded a HK$5,000 Scholarship from Lions Club of Metropolitan Hong Kong.

Two sets of board games designed by students of “Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education” were selected by “HK Teaching Aid” for production and sales. All the products launched by “HK Teaching Aid” were designed and produced in Hong Kong. Children found the games highly enjoyable!

Higher Diploma students formed teams to design age-friendly facilities in a competition, which was part of the Kwai Tsing Age Friendly Community project. Students from very different subject disciplines joined force to win multiple awards. The 2nd runner-up team, formed by Kerwin Cheung (Health Care), Hung Ho Yin (Engineering), Ayesha Kwok and Angela Lam (Interior Design), showed an amazing input of cross-disciplinary expertise in its design, with impressive details about structures, mechanics, materials, colors and elderly needs. Their respective professional knowledge inspired one another during the process. Later they were also invited to discuss the social phenomenon of intergenerational issues on TVB's “Sunday Report”.

「室內設計高級文憑」學員李貝謙、黃澤彥及王澤豐,榮獲世界綠色組織舉辦的「社會創新發明」設計比賽亞軍! 今年的比賽主題為「綠活智城」,大專生組的參加者要以智慧城市為基,設計一個社區面積約為2-3平方公里、社區人口密度約為40,000每平方公里、適合不同年齡層和界別需要的智慧社區,並包含可提升市民生活質素及低碳發展的元素。 本院同學亦曾於2015年奪得這個比賽的冠軍。