Updates and Events

Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) News and Events Updates and Events

Subsequent to our successful collaboration last October, the School welcomed Mr. Ellias Mutamba, Consul-General of Zimbabwe in Hong Kong, back to our Kwai Hing campus and officially signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Consulate General of Zimbabwe in Hong Kong on 18 March 2025. Witnessed by our Provost Prof. Reggie Kwan and other academic staff, both parties pledged to deepen exchanges and cooperation between the two regions, as well as to provide more international opportunities for students from both sides. After the signing ceremony, the delegation from the Consulate General of Zimbabwe in Hong Kong also attended the inauguration ceremony of the newly established “Zimbabwe’s Victoria Falls Corner”on the 12/F of the campus, alongside Prof. Kwan and our Dean Dr. Benjamin Chan.

在「與名人對話親職教育」系列講座中,我們有幸邀請到前香港天文台助理台長及香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院顧問,梁榮武先生,為大家帶來「在大自然『種』愛—祖孫親情之道」,一場發人深省的精彩分享。 愛在細節中流露,找到合適的方法,便能拉近祖孫之間的距離。祖孫相處的時光充滿溫馨,但難免也有令人費心的時候。透過關愛與陪伴,以大自然作橋樑,祖孫之間的情誼能夠延續,如同盛夏時的暖陽,逐漸擴展至整個家庭,進一步凝聚家人間的情感與聯繫。 再次感謝「武哥」與大家分享祖孫親情其中的甘甜可貴,讓祖父母輩的觀眾能從中獲得啟發。

2023/24 學年柏立基爵士信託基金應用教育文憑(DAE)頒獎典禮已於1月20日假座教育局九龍塘教育服務中心成功舉行。今屆頒獎典禮籌辦工作由本學院負責,主禮的嘉賓包括有教育局、柏立基爵士信託基金、自資高等教育聯盟等機構代表。出席的老師、家長及學生約有 250 人。典禮中一共向 64 位來自八間專上院校的 DAE 優秀畢業生頒發學習補助金,以嘉許他們過去一年的努力和成果。當中有 9 位是本學院的畢業生,獲獎人數是近 5 年來最多的一屆,目前亦正在不同的進修道路上繼續追求理想。
在頒獎典禮開始前,大會攝製隊與本學院的兩位老師 Miss Carol 和 John Sir 進行了訪談,分享他們的教學理念及與學生同行的點點滴滴。從失去學習信心到從新砥礪前行,兩位老師都與同學們經歷了不少高低起伏,成為了他們人生路上的師友伙伴。Miss Carol 和 John Sir 都於本學年獲自資高等教育聯盟頒發首屆應用教育文憑傑出教學獎,以表揚他們在教學工作及關顧學生等方面的卓越貢獻。



The first cohort of students jointly trained by LiPACE and Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology (SZIIT) have completed their 1.5-year study in Hong Kong and will soon return to Shenzhen for a six-month internship. The School held a farewell party for the students. Dean Dr. Benjamin Chan expressed his best wishes for the future development of the students. The students also shared their learning experiences during their time in Hong Kong and thanked the School and teachers for their support.

The works of 9 graduates and 3 second-year students from Higher Diploma in Digital Fashion Creation and Interior Design were showcased at the Boundless: International Universities’ Emerging Art and Design Exhibition. Themes of the exhibited works included fashion design inspired by Contemporary Chinese Ink Splash and Design Proposal for a Home Business.
Organised by Guangdong Industry Polytechnic University in collaboration with 4 other international higher institutions and HKMU LiPACE, the exhibition presented a total of 78 exceptional works across various artistic forms, including painting, sculpture, installation art, design, and digital media.
Our students' participation in this event fosters artistic collaboration and exchange with other institutions, while broadening their international perspective on artistic creation.



LiPACE held its 2024 Graduation Ceremony at the QE Stadium on November 27 (Tuesday). The ceremony was presided by HKMU President Prof. Paul Lam Kwan Sing and attended by many School Advisors, guests and family members of the graduates. Mr. Steven Ma, Chief Operating Officer of Metro Broadcasting Corporation, was the guest of honour on this happy occasion who shared with the graduates his personal insights about learning and life wisdom.

HKMU Parenting Hub 祖孫同樂系列第二場活動「和風美食親子樂:日本飯糰製作體驗」圓滿結束!這次我們帶領大小朋友們登上都大航班,拜訪來自日本靜岡縣的增田佳苗老師,學習製作美味的日本飯糰。看似簡單的三角形飯糰,其實需要相當的手藝。即使是廚藝經驗豐富的婆婆嫲嫲們,也表示這真是一項考驗功夫的挑戰!在老師的指導下,祖孫二人一組合作,最終大家都製作出色香味俱全的飯糰,滿足感十足!增田老師還向我們介紹了日本的用餐文化,並與大家一同品嘗自製的飯糰。特別感謝「日本秋祭 in 香港 —魅力再發現—」活動的支持,讓這次活動更加豐富多彩。


We had an incredible time at our recent parenting seminar, “Happy Times with Moomin: The Finnish Way of Joyful Parenting”. Parents and caregivers joined us to explore the secrets behind Finland's renowned approach to raising calm, expressive, and resilient children. Our expert speaker Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi shared valuable insights and practical tips on creating a nurturing environment that fosters patience and perseverance. He also shared some books that are good for children’s emotional skills. Attendees left inspired and equipped with new strategies to strengthen their parent-child bonds and bring more joy into their parenting journey. A huge thank you to everyone who participated! We hope you found the seminar as enlightening and enjoyable as we did. Stay tuned for more events and resources to support you on your parenting path.

祖父母與孫輩一起共學共玩,不僅有助於孩子們的成長,也讓祖父母感受到陪伴的快樂和成就感,增進彼此的感情。香港都會大學Parenting Hub 於這個學年推出“祖孫同樂”系列活動,剛剛過去的星期六,我們就舉辦了第一場“與姆明共度快樂時光:齊繪姆明谷”活動。在故事分享環節中,我們一起探索了姆明的世界。姆明的故事不僅僅是關於可愛的角色和奇幻的冒險,更是一個關於愛和成長的故事。通過這些故事,我們感受到了家庭的溫暖和成長的力量。在「祖孫共繪夢想姆明谷」活動中,祖父母和孫子孫女們通過畫筆,描繪出自己心中的夢想姆明谷。孩子們在祖父母的陪伴下,發揮了無限的創意,畫出了他們心中最美好的夢想國度。每一幅畫作都充滿了溫馨和童真,讓我們看到了不同世代之間的深厚情感和無限創意。大家還帶著作品在本院的Moomin Corner 留下歡樂的合照!

The 20th Graduation Ceremony of the Capacity Building Mileage Programme

Staff led by the Dean gathered for a celebration of the opening of 12/F Kwai Hing Campus. The new teaching venue is made ready ahead of the start of the new Academic Year next Monday (Sept. 9). We hope the new facilities will contribute to a positive learning experience for our students while studying in HKMU LiPACE.

【Orientation Day Camp迎新日營 2024】Student Affairs Office held the Orientation Day Camp on 30 August 2024. Freshman has opportunity to visit Kwai Hing Campus, Lai King Campus and participate in outreach activities at Jockey Club Duke of Edinburgh Training Camp. Through participation of these activities, students can know some new friends, explore campus life, and cultivate teamwork spirit.

香港都會大學長者學苑2023/24年度畢業典禮已於7月26日下午在本校賽馬會綜藝廳隆重舉行!我們有幸邀請到長者學苑發展基金委員會主席陳美潔女士、副校長呂汝漢教授、 李嘉誠專業進修學院院長曾德源博士以及BCT跨躍學院院長李微儀女士出席主禮。


Programme Activity Day 2024 was held on 3 July. On that day, students and parents participated in thematic talks of their interested programmes, met with Programme Leaders, and experienced activities such as testing demonstrations, blood pressure measurements, henna tattooing, and comic portraits. We hope that students will have a deeper understanding of our programmes, teaching staff and campus environment. We look forward to seeing everyone in the new academic year!

LiPACE has dedicated itself to serving grassroot community by running parent education workshops in Yuen Long's Pok Oi Kong Ha Wai Village. In addition, several activity-based workshops informed by Finnish STEAM education have been implemented. The latest series saw parents and their children working together to build a geodesic dome. Through such kind of activity, young children are exposed to geometry and architecture, giving them their first experience of building a structure and in the process becoming inspired by the marvels of engineering work. The Chairman of the HKMU Council, Ir Dr Conrad Wong, was joined by the Dean of LiPACE (Dr Benjamin Chan) and Visiting Fellow (Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi) from Jyvaskyla University, for an onsite mingling with the participants.

LiPACE and Selkirk College in BC, Canada inked a new articulation agreement for graduates of its Higher Diploma in Business Administration and Management to study the Postgraduate Business Management Diploma at Selkirk College. LiPACE's collaboration with Selkirk College dated back to 2020 and it is envisaged that the partnership will be elevated further through this new agreement. The signing ceremony was held online with the Dean of LiPACE, Dr. Benjamin Chan, and the President of Selkirk College, Dr. Maggie Matear, as signatories. We are especially encouraged by the presence of the Acting Consul-General of Canada in HK, Mr. Jason Reeve, and his consular team at the signing ceremony.



Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) led a delegation of 5 members visiting Shenzhen Polytechnic University (SZPU) and attended the signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). It was signed by Dr. Chan and Prof. Yang Wenming (Coordinator, UNESCO Chair on Digitalization in TVET, and UNESCO-UNEVOC Center, SZPU), and witnessed by Mr. Wang Bingfeng (Director, Office of International Exchange and Cooperation, SZPU). Meetings were conducted with Prof. Yang and Mr. Wang, and with Prof. Shuai Bin (Dean) and his staff of School of Art and Design respectively, to explore the possibilities of exchange and collaboration. A campus tour of the School of Art and Design, School of Digital Creation and Animation, and School of Communication was arranged for the delegation.



與名人對話親職教育系列講座 - 第六場「以音樂啓發學前兒童的表達能力,建立自信心」
主講嘉賓:歌手、演員、學前活動教育中心創辦人 姬素·孔尚治Crisel Consunji女士

HKMU LiPACE and Jardine Aviation Services Group signed their second memorandum of understanding (MOU), reaffirming their strong commitment to deepening the collaboration between industry and academy, on 11th January 2024.
Through this partnership, Jardine Aviation Services Group offers students internship opportunities, increases the amount of scholarship and provides mentorship programme to help students grasp the latest trends and technologies within the industry. This collaboration is set to cultivate a greater number of high-quality professionals for the industry, thereby making a positive contribution to the development of Hong Kong's aviation sector.

Mr. Han Hu (Principal of Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College (SCCVC)) and Mr. Han Jin (Chairman of Sichuan Association (Hong Kong) and Chairman of SCCVC) with their colleagues paid a visit to LiPACE for an in-depth discussion on academic collaboration and student exchange. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was also signed after the meeting, laying a solid foundation for the implementation of exchanges and cooperation between the two institutions.


與名人對話親職教育系列講座 - 第五場「突破孩子沉迷打機的困局」
主講嘉賓:註冊教育心理學家、香港小學學生輔導專業人員協會榮譽顧問、香港幼兒教育專業人員協會榮譽顧問 彭智華先生

與名人對話親職教育系列講座 - 第四場「將快樂帶給孩子 - 夫妻關係、兩代教養」
主講嘉賓:家庭發展基金總幹事 羅乃萱女士

Full-time and Professional Programmes Graduation Ceremony 2023


與名人對話親職教育系列講座 - 第三場「關注學童精神健康 家長如何支援SEN學生」
主講嘉賓:資深精神科專科醫生 陳國齡醫生

與名人對話親職教育系列講座 - 第二場「科技發展如何影響孩子學習,家長應該怎樣引導及配合?」
主講嘉賓:Generation香港行政總裁,資優教育咨詢委員會委員 鄭浩維先生

The 19th Graduation Ceremony of the Capacity Building Mileage Programme

The kick-off seminar “Parent-child Relationships and Communication” of a parenting seminar series was successfully held in Pok Oi Kong Ha Wai Village by Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU) today (29 August 2023). Mr Jerry Chui Ka-yin, Principal of Carmel Divine Grace Foundation Secondary School, was the guest speaker, and Ir Dr Conrad Wong Tin-cheung, Council Chairman of HKMU, delivered the welcome speech for the seminar.

A signing ceremony for the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on collaboration between Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) and HKMU LiPACE was held on August 25, 2023. The MoU was signed by Dr Timothy Chan, Vice Provost of SIM and Dr Yvonne Chen, Associate Director of HKMU LiPACE, witnessed by Mr Justin Seow, Senior Lead of Regional Recruitment of SIM, Ms Connie Lim, Specialist of Student Recruitment of SIM, and three Programme Directors from HKMU LiPACE, Dr. Winnie Wong, Dr. Kathleen Chim, and Ms Elizabeth Wong. This collaboration offers HKMU LiPACE students a study articulation opportunity to widen their horizon and advance their study in Singapore. After completing Higher Diploma in Business Administration and Management, Higher Diploma in Psychology, or Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy at HKMU LiPACE, they are eligible to apply for a designated Bachelor Degree offered by RMIT or La Trobe University through SIM.

We were very proud for having co-organised with the esteemed Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications and Credly on 23 August, the virtual “Forum on Micro-credentials in Non-formal Learning” which gathered experienced and passionate speakers to share about the growing trend of micro-credentials, practical examples of how we can design and implement them in student learning, as well as challenges and future directions.

與名人對話親職教育系列講座 - 第一場「如何挑選優質讀本,打造親子Quality Time」
主講嘉賓:Brandstorm Communications聯合創辦人、童書作家 屈家妍女士


【2023 International Conference on Adult Education and Lifelong Learning Takes Place in Hong Kong for the First Time】The 2023 International Conference on Adult Education and Lifelong Learning (AdELL 2023), took place in Hong Kong for the first time on 26 and 27 June. Co-organized by the East Asia Federation for Adult Education (EAFAE) and the Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU LiPACE), the successful event was held at the HKMU’s campus. Adult education scholars and professionals from eight countries and regions, including Cambodia, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand, attended the two-day conference. The wide ranging agenda included discussions on ways of coping with challenges and promoting adult education and lifelong learning in Asia in the “new normal” after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Representatives from Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology visited LiPACE Kwai Hing campus on 21 June 2023. Ms. Shing Sze Wai (Associate Director) and Dr. Chen Yi-Fan Yvonne (Associate Director) together with Ms.Wang Hongyan (Associate Dean) and Ms. Jiang Cuicui (Head of Student Affairs), The School of Tourism, Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology, had an in-depth discussion on the two schools' cooperation in running tourism and aviation related programmes and academic exchanges between teachers and students.

Representatives from Guangzhou College of Commerce visited LiPACE Kwai Hing campus on 16 June 2023. Ms. Shing Sze Wai (Associate Director) and Dr. Chen Yi-Fan Yvonne (Associate Director) together with Mr. Guo Hang (Vice President) and Mr. Hong Zhenhua (Associate Dean), Guangzhou College of Commerce, had an in-depth discussion on the two schools' cooperation in running programmes, mutual recognition of credits and academic exchanges between teachers and students, and the two sides signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the topics discussed after the meeting.

The third and final forum of our collaborative Global Forum Series, “A Global Forum on the Role of Education in Supporting Students: Exploring Future Pathways” co-organised by HKMU LiPACE and Nottingham Trent University (NTU) was successfully held on 8 June 2023!

An MOU signing ceremony of the International Cooperation Agreement between Queensland University of Technology and HKMU LiPACE was conducted on May 30, 2023. Dr. Benjamin CHAN, Dean of HKMU LiPACE, and Mr. Paul BOLT, Executive Director of Division of International of Queensland University of Technology International representing the corresponding party on the signing ceremony. Dr. Winnie WONG (HKMU LiPACE), Dr. Kin Pong U (HKMU LiPACE), Ms. Annie CHAN (QUT), Ms. Elsie WONG (QUT), and Ms. Eve CHING (Australian Consulate-General) attended the ceremony. We look forward to the closer collaborations for benefiting the students and staff of both parties.

Hurray! We are very pleased to announce that HKMU LiPACE is the first institutional member in Hong Kong joining Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). We look forward to getting our Higher Diploma in Business Administration and Management (HD in BAM) programme accredited soon. Stay tuned!

Mr. Yao Jinxin, Supervisor of the Board of Directors, Director of Operations and Director of Hong Kong and Macao Exchange Centre of Guangzhou Vocational and Technical University of Science and Technology, led a delegation to visit LiPACE Kwai Hing campus on 11 May 2023. The delegation was warmly received by Dr. Benjamin Chan Tak-yuen (Dean), Ms. Shing Sze Wai (Associate Director) and Dr. Chen Yi-Fan Yvonne (Associate Director) . The delegation toured the campus, and both parties had a discussion of visions of both institutions, talent training programmes and future cooperation. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was also signed after the meeting, laying a solid foundation for the implementation of exchanges and cooperation between the two institutions.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) attended the “QF Partnerships Commendation Ceremony 2023” held by Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government on 10th May. LiPACE has been recognised as a “QF Partner Star Training Institution” in this and previous rounds. The award ceremony was presided over by Mr. Jeff Sze, Acting Secretary of the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, and Ms. Li Mei Sheung, Permanent Secretary of the Education Bureau of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government.

Representatives from Guangzhou College of Technology and Business visited LiPACE Kwai Hing campus on 9 May 2023. Ms. Shing Sze Wai (Associate Director) and Dr. Chen Yi-Fan Yvonne (Associate Director) and Mr. Huang Zhecheng, director and Vice president of the School of International Education, Guangzhou College of Technology and Business, had an in-depth discussion on the two schools' cooperation in running programmes, mutual recognition of credits and academic exchanges between teachers and students, and the two sides signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the topics discussed after the meeting.

The second forum of our online Global Forum Series, “A Global Forum on the Role of Education in Supporting Students: Exploring Future Pathways” co-organised by HKMU LiPACE and Nottingham Trent University was successfully held on 26 April 2023!

Seminar on "One Health" for a Sustainable Future Resonated with the Participants

The first forum of the online Global forum series,‘Supporting Graduates of the Future: Research, Practice and Strategies’, co-organised by HKMU LiPACE and Nottingham Trent University was successfully held on 15 March 2023. The forum had gathered a number of passionate educators from around the world to discuss and share ideas about the role of higher education in preparing students to achieve and realise their individual aspirations after graduating in the UK and the Asia Pacific region.

Dr Benjamin Chan (Dean), Ms Crystal Chen (Division Head of Community Learning Programmes) and executive members of the CBMP Student Association attended the International Women’s Day Reception held by the Women’s Commission. HKMU LiPACE has collaborated with the Women’s Commission since 2004 in running the Capacity Building Mileage Programme for women learners in Hong Kong. The accumulated number of enrolments exceeded 125,000.

An online meeting with Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology (GDPST) was conducted on February 28, 2023. Dr. Benjamin CHAN, Dean of HKMU LiPACE discussed the possibility of programme collaboration with Professor Li Guangrong (Director of the Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office of GDIT). Both parties have agreed to promote various exchange programmes and look forward to further collaboration in the future. Ms. Shing Sze-wai, Associate Director and Dr. Chen Yi-fan Yvonne, Associate Director of LiPACE attended the meeting.

2023 年 2 月 11 日,由葵青安全社區及健康城市協會主辦之「基層醫療民間高峰會:願景、發展、挑戰」於香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院林健忠演講廳圓滿舉行。作為是次活動的協辦機構,本院副院長盛思維女士接受主辦機構頒發感謝狀。高峰會邀得楊紫芝教授 GBM, GBS, CBE, JP 作為主禮嘉賓。本院「醫療護理高級文憑」師生亦有出席,加深了解基層醫療發展的機遇和挑戰。

Hong Kong Metropolitan University Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKMU) signed the articulation agreement with Fanshawe College in Canada, which establishes the programme progression and graduation requirements for successful applicants from HKMU LiPACE transitioning to Fanshawe College.

An online signing ceremony of the General Cooperation Agreement between William Jessup University and HKMU LiPACE was conducted on January 13, 2023.
Dr. Benjamin CHAN, Dean of HKMU LiPACE, and Mr. Art RICABAL, Special Advisor to the President, International Programs of William Jessup University representing the corresponding party on the signing ceremony.
Ms. Macy CHOW, Director of University Relations: International Student Program of William Jessup University and Dr. Winnie WONG, Programme Director of HKMU LiPACE joined and witnessed the ceremony.
Graduates of Higher Diploma in Health Care (HKMU LiPACE) are eligible to articulate to the Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology and Bachelor of Science in Biology (William Jessup University) with units transfer and other collaborative activities are also covered.
HKMU LiPACE students and graduates will be benefited with opportunities to widen their horizons internationally!

【香港都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院與瑞士知名酒店管理學校Glion Institute of Higher Education和Les Roches Global Hospitality Management Education簽訂合作備忘錄】
本院於今年一月與世界知名的酒店管理學校Glion Institute of Higher Education和Les Roches Global Hospitality Management Education簽訂合作備忘錄。兩間學校於2022年QS世界大學依領域排名分別位居第四名及第五名,為酒店行業培育多個出色的管理人才。合作備忘錄為雙方建立密切夥伴關係,為本院畢業生提供到兩學府在瑞士、英國或西班牙升學的機會。同學完成旅遊及款待業高級文憑課程後,可銜接兩所學校的學士課程,繼續修習更深入及高階的旅遊及款待管理知識。

都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院與康業服務轄下人才發展學院的合作備忘錄簽署儀式已於今日順利舉行完畢。特別嗚謝康業服務人力資源及行政總監蔣世源博士、康業人才發展學院副院長詹鳳珍女士、都會大學副校長關清平教授 、都會大學李嘉誠專業進修學院院長曾德源博士, 以及香港物業管理師學會會長馮國雄博士蒞臨, 見證並簽署有關物業管理高級行政人員專業文憑 (QF5)的學分轉移及企業包班安排的合作備忘錄,為康業服務員工提供進修階梯, 以獲取物業管理業監管局 - 物業管理人(第1級)牌照所需學歷資格。


Full-time and Professional Programmes Graduation Ceremony 2022

The last LiPACE 30th anniversary celebratory event, “LiPACE Academic Forum Series 10: Future Skills: Which Skills and How to Deliver them? ”, was successfully held online today.
A special thanks to Ms. Marina Watt (Co-Founder Brandstorm Communications, Author of “Six Future Skills You Should Learn Now”), Mr. Victor Kwok (Head of Education and Youth, Our Hong Kong Foundation) for sharing their insightful views on the topic.
We are also delighted to have Mr. Kasper Ng (Principal Assistant Secretary (Further Education), Education Bureau) to deliver the welcome address and Mr. Fred Sheu (National Technology Officer, Microsoft Hong Kong) as the moderator to chair the panel discussion of the forum.

The 12th LiPACE 30th anniversary celebratory event, “HKMU LiPACE Academic Forum Series 9 - The Future of Animal-Assisted Intervention (AAI) : A Global Dialogue”, was successfully held online today.
A special thanks to Dr. Amy Binder (Adjunct Professor in the Brooks College of Health, Department of Public Health, University of North Flo, US, Director of AAII in Healthcare Certificate, University of North Florida, US, Specialist instructor, University of Chester, UK, Professional Advisor, HKMU LiPACE), Ms. Magdalena Nawarecka-Piątek (President of Animals for People Association, Poland) and Ms. Wu Shih Yin (Counselor and Co-founder of Healing dog studio, Taiwan) for sharing their insightful views on the topic.
We are also delighted to have Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) to deliver the welcome address and Mr. Eddie Lee (Founder, Hong Kong Institute of Animal Assisted Intervention) as the moderator of the forum.

The 11th LiPACE 30th anniversary celebratory event, “HKMU LiPACE Academic Forum Series 8 - STEAM Teaching and Learning for Early Childhood Education”, was successfully held online today.
A special thanks to Emeritus Prof. Chou Su-hui (Department of Early Childhood Education, National Tsinghua University), Dr. Kristóf Fenyvesi (Researcher of STEAM Learning & Contemporary Culture Studies, Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä, Finland) for sharing their insightful views on the topic.
We are also delighted to have Dr. Maggie Koong, BBS, JP (Chief Principal, Causeway Bay Victoria Kindergarten and School Advisor, HKMU LiPACE) to deliver the welcome address of the forum.

The 10th LiPACE 30th anniversary celebratory event, “HKMU LiPACE Academic Forum Series 7 - Learning about Health in Times of the Pandemic”, was successfully held online today.
HKMU LiPACE is honoured to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with One Health Lessons in USA and Management & Science University in Malaysia.
A special thanks to Dr. Deborah THOMSON, DVM (Chair, World Veterinary Association’s, One Health Education Subgroup, Founder and CEO of One Health Lessons, Author of 'The Art of Science Communication'), Dr. Roy Rillera MARZO, MD (Associate Professor, International Medical School, Management and Science University Malaysia, Vice-President, International Association on Public Health, Author of 'A Practical Guide for Course in Community Medicine, Public Health and Health Management') for sharing their insightful views on the topic.
We are also delighted to have Prof. Paul LAM Kwan-sing (President of Hong Kong Metropolitan University) to deliver the welcome address of the forum.

The 9th LiPACE 30th anniversary celebratory event, “HKMU LiPACE Academic Forum Series 6: Non-formal Education as interface between University and Community”

本院與深圳信息職業技術學院(SZ IIT)簽訂合作備忘錄,為大灣區高等職業教育開啟新一頁,創造新機遇。

LiPACE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Turku University of Applied Sciences (TUAS) of Finland and Edunation, a Finnish organization that facilitates students’ access to Finnish education system to enhance academic and cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and Finland.

The 17th Graduation Ceremony of the Capacity Building Mileage Programme

The 8th LiPACE 30th anniversary celebratory event, “LiPACE Academic Forum Series 5 - A Confluence of Elderly Academies in East Asia: Thailand, Hong Kong and Macau SARs”

The 7th LiPACE 30th anniversary celebratory event, “LiPACE Academic Forum Series 4 - Motivating Students for Online Self-Learning”



The sixth LiPACE 30th anniversary celebratory event, “LiPACE Academic Forum Series 3 - Dialogue of Continuing Education Schools – HK, Mainland China and UK”, was successfully held online today. A special thanks to Prof. Han Shun Ping (Dean, School of Lifelong Education, Nanjing University and Director of Association of Adult of Higher Education, Higher Education Association of Jiangsu Province), Director Miao Shi Lin (Director of Continuing Education Division and Dean of School of Continuing Education, Soochow University) and Dr. Betty Yue (Head of Centre for Continuing Professional Development Imperial College London) for sharing their insightful views on the topic. We are delighted to have Prof. Lui Yu Hon ((Vice President (Resources and Development), OUHK)) to deliver the opening address and Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean, OUHK LiPACE) to chair the panel discussion of the forum.

LiPACE signs MOU with Satakunta University of Applied Science and Edunation to promote the advancement of academic excellence and cross-cultural understanding between Finland and Hong Kong.

Students of Higher Diploma in Japanese Studies attended the virtual ‘Collaborative Project with University Students in Japan’ in early February. The 4-day collaboration required students from Hong Kong and Japan to work together on business projects. It provided a good opportunity for our students to develop deeper understanding of the Japanese culture as well as business mindset.
On 19 April, Ms. Hiromi Kameshima, Director, Japanese Language Division, Pasona Education presented certificate to the following students:
  •  CHEUNG Yiu Hang
  •  HUANG Jia Wen
  •  LAM Lai Po
  •  LEE Hing Chuen
  •  XIAO Chun Lung

The LiPACE 30th anniversary celebratory event, “LiPACE Academic Forum Series 2: Recent Developments in Vocational Pedagogy: Theory, Methods and Strategies” was successfully held online. A special thanks to Ms. Anne Lau (Head and Registar, Qualifications Framework and Qualifications, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications ), Prof. Eugenia Ng (Former Director of Teaching and Learning Centre and Adjunct Professor, Lingnan University), Dr. Sai Loo (Academic, UCL Institute of Education(IOE)) for sharing their insightful views on the topic.
Besides, Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College’s representatives and students shared the development of Sichuan vocational education and Hong Kong-Sichuan Academic exchange during the panel discussion session.
Also, we are delighted to have Prof. Kwan Ching Ping Reggie (Provost of OUHK), Li Guo (Director of Project Department of Sichuan Education, International Exchange Center) and Prof. Geng Bing (Executive Vice President of Sichuan Chang Jiang Vocational College) to deliver the opening address, Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean, OUHK LiPACE) and Mr. Han Hu (Executive President of Sichuan Chang Jiang Vocational College) to deliver the closing remarks of the forum.

LiPACE held the 8th Mini Education Carnival Mandarin Session on April 10, 2021. Students of Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education introduced their handmade game booths and performed storytelling to the teachers and students from Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College, ABA Teachers University and Tajen University through live broadcast. In addition to the academic exchanges, the participants have also initially planned for future cooperation. Moreover, the activity also added elements of diversity and inclusiveness, ethnic minority student representatives from each school were invited to introduce their unique culture to the participants.

The 8th Mini Education Carnival (MEC) organized by Early Childhood Education Team of LiPACE. This event is one of the OUHK LiPACE’s 30th Anniversary Celebration activities and broadcast via Facebook Live.

Co-organised by LiPACE and MPFA, “Investor Education Seminar 「退休策劃新『勢』界」2021” was successfully held via Zoom. Special thanks to guest speakers Dr. Billy Mak (Associate Prof of Department of Finance and Decision Science, Hong Kong Baptist University), Mr. Alex Wong (Renowned Fund Manager and Financial Analysis) and Mr. Eddie Chan (Chef Manager, External Affairs, MPFA) for sharing various tips on strategic retirement investments.

The second LiPACE 30th anniversary celebratory event, “LiPACE Academic Forum Series 1: English Medium of Instruction (MOI): Fulfilling internationalization and beyond” was successfully held online today. A special thanks to Prof. Yuichi Kondo (Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University), Prof. Chuan-Chin Chiao (Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, National Tsinghua University) and Prof. Shalendra Sharma (Associate Vice President (QA and Internationalization), Lingnan University)) for sharing their insightful views on the topic. Also, we are delighted to have Prof. Yuk-Shan Wong (President of OUHK) to deliver the opening address and Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean, OUHK LiPACE) to chair the panel discussion of the forum.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Ms. Lee Kwan Wai Erika (Associate Director), Ms. Shing Sze Wai (Associate Director) and Mr. Richard Yang held the first online meeting with Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute. The two sides had an in-depth discussion and exchange in the aspects of student exchange, teacher training and partnership programs between the two schools.

LiPACE organised a two-day public symposium 'The Aftermath of Great East Japan Earthquake – Recovery and Reconstruction', with the sponsorship of the Japan Foundation and support by the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong. The Symposium invited scholars from Japan, U. S., China and Hong Kong to shed light on the recovery and reconstruction after the disaster. Dr. Carol Poon Man Wai and Ms. Joanna Lai Yin Shan from the Creative Arts team presented research papers which investigate the notion of 'on' in the Japanese culture and the disaster narrative respectively.

The symposium is also part of the School’s 30th Anniversary Programme.

The 15th and 16th Graduation Ceremony of the Capacity Building Mileage Programme

Full-time and Professional Programmes Graduation Ceremony 2019/2020

LiPACE Dean Dr. Benjamin Chan and Head of Human Resources & Administration of Hong Yip Service Company Ltd. Dr. Aaron Chiang signed an MOU that signifies the cooperation between the two parties, supporting LiPACE's property management programmes.

Ms. Molly M. N. Chan, a registered Social Worker and a Yoga and Mindfulness teacher, delivered the first workshop 'Befriending Your Body with Mindfulness and Yoga' of the 'Inner Nurturing and Personal Growth Series' to allow students to take the time to rest, relax, and recharge through practising Yin Yoga in a mindful way.

The Dean attended the 2019 PhilanthroKids Giving Tuesday Ambassador Award cum PhilanthroKids Certified Teachers Graduation Ceremony. During the event, students of the “Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education” received their training certificates.

The Opening Ceremony of the Chinese Calligraphy exhibition, curated by the graduates of the 'Certificate in Chinese Calligraphy', was held at the Exhibition Gallery in the Jockey Club Campus on 4 January 2020. A total of 12 graduates participated in the exhibition, with their art works exhibited from 1 January to 2 February 2020.

Director Dr. Benjamin Chan attended the 22nd Yan Chai Hospital Moral and Civic Education Award Scheme Prize-giving Ceremony. He was a panel member for the scheme and a presenter at the ceremony. LiPACE’s Honorary Advisor Mr. CHOI Pat-tai, MH, is the Founder of the Moral and Civic Education Fund.

LiPACE is one of the proud winners of the Financial Education Champion Award, given by the Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC), for 2 years in a row. The Institute is recognized for its efforts in enhancing financial education in Hong Kong.

Full-time and Professional Programmes Graduation Ceremony 2018/2019

Dr. Benjamin Chan (LiPACE Director) and Ms. Valerie Vranová (Vice-dean of Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University in Brno) signed the MOU at the Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Hong Kong, to signify the cooperation and exchange between the two universities. The ceremony was witnessed by the OUHK President Prof. Wong Yuk-Shan and the Consul General Mr. Jan Juchelka.

LiPACE Director Dr. Benjamin Chan and Executive Director of Awarding Body Association (ABA) International Mr. William Robb signed an MOU that signifies the cooperation between the two parties, supporting LiPACE’s arboricultural training programmes. Mr. Robb also gave a seminar on the development of arborist skills standards.

Mr. Anson Wong, Dietitian & Sports Dietitian (School of Biological Sciences, HKU), delivered a talk on how to make use of the 'FoodSwitch HK' App for effective nutrition management.

Mr. Leung Wing Mo, Former Assistant Director of HK Observatory and Adjunct Professor of PolyU, shared in his seminar 'The Time Bomb Underneath the Frozen World' about his field experience in Siberia and how the rapid climate changes are affecting us.

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of The Open University of Hong Kong, students of Chinese calligraphy from LiPACE created 30 calligraphy pieces of the Chinese character “shou” (longevity) for the OUHK’s 30th Anniversary Calligraphy Exhibition, held at the Exhibition Gallery in the Jockey Club Campus. Prof. Reggie Kwan, Provost, officiated at the Opening Ceremony on 5 September.

Graduation Ceremony of Elder Academy

The Director, Dr. Benjamin Chan, was joined by former Directors Dr. Bob Butcher and Prof. Lui Yu-Hon and colleagues in attending the FSTE 25th Anniversary Dinner Celebration.

The Institute organized a Seminar for secondary school principals and career masters, on the industry demand for young talents in the 21st Century. Staff members also introduced LiPACE programmes to the participants, and showed them around the campus to see the latest teaching facilities.

The kick-off ceremony of the “Hong Kong Underwater Photo and Video Competition 2019” and an underwater photography workshop were held in the Kwai Hing Campus, with guest instructor of LiPACE’s photography programme Mr. Kevin Wong as one of the speakers. The competition was co-organized by the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department and The Hong Kong Underwater Association.

Professional horticulturist and arboriculturalist Dr. Allen Lim, who is also a part-time lecturer of LiPACE’s 'Certificate in Professional Tree Management', gave a talk on rooftop organic gardening to KCC tenants.

Ir Lo Kok-keung, Retired Engineer of Department of Mechanical Engineering, PolyU, delivered a seminar on giving expert evidence for car accidents.

Students of 'Higher Diploma in Popular Music and Music Production' shared their original music at a busking event in Square Mile, and received valuable comments from industry professionals after the show.

'Doggie Caring Day' Mr. Eddie Lee, Founding Chairperson of the Hong Kong Institute of Animal Assisted Intervention, brought animal ambassadors 'Dam Ding Gor' and 'Forty' to visit students in LiPACE.

Students from the “Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education” hosted the “Mini Educational Carnival” at OUHK's Multi-purpose Hall, with booth games, story-telling sessions and drama performances for children as well as their parents. Every game was designed according to children's developmental needs. The carnival was also one of OUHK's 30th Anniversary celebration events.

The Institute and Investor and Financial Education Council (IFEC) jointly organized the 'ABC of Investing' seminar on investing for beginners.

For 9 consecutive years, the Institute has collaborated with the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) in organizing the “MPF Investment Education Seminar”. This year’s seminar attracted about 750 keen audience members.

LiPACE took part in the much-anticipated “C3 Anime Festival Asia” (C3AFA HONG KONG) with students promoting our Japanese Studies, comic art, photography and design programmes in the booth.

Celebrated Kimono designer and LiPACE’s External Advisor for Japanese Studies Master Nobuaki Tomita promoted the modern kimono culture at the 'D·PARK Japanese New Year Festival', where students of our'Higher Diploma in Japanese Studies'assisted in introducing Japanese cultures. LiPACE Director Dr. Benjamin Chan, Assistant Director Dr. Pamela Lam and Programme Leader Dr. Carol Poon joined the opening toast.

Film screening event 'In the Light of Human Nature: Exploring Peace and Cooperation in Global Village through Japanese-Turkish Film Kainan 1890 ' was held in collaboration with the Japan Society of Hong Kong, Turkish Consulate General in Hong Kong and Hong Kong Turkish Association. The discussion session was hosted by LiPACE’s Honorary Advisor Dr. Agnes Chan.

LiPACE is one of the proud winners of the Financial Education Champion Award, given by the Investor Education Centre.

"Japan Autumn Festival In HK: Japan Suki! Suki! Fair" was held in collaboration with the Japan Society of Hong Kong and Shiga University. Governor Taizo Mikazuki of Shiga Prefecture delivered the opening address.

Graduation Ceremony 2017/18

Mr. Alex Tse, Programme Director, attended the Opening Ceremony of the “Experiential Learning on Site Safety”.

Celebrated Kimono designer and LiPACE’s External Advisor for Japanese Studies Master Nobuaki Tomita gave a lecture on "Fashion Autumn: Experiencing Kimono" and demonstrated his design works to LiPACE students.

The 14th Graduation Ceremony of the Capacity Building Mileage Programme

The 8th Elder Academy Graduation Ceremony