
Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) News and Events Updates and Events 四川長江職業學院(長江)校長韓虎先生連同四川之友協會(香港)會長及長江理事長韓瑾先生率領成員到訪本院

四川長江職業學院(長江)校長韓虎先生連同四川之友協會(香港)會長及長江理事長韓瑾先生率領成員到訪本院, 與本院院長曾德源博士及部門重要成員在課程合作及學生交流等方面進行深入探討。雙方會後簽署了合作備忘錄,為落實兩校交流合作奠定堅實的基礎。

Mr. Han Hu (Principal of Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College (SCCVC)) and Mr. Han Jin (Chairman of Sichuan Association (Hong Kong) and Chairman of SCCVC) with their colleagues paid a visit to LiPACE for an in-depth discussion on academic collaboration and student exchange. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was also signed after the meeting, laying a solid foundation for the implementation of exchanges and cooperation between the two institutions.