Visits and Exchanges

Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) News and Events Visits and Exchanges
Dr. Larry Ching (Associate Director), Dr. Yvonne Chen (Associate Director), and Mr. Henry Lin (Assistant Director of ITO), along with other programme directors and colleagues made a cordial campus visit to School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU SCE) in Shek Mun on 19 Feb 2025. They were warmly received by Professor Ronald Chung, Dean of HKBU SCE, and his colleagues. The visit facilitated discussions and the exchange on various educational and IT matters.

We were honoured to welcome a delegation from Seoul National University (SNU) to LiPACE on 17th February. The delegation included Prof Kang Dae Joong from the Department of Education, Prof Jang Woncheol from the Department of Statistics, and staff leader Mr. Choi Choonghyeo. Our Dean, Dr Benjamin Chan, along with three Programme Directors Ms Helen Pang, Ms Tracy Lo, and Ms Crystal Chen, warmly received the guests. During the meeting, Dr Chan introduced the history of LiPACE and shared insights on our various programmes and developments, with a special focus on continuing and adult education. The delegates from SNU engaged in fruitful discussions with our colleagues, followed by an informative campus tour led by the Associate Director, Dr Yvonne Chen.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Ms. Crystal Chen (Programme Director), Ms. Helen Pang (Programme Director) and Ms. Heidi Cheng (Lecturer) paid a visit to the Consulate General of The Republic of Indonesia in Hong Kong to introduce the School’s ongoing initiatives to enrich students’ total learning experience through our 3i activities, and to discuss potential collaborations. They were warmly welcomed by Ms. Fithonatul Mar’ati (Consul) and Ms. Zivya Syifa Husnayain (Vice Consul), Information and Socio-cultural Affairs. The two sides discussed and exchanged insights on various social issues ranging from aging population and promoting internationalization in Hong Kong. We look forward to collaborating with the Consulate General of Indonesia in Hong Kong in the not-too-distant future!

The School warmly welcomed Mrs. Stefanie Seedig (Deputy Consul-General) and Ms. Iris Cheng (Press and Cultural Affairs Officer) of Consulate General of Germany in Hong Kong and Macau. They were greeted by Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) and his dedicated team. The meeting turned out to be a fruitful discussion on our plans to acquaint students with German regional cultures by celebrating German Karneval (Fasching) on campus next month, which would also mark the third event we collaborate with the Consulate General of Germany. Mrs. Seedig and Ms. Cheng were later introduced to the various functional rooms on our campus, thereby deepening their understanding of our School and our efforts to internationalize our students. We look forward to our third co-organised event next month. Stay tuned for more details!

Dr. WANG Yongqi (Assistant Dean of the International College of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, GDUFS) led a delegation visited LiPACE. They were warmly received by Dr. Larry Ching (Associate Director), along with Dr. CHEUNG Tao (Acting Programme Director) and Mr. Richard YANG (Senior Lecturer). A meeting was conducted to explore programme collaborations after the campus tour.

Dr. Larry Ching (Associate Director), Dr. U Kin Pong (Lecturer) and Ms. Heidi Cheng (Lecturer) were invited to attend the Orthodox Christmas Eve Celebration at the St. Mark & St. Thomas Coptic Church Hong Kong. They were greeted and blessed by Father Dawoud, whom our Dean Dr. Benjamin Chan had met and visited in person previously. Also in attendance at the event was Mr. Sherief Malaty, Deputy Consul-General of Egypt in Hong Kong, who had introduced the School to the church in the first place. Dr. Ching took the opportunity to thank Mr. Malaty and the Consulate General of Egypt for supporting the School’s ongoing initiatives to promote the total learning experience and intercultural awareness of our students. In the future, the School plans to bring students to visit the church and interact with the local Egyptian community.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Ms. Helen Pang (Programme Director) and Ms. Heidi Cheng (Lecturer) paid a visit to St. Mark & St. Thomas Coptic Church Hong Kong to learn more about the Egyptian community in Hong Kong. They were warmly welcomed by Father Dawoud and Father Cyril, who patiently introduced the history of the church to them and generously invited them to stay for lunch with their fellow Egyptians. In the future, the School plans to bring students to visit the church and interact with the Egyptian community to enrich their total learning experience and intercultural awareness. All this has been made possible thanks to the School’s established connection with the Consulate General of Egypt in Hong Kong.

Prof. Ronald Chung, Dean of the School of Continuing Education, Hong Kong Baptist University, along with over ten colleagues, made a cordial visit to HKMU LiPACE on 17 December 2024, to foster friendly exchanges and networking.

The School was invited to spend a Christmassy time with children and teachers at Yan Chai Hospital Choi Pat Tai Kindergarten. The School’s delegation, led by Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), met with Mr. CHOI Pat Tai, MH (Founder of the kindergarten) and Ms. NG Lan Heung (Head of School of the Kindergarten), and enjoyed a celebratory morning with the children, who all rejoiced in the presence of Santa Claus flying all the way from Finland. Children sang Christmas carols and raised questions to Santa Claus.

Dr. Yang Geng, Head of the Blockchain Technology Application Department and Dr. Xiao Yi, Lecturer of the School of Computer Science and Software Engineering of Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology (SZIIT), have just started their one-week teaching of a General Education course for nearly 70 students of our School.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Mr. Owen Tam (University Librarian), Ms. Helen Pang (Programme Director) and Ms. Heidi Cheng (Lecturer) paid a visit to the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria in Hong Kong to introduce the School’s ongoing initiatives to enrich students’ total learning experience, and to discuss potential collaborations. They were warmly welcomed by Ambassador Oludare E. Folowosele (Consul General, Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria) and Mr. Lawali D. Muhammad (Consul, Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Nigeria). With the preparation of our collaboration with the Consulate General of Nigeria in full swing, our School has now successfully connected with all four African Consulates in Hong Kong.

Two exchange students, Xie Siyi and Gao Xin from Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College (SCCVC) are about to complete their one-semester exchange study at LiPACE. They shared their learning experiences with Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean, HKMU LiPACE) and expressed their appreciation for the opportunities provided to them.

The President of Satakunta University in Finland, Prof. Jari Multisilta, visited HKMU and LiPACE to renew ties established since 2021. The President and his spouse were warmly welcomed by Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) and colleagues in the hospitality and tourism studies subject area. Apart from signing an updated version of the articulation agreement for Higher Diploma students to pursue further study at degree level in Satakunta University, the two sides also explored on other aspects of exchange such as visiting fellow and student study visit. The visitors were also introduced to the Consul General of Finland in HK and Macao, Mr. Timo Kantola and Mrs. Irma Kantola.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Dr. Yvonne Chen (Associate Director), Ms. Helen Pang (Programme Director) and Ms. Heidi Cheng (Lecturer) paid a visit to the Consulate General of India to introduce the School’s ongoing initiatives to enrich students’ total learning experience, and to discuss potential collaborations. They were warmly welcomed by Ms. Satwant Khanalia (Consul General), Mr. Arvind Kumar Verma (Vice Consul, Culture & Education) and Mr. M.A. Salam (Vice Consul, Protocol & Admin). The discussion turned out to be an extremely fruitful one, with ideas and insights being brainstormed and exchanged. Consul-General Khanalia generously shared her knowledge on a variety of topics, ranging from Yoga, movies to the three Ayurveda Doshas. We look forward to collaborating with the Consulate General of India in the foreseeable future!

Ms. LO Ka-yan Tracy (Head of the Division of Part-time and Non-local Programmes), Ms. CHAK Tsz-ying Mandy (Senior Administration Manager), and Dr. CHEUNG Tao (Head of Mainland Development) paid a courtesy visit to the Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology (SZIIT) and the Cultural Heritage Center of the “Shijing”. They were warmly received by Mr. JIANG Bo (Party Secretary and Acting Dean of the School of Applied Foreign Languages).The parties engaged in a discussion about collaboration on intangible cultural heritage (ICH) courses that can provide students with authentic learning scenarios and practical experiences. The meeting also explored the possibility of collaborating on study visits related to ICH.This visit has deepened the relationship between the two schools and provided new directions for collaboration in promoting Chinese culture and ICH in Hong Kong and the GBA.

The School warmly welcomed Ms. Krisztina Berkeszi (Cultural, Educational and Sports Affairs, Consulate General of Hungary Hong Kong) subsequent to our previous meeting late last month at her office. She was greeted by Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) and his dedicated team. The meeting turned out to be a fruitful discussion on the execution of our plans to celebrate Christmas the Hungarian way on campus next month, which would be the fourth major event of the School’s International Lifelong Learning Festival. Led by Ms. Helen Pang (Programme Director), Ms. Berkeszi was later introduced to and shown the various functional rooms on our campus, thus deepening her understanding of our School as a whole. We look forward to our co-organised event next month. Stay tuned for more details!

A delegation led by Dr. Chen Yi-Fan Yvonne (Associate Director, HKMU LiPACE) paid a courtesy visit to Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology (GDPST) and was warmly received by Prof. Pan Qihua (Vice President), School of Sport and Health, The Architectural Engineering College and School of Tourism. Both parties discussed the progress of the collaboration regarding the “flight attendant” and the “Higher Diploma in Tourism and Airline Studies” and explored new models of programme collaboration in other programmes. Both parties also discussed collaboration on study visits. This visit and exchange activity further deepened the partnership between the two schools and created new opportunities for collaboration in other areas.

As one of the six institutional members of Advance HE in Hong Kong, our School HKMU Lipace 香港都會大學 李嘉誠專業進修學院 was honoured to host the first-ever members’ meeting at our Kwai Hing Campus on 6th November 2024. Led by Mr. Ian Hall, Head of Membership (International) of Advance HE, the meeting brought together representatives from our School (Dr. Kathleen Chim), Lingnan University (Mr. Jason Mak), The Polytechnic University of Hong Kong (Dr. Shirley Ngai, Dr. Julia Chen), The University of Hong Kong (Dr. Janine Roed, Dr. Lily Zeng, Dr. Linda Chan), Hong Kong Baptist University (Dr. Benjamin Cheng, Dr. Roger Fung, Dr. Archimedes Guerra), and The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Prof. Cecilia Chun). The event fostered valuable networking opportunities and provided updates on crucial topics, including the Advance HE strategy and membership, global benchmarking for teaching and student support success, staff development, and opportunities for member institutions. Following the productive discussions, Mr. Hall toured our state-of-the-art simulated classrooms, gaining first-hand insight into our innovative learning environments. This collaborative event marks a significant step in enhancing higher education practices across Hong Kong member institutions. We look forward to working closely with Advance HE to enrich our academic environment and support our staff's profess#globalisation. Advance HE is a dedicated British charity and professional membership scheme that advocates evidence-based teaching and promotes excellence in higher education for staff, students and societies across the globe.

As one of the six institutional members of Advance HE in Hong Kong, our School was honoured to welcome Mr. Ian Hall, Head of Membership (International), to our Kwai Hing Campus on 5th November 2024. During his visit, Mr. Hall engaged with our academic staff and management colleagues, fostering valuable discussions and insights into staff development and strategies for benchmarking success in teaching and supporting students on a global scale. After the meeting, Mr. Hall also toured our simulated classrooms, gaining first-hand insight into our innovative learning environments. This exchange not only strengthened our collaboration with Advance HE but also provided an excellent opportunity for our team to explore innovative practices that enhance educational outcomes. We look forward to implementing the insights gained from this visit to further enrich our academic environment and support our staff's professional growth. Advance HE is a dedicated British charity and professional membership scheme that advocates evidence-based teaching and promotes excellence in higher education for staff, students and societies across the globe.

Ms Helen Pang (Programme Director), Mr Jan Chau (Senior Lecturer) and Ms Heidi Cheng (Lecturer) paid a visit to the Consulate General of Hungary in Hong Kong. They met with Mr Zoltán Páldi (Consul, Trade Commissioner) and Ms Krisztina Berkeszi (Cultural, Educational and Sports Affairs) to discuss potential collaborations of celebrating Christmas in the Hungarian way as part of the School’s ongoing International Lifelong Learning Festival, a special series of events to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the University that comprise vibrant celebrations of various cultures around the globe in an attempt to enrich students’ total learning experience.

On 29 October 2024, an important milestone was achieved as HKMU LiPACE signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the American University in Cairo’s School of Continuing Education. This agreement aims to enhance academic collaboration and facilitate exchanges at different levels. It also promises more broadening opportunities for students to understand the Middle East which is being explored as a new economic partner.

Dr Benjamin Chan, Dr Larry Ching, Ms Helen Pang and Ms Crystal Chen had an online meeting with Chair of International Association of University of Third Age (AIUTA), Prof François Vellas, along with AIUTA secretary Ms Maris Chester, AIUTA delegates from Tunisia, Belgium, Benin, Guinea, France, Indonesia, Italy, Slovakia, Spain and UAE Abu Dhabi and Mr Thomas Kuan of Singapore U3A. The discussion focused on the preparation of the AIUTA Asia International Conference, scheduled for 1-2 Apr 2025, in Hong Kong.

Mr. Desmond Makosa (Consul Tourism and Culture of Zimbabwe in Hong Kong) and Mrs. Alice Mudumi (Consul Political and Economic of Zimbabwe in Hong Kong) paid a visit to our Kwai Hing campus. They were warmly welcomed by Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Ms. Helen Pang (Programme Director) and Ms. Heidi Cheng (Lecturer). Dr. Chan led a school tour and introduced the various functional teaching rooms on our campus to our honourable guests and expressed our eagerness to and anticipation for the upcoming event we will be co-organising with the Zimbabwean Consulate General next Tuesday, i.e., 8 Oct.

A delegation led by Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean, HKMU LiPACE) paid a courtesy visit to Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology (SZIIT) and was warmly received by Prof. Zhou Yanbing (Vice President), Mr. Jiang Bo (Party Secretary of the Applied Foreign Languages), Dr. Cai Tie (Dean of the School of Computer Science and Software Engineering) ,Dr. Zhang Yunsheng (Dean of International Office) and Dr. Deng Zhihong (Dean of the School of Management). Both parties summarized the existing collaboration projects and explored several new areas of collaborations. This visit and exchange activity further solidified the partnership and created new opportunities for the two schools.

Two exchange students, Xie Siyi and Gao Xin from Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College (SCCVC), have just started their first semester in the Higher Diploma in Business Administration and Management (Year 1) and the Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education (Year 2) at LiPACE. They will stay here for one semester (Semester A, AY2024/25).

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Ms. Helen Pang (Programme Director) and Ms. Heidi Cheng (Lecturer) paid a visit to the Consulate General of Zimbabwe in Hong Kong. They met with Mr. Desmond Makosa (Consul Tourism and Culture), Mrs. Alice Mudumi (Consul Political and Economic) and Mr. Stan Musiiwa (Consul Finance and Administration) to discuss potential collaborations and to invite the Consulate General to be a part of the School’s International Lifelong Learning Festival - a special event to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the University that will comprise vibrant celebrations of various cultures around the globe in an attempt to enrich students’ total learning experience.

Mr. Carmelo Ficarra (Consul-General of Italy in Hong Kong) visited LiPACE on 28 August 2024. He was warmly received by Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean, LiPACE), Ms. Xuemei Shi (Director of Mainland and International Affairs, HKMU) and other members of LiPACE. A meeting was conducted to explore possible collaborations in academic and cultural areas.

On 19 July 2024, we had the honour of welcoming Dr. Eric Lee, Associate Professor, Programme Leader of Department of Pet Care and Grooming, Director of International Affairs and Industrial Development Center at Tajen University, Taiwan. Dr. Lee engaged in a productive meeting with our programme team of HKMU Lipace HD in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy, Dr. Kathleen Chim (Programme Director), Ms. Alice Lai (Assistant Lecturer), and Ms. Jeslyn Li (Programme Assistant). The focus of this meeting was to explore new opportunities for collaboration and advancement in the fields of pet care and grooming. Dr. Lee was also shown around some of the favourite spots of our innovative campus in Kwai Hing! We are excited about the prospects of this collaboration and look forward to the valuable contributions it will bring to the field of pet care and grooming. This partnership not only aligns with our strategic directions but also reinforces our commitment to providing high-quality education and training that meets the evolving needs of our students and the industry.

2024年7月5日,廣東開放大學劉文清校長、科技部部長陳東英女士以及港澳台外事工作部副部長陳海娜女士一行到訪LiPACE。曾德源院長及課程總監陳智嫻女士向劉校長一行介紹LiPACE的課程與發展,特別是都會大學長者學苑的營運特色。LiPACE 2023年12月簽訂由廣東開放大學牽頭的《粵港澳大灣區老年教育高質量發展戰略合作框架協議》,未來雙方將繼續深化在長者教育領域的合作與交流,促進協同發展與資源共享。

A delegation from the Open University of China visited LiPACE and exchanged views on the development and operation of continuing education and elderly education programmes with Dr Larry Ching (Associate Director) and Ms Crystal Chen (Programme Director).

Prof. He Xiaozhong (Dean), Ms. Gu Wenli (Vice Dean), Ms. Xiao Yanfei (Teaching Director), and Ms. Tian Haiyun (Office Director) from Sun Yat-Sen University School of Continuing Education visited LiPACE. They were warmly received by Dr Benjamin Chan (Dean), Dr. Larry Ching (Associate Director), Dr. Yvonne Chen (Associate Director) and Ms. Helen Pang (Programme Director). Both Schools introduced their backgrounds and service provisions, and explored collaboration opportunities.

Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi, the Visiting Fellow of LiPACE conducted a workshop on the topic “Experience Finnish Education – Learning from real life issues” at our Kwai Hing Campus. Share the concept of learning from reality in Finnish education with participants.

Our visiting fellow, Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi, and our acting senior lecturer Mr. Bruno Chiu visited Lok King Kindergarten on June 28. They held preliminary discussions with representatives of the kindergarten on future cooperation.

Associate Professor Lee Bin-ho from Ajou University of Korea led four students to visit our Elderly Academy (EAMU). They had in-depth conversations with Ms Crystal Chen (Program Director) and four elderly students to understand the philosophy, curriculum design, and unique features of EAMU.

Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi (Visiting Fellow) and Mr. Bruno Chiu (Acting Senior Lecturer) visited Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College (SCCVC) and held a work meeting with Yi Xianwen (Vice President, SCCVC), Ran Xun (Vice President, School of Education and Design), Jiao Yahong (Head, Department of Educational Management) and teacher representatives of early childhood education. They discussed matters related to course development and future exchanges.

It was our pleasure to welcome a 32-delegate group led by Ms. Scarlet Poon, Assistant Chief Executive Officer, of Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service – BOKSS, for a joint campus guided tour on 14 June 2024. The delegation, which included a number of service-in-charge, team leaders, a clinical psychologist, a family therapist, occupational therapists, social workers, and project workers from a range of BOKSS services, was absolutely buzzing with enthusiasm and curiosity about the different aspects of our School! The delegation had insightful exchanges with our Dean, Dr. Benjamin Chan, following his stimulating presentation on the educational philosophy and visionary outlook for the future of our School. This enriching event was organised with the aim to enhance the planning and implementation of the new collaborative mental health initiatives for the new academic year. Through further fostering mutual understanding, strengthening collaboration, and aligning our common mission and shared goals, we are poised to embark on a transformative journey to support student wellbeing with interdisciplinary passion and expertise.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Ms. Crystal Chen (Programme Director) and Ms. Ray Chen (Lecturer) were invited to the Philippine Independence Day Reception. The School has standing collaborations with the Philippines Consulate General in community outreach education for ethnic minority women learners and virtual cultural exchange workshops with higher education institutions in the Philippines.

Dr. Larry Ching (Associate Director) and Ms. Crystal Chen (Programme Director) were invited to the BCT Anniversary Cocktail. BCT is the partner of Elder Academy at HKMU and has been sponsoring students’ tuition fee for 15 years.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean of LiPACE), Ms. Xuemei Shi (Director of Mainland and International Affairs) and Ms. Helen Pang (Programme Director of LiPACE) paid a visit to the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macau. They had a meeting with Mr. Jason Reeve (Consul & Senior Trade Commissioner) (middle), Ms. Janet MacPhee (Vice Consul & Trade Commissioner) (2nd from left) and Ms. Sarah Ip (Trade Commissioner) (left) to introduce LiPACE’s extensive collaborations with Canadian colleges and polytechnics as well as exploring further collaborations with Canadian higher education institutions.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean of LiPACE), Ms. Xuemei Shi (Director of Mainland and International Affairs), Mr. Owen Tam (University Librarian) and Ms. Helen Pang (Programme Director of LiPACE) paid a visit to Consulate General of Egypt in Hong Kong and Macau. They had a meeting with Mr. Baher Sheweikhi (Consul-General) (middle) and Mr. Sherief Malaty (Deputy Consul General) (right) for exploring possible collaborations.

Dr. CHEUNG Tao (Senior Lecturer, LiPACE) and Mr. Bruno Chiu (Acting Senior Lecturer, LiPACE) visited Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology (SZIIT) and held a work meeting with Dr. Zhang Yunsheng (Dean, School of International Exchange and Cooperation), Prof. Cheng Jianwei (Dean, School of Applied Foreign Languages) . The two parties discussed the progress of the joint programme and further collaboration in the field of early childhood education.

The students of the Higher Diploma in Early Childhood Education participated in the “Early Childhood Art Education Exchange Program” at Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology from June 4th to 7th. In addition to taking part in experiential courses in music, dance, and visual arts, the students also engaged in a series of exchange and cultural activities, and visited two first-tier kindergartens in Shenzhen.

Ms. Joanna Lai Yin Shan (Senior Lecturer) visited J. F. Oberlin University to meet with Mr. Takahara (Director of Admission and Enrollment and Special Assistant to the President), Mr. Nakamura and Ms. Lui (Office of International Programs) to further discuss articulation arrangement and other collaboration opportunities.

Ms. Scarlet Poon (Assistant Chief Executive Officer), Ms. Jess Leung (Centre-in-Charge), Mr. Thomas Fung (Centre-in-Charge), Ms. Siu Oi Ying (Centre-in-charge), Mr. Jeff Kei (Clinical Psychologist), Ms. April Wong (Social Worker) and Mr. Stephen Yip (Project Officer) of 浸信會愛羣社會服務處 Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service - BOKSS visited our Kwai Hing Campus on 30 May 2024. They met with Ms. Shing Sze Wai (Associate Director), Dr. Winnie Wong (Programme Director, Health Care) and Dr. Kathleen Chim (Programme Director, Psychology) to discuss the planning and implementation of the new collaborative mental health initiatives for the new academic year. Student mental health has become a critical global issue, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The joint efforts are expected to enhance students’ mental health awareness and diversify support resources, thus fostering a healthier and more supportive learning environment.

Researcher Liu Shu (Director of Division of Studies on Science and Technology for Learning at the Open University of China's Lifelong Education Research Institute), and Associate Professor Ma Lihua (Institute of Vocational and Adult Education at the East China Normal University's School of Education) visited LiPACE. They discussed various feasible plans for the collaborative development of elderly education in the Greater Bay Area with Dr Benjamin Chan (Dean) and Ms Crystal Chen (Programme Director, Community Learning Programmes).

Prof. Zhang Li (President) led a delegation of 5 members of Guangdong Polytechnic of Science and Technology visited LiPACE on 28 May 2024. They were warmly received by Prof. Reggie Kwan (Provost, HKMU), Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean, LiPACE) and other members of the School. A meeting was conducted to explore programme collaboration and exchange opportunities after the campus tour.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Ms. Helen Pang (Programme Director) and Ms. Heidi Cheng (Lecturer) paid a visit to Consulate General of Spain in Hong Kong for exploring possible collaborations. They met with Ms. María Suárez Fernández (Vice Consul) (3rd from right), Ms. Menchu Miguélez (Cultural Officer) (2nd from right) and Mr. Iván Tsui (Personal Assistant to the Consul General) (right).

Ms. Shing Sze Wai (Associate Director), Dr. Chen Yi-Fan Yvonne (Associate Director) and Dr. CHEUNG Tao (Senior Lecturer) held an online meeting with Mr. Kuang Zengyi, Executive Vice President of Guangzhou International Economics College to explore collaboration opportunities. (2024.05.06)

Led by the Principal of YMCA College of Continuing Education, Ms Mavis Lam, a delegation from YMCA of Hong Kong visited HKMU LiPACE on 3 May 2024. They were warmly welcomed by Dr Larry Ching (Associate Director) and Mr Benjamin Chan (Programme Director) along with a team of dedicated teacher representatives from the Division of Foundation and Programmes and Education.
The meeting was a good chance for both parties to share and exchange their wealth of experience in the area of education and youth services, sparking a plethora of inspiring ideas. We all agreed to not only strengthen our existing collaborations, but also to explore new territories of joint efforts to better respond to the evolving growth needs of our young generations.
Our shared vision is all about closer collaboration, empowering a new generation of young people to reach their full potential and make a positive impact on the society.

Ambassador Okada Kenichi (Consul General) and Ms. Kuwahara Michiko (Vice Consul) from the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong visited HKMU LiPACE on 18 April 2024 (Thursday). They met with Professor Paul Lam (President), Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Dr. Yvonne Chen (Associate Director) and Ms. Emily Law (Manager and Executive Assistant to the President) to exchange views on various aspects. The meeting was enhanced by the gracious hospitality of Ms. Vivian Yagisawa and Mr. Gary To, Tea Masters of the Matsudaira Style New Japanese Tea Ceremony, and Mr. Ryoichi Yagisawa. Six students, including a graduate, of the Higher Diploma in Japanese Studies had a valuable exchange with the Ambassador and the President in Japanese and English. Professor Reggie Kwan (Provost) joined the luncheon meeting with the Ambassador and the officials to explore further potential collaboration opportunities.

Mr Richard Smith (President), Mr Richard Harral (CEO), Dr Nikki Ghadiminia (Academic & Research Director), Mr Kyran Sze (Chairman of Hong Kong Chapter) and Ms Ceciline Poon (Administrator of Hong Kong Office) of the Chartered Association of Building Engineers (CABE) visited our Kwai Hing Campus in the afternoon of 15 April 2024. They met with Dr Larry Ching (Associate Director), Mr Benjamin KT Chan (Programme Director), Ms Tracy Lo (Programme Director) and Ir Johnny Yip (Senior Lecturer) to exchange views on the engineering programmes offered by our School. The discussion also touched on the benefits of academic partnerships with and programme accreditations by CABE. Particular focuses were placed on how CABE’s membership competency framework is designed to meet the needs of global leaders working in civil engineering.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) and 2 Programme Directors, Dr. Kathleen Chim and Ms. Helen Pang had a Zoom meeting with Prof. Yang Wenming (楊文明), Co-ordinator of the UNESCO-UNEVOC Centre (聯合國教科文組織職教聯繫中心) of Shenzhen Polytechnic University (深圳職業技術大學) with his colleagues on 20 March 2024 to discuss the collaboration on Career Readiness Symposium to be held during 18 – 19 October 2024.

Mr. Mojalefa Mogono (Consul-General of the Republic of South Africa in HKSAR, China) paid a visit to LiPACE for getting to know the facilities of the School and exploring collaboration possibilities.

Prof. Kenichi Ito (Associate Professor, Center for International Relations) from the University of Miyazaki and Mr. Fuminori Ueki (Managing Director) and Ms. Melody Ng (Administrative Assistant) from the Miyazaki Prefectural Hong Kong Representative Office visited LiPACE to discuss the arrangement of study tour 2024, the possibility of educational and cultural collaboration with the Miyazaki University.

Dr. Simon CK Wong (Training Manager) and, Mr. Sam Lai (Training Assistant of the Yau Lee Holdings Limited), visited Kwai Hing Campus in the afternoon of 28 February 2024. They met with Dr. Larry Ching (Associate Director), Mr. Benjamin KT Chan (Programme Director), Ir Johnny Yip (Senior Lecturer) to discuss about civil engineering courses contents and providing internship training for the first-year students of the Higher Diploma in Civil Engineering, as to train up future civil engineers in Hong Kong.

Professor Ricky Kwok (Vice President, Research and Student Development, HKMU), Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean, LiPACE), and Dr. Kathleen Chim (Associate Head, Division of Health) met with Ms. Scarlet Poon (Assistant Chief Executive Officer), Mr. Thomas Fung (Centre-in-charge, Mental Wellness Service for Children and Youth), and Ms. Jess Leung (Centre-in-charge, Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness, Kwai Tsing) of Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service on 23 February 2024 to explore strategic partnerships. The rewarding discussion focused on aligning visions, strengths, resources and common goals to connect students with the community, build social capital and community capacity, and boost student success.

Mr Clarence Ng (Head of Alibaba Cloud International Training Operations), Mr Jackson Leung (Business Development Manager) and Ms Lulu Cheung (Training and Operation Specialist) from Alibaba Cloud, visited LiPACE Kwai Hing Campus on 23 Feb 2024. The delegation was warmly received by Dr Chen Yi-Fan Yvonne (Associate Director), Mr Alvis Chan Man Kee (Senior Lecturer), Ms Joanna Lai Yin Shan (Senior Lecturer), Ms Lilian Ho Ling Sheung (Lecturer), Ms HO Sze Man (Head of Industry Partnership) and toured the campus. Both parties had an in-depth discussion of the future collaboration in different areas. The signing ceremony of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) will tentatively be scheduled in the second quarter of 2024.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Mr. Benjamin KT Chan (Programme Director) and Ms. Helen Pang (Programme Director) paid a visit to South African Consulate General in Hong Kong SAR, PRC. They met with Mr. Mojalefa Mogono (Consul-General) and Ms. Stella Sigcau Dikoloti (Consul (Political & Economic)) to explore possible collaborations.

A 40-delegate group led by Associate Professor, Pai-Shiang Huang, Head of the Department of Early Childhood Education & Care at Tajen University (大仁科技大學), Taiwan, which consists of academic staff from the Department and members from its 3 affiliated non-profit kindergartens visited LiPACE on 26 January 2024, for an exchange with our School’s Dr. Larry Ching (Associate Director), Ms. Jesmond Fan (Senior Lecturer), Mr. Bruno Chiu (Acting Senior Lecturer) and Ms. Kit Ho (Student representative), and attended a seminar delivered by Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi (Visiting Fellow, LiPACE). They also visited 2 kindergartens (Creative Kindergarten and Sin Ching Kindergarten) in Hong Kong organised by LiPACE.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Ms. Helen Pang (Programme Director), Mr. Benjamin KT Chan (Programme Director) and Dr. Cheung Tao (Senior Lecturer) had an online meeting with Mr. Tang Xiaopeng (Deputy Director, Center of Teacher Development and International Cooperation), Associate Professor Fu Bo (Vice-Dean, School of Art and Design), Ms. Li Nan (Director of International Cooperation Program, School of Art and Design) and 2 staff members of Guangdong Industry Polytechnic on 16 January 2024 to explore collaboration and exchange opportunities.

Mr Paul Pong (Founder of Institute of ESG & Benchmark), Mr Clement Ko (Associate Director of Institute of ESG & Benchmark), Mr Victor Kwong (Chairman of Environmental Committee of Institute of ESG & Benchmark), Ms Ella Tang (Marketing, Membership & Development Officer of Institute of ESG & Benchmark) and Ms Lexie Luo (Marketing, Membership & Development Officer of Institute of ESG & Benchmark) paid a visit to LiPACE Kwai Hing Campus on 11 Jan 2024 and had a discussion with Dr Larry Ching (Associate Director of LiPACE) and Ms Tracy Lo (Division Head of LiPACE) to explore possibilities of joint projects on ESG and financial technology.

A delegation comprising 8 senior staff and faculty members and 50 students from Guizhou University, led by Ms. Yu Song (Deputy Head, Student Affairs Department) paid a reciprocal courtesy visit to LiPACE on 11 January 2024. This event is a 2-way exchange organised by the Talent Reveal Association, and sponsored by Home and Youth Affairs Bureau and Youth Development Commission.

Dr. Wang Yinfeng, Deputy Dean of the School of Software Engineering of Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology (SZIIT), along with Dr. Cao Wei, Head of the Teaching and Research Section for Big Data Technology, and Dr. Yang Geng, Head of the Teaching and Research Section of Block Chain Technology and Application, visited LiPACE on January 9, 2024 for having an extensive discussion with Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) and other key members on curriculum collaboration and student exchanges.


Ms. Iris Lam (Associate Director of Human Resources, BCTHK), Mr. Davy Wan (Financial Controller, BCTHK) and his colleagues visited LiPACE and discussed further collaborations with Ms. Crystal Chen (Programme Director).

Prof. Carmencita L. Castolo (Executive Director, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) Open University System (OUS)) led a delegation to LiPACE for participating in the Symposium on Advancement of Continuing Professional Development Programmes, hosted by Division of Part-time and Non-local Programmes (PNP) of our School on 1 December 2023. Both institutions exchanged views on Positioning, Provisions and Quality Assurance Dimension of Continuing and Professional Education Programmes, and Best Practices of PUP OUS Institute of Continuing and Professional Development.

Mr. Han Hu (President, Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College (SCCVC)), Ms. Han Xu (Executive Director and Vice Chairman, SCCVC) with their colleagues paid a visit to LiPACE for an in-depth discussion on academic collaborations.

Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi, the Visiting Fellow of LiPACE and Senior Researcher at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland, visited the Po Leung Kuk Vicwood Chong Kee Ting Kindergarten and Nursery and Bobo Nursery school with Lecturer (Early Childhood Education), Mr. Bruno Chiu, and discussed with kindergarten representatives about the possibility of potential collaborations.

Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi, the Visiting Fellow of LiPACE and Senior Researcher at the University of Jyväskylä in Finland, visited the Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology (SZIIT) with LiPACE’s Programme Director, Mr. Benjamin Chan, and Lecturer (Early Childhood Education), Mr. Bruno Chiu. Dr. Fenyvesi conducted workshops and delivered lecture on STEAM for students and local representatives/practitioners of the early childhood education sector.

Dr. Kristof Fenyvesi (Senior Researcher of STEAM Learning & Contemporary Culture Studies, Finnish Institute for Educational Research, University of Jyväskylä and Visiting Fellow of HKMU LiPACE), conducted a workshop and delivered a presentation about STEAM learning in early childhood education at our Kwai Hing Campus.

Mr. Neal Ni (Associate Dean, School of Continuing Education, Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College, SCCVC) was on work shadowing at LiPACE during 13 – 17 November 2023. Mr. Ni and staff of LiPACE exchanged views on the development of different areas and explored ways for future collaborations.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) and our colleagues visited the Consulate General of Hungary in Hong Kong to discuss further educational collaborations. We look forward to knowing more about Hungary!

Dr. Yvonne Chen (Associate Director) and Ms. Helen Pang (Programme Director (Head of QA and Deanery Affairs)), together with representatives from Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic and Vocational Qualifications (HKCAAVQ), Qualifications Framework Secretariat (QFS) and Vocational Training Council (VTC), joined a delegation hosted by Hong Kong Education Bureau (EDB) to Guangdong during 8 to 10 November 2023, for visiting Department of Education of Guangdong Province, 4 vocational education institutions in Guangdong (Shenzhen Polytechnic University, Guangdong Industry Polytechnic, Guangzhou Panyu Polytechnic, and Shunde Polytechnic) and their industry partners, to learn the experience of the Mainland in promoting and delivering vocational education, and explore the Government’s initiative regarding mutual recognition of qualifications at sub-degree level.

Dr. Lydia Chan (Vice President) and Ms. Rainlla Chen (Senior Project Officer) of Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (Hong Kong) visited LiPACE and met with Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Dr Larry Ching (Associate Director) and ECE members to explore the possibility of collaboration.

Mr. Koji Takahara (Director of Admission and Enrollment and Special Assistant to the President) and Ms. Fleurette Lui (Office of International Programs) from J. F. Oberlin University visited HKMU LiPACE to discuss academic matters.

Ms. Annie Fu, the International Enrolment Director of Saskatchewan Polytechnic from Canada, visited LiPACE to further discuss collaboration in early childhood education and other programmes.

Mr. Wang Jingwen, Vice Chairman of Jinan Municipal People's Political Consultative Conference of Shandong Province, led a six-member delegation, including the Dean of Jinan Engineering Vocational Technical College and the President of Jinan Preschool Education College, to visit HKMU LiPACE on 26 October, 2023 to conduct in-depth discussions on the future extensive cooperation between the two sides in the field of vocational education.

A delegation led by Prof. Reggie Kwan (Provost, HKMU) and Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean, LiPACE) paid a courtesy visit to Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology (SZIIT) and was warmly received by Prof. Wang Hui (President, SZIIT), Mr. Zhang Yunsheng (Dean, International Office, and Director, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs Office), Prof. Cheng Jianwei (Dean, School of Foreign Languages) and other Deans and representatives. Both institutions discussed the progress of the joint programme, and explored possibilities of academic exchanges and new areas of collaborations.

Mr. Fuminori Ueki (Managing Director) and Ms. Melody Ng (Administrative Assistant) from the Miyazaki Prefectural Hong Kong Representative Office visited HKMU LiPACE to discuss educational and cultural collaboration.

We were delighted to have Ms. Karen Lo (Senior Manager, Human Resources), Ms. Iris Lai (Senior Specialist, Talent Relations and Development) and Mr. Joseph Au (Senior Nursing Manager) of CityU Veterinary Medical Centre (VMC) visiting our campus!
Following a meeting to discuss collaboration details with our Programme Directors, Dr. Kathleen Chim and Mr. Benjamin Chan of HD in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy and Diploma of Applied Education, respectively, our VMC guests were shown around some of the favourite parts of our campus!
We look forward to our new collaboration with VMC as we continue to expand and enhance the learning experience of our students!

Ms. Sabrina Chan (Senior Executive Director of The Hong Kong Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry) paid a visit to LiPACE’s Kwai Hing Campus for exploring collaboration possibilities.

Professor Guillaume Finck (Vice President of College de Paris) and Mr Lobo Fung (President of Hong Kong Institute of Certified Property Managers) paid a visit to LiPACE Kwai Hing Campus and had a meeting with Dr Larry Ching (Associate Director) and Ms Tracy Lo (Division Head) to discuss a range of possibilities for joint programmes and student activities.

More than 30 delegates representing 10 Sichuan vocational higher education institutions (including Sichuan Vocational College of Cultural Industries, Sichuan Engineering Technical College, Sichuan Vocational College of Finance and Economics, Chengdu Technological University, Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College, Aba Teachers University, Sichuan Vocational and Technical College of Communications, Chengdu Aeronautic Polytechnic, Leshan Vocational and Technical College and Chengdu Textile College) together with officials from the Department of Education of Sichuan Province and the Friends of Sichuan Association (HK) paid a visit to LiPACE for academic exchanges.
Staff from LiPACE, representatives from professional bodies (Institute of Public Accountants (HK) and The Institute of Certified Management Accountants, Australia (HK), and Hong Kong Institute of Certified Property Managers), LiPACE’s programme partners (including France Bridal Wedding Salon, Metro Radio Broadcasting, Crowne Plaza, Jardine Aviation Services and Clothing Industry Training Authority) jointly attended the tripartite meeting to explore ways for future collaborations.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) and Ms. Helen Pang (Senior Lecturer) paid a visit to Sunderland University (Hong Kong) and met with Mr. Francis Chiang to explore possibility of programme collaborations.

Programme Directors Dr. Kathleen Chim and Ms. Elizabeth Wong had a meeting with Mr. Justin Seow (Senior Lead, Regional Recruitment) and Ms. Connie Lim (Programme Executive, Regional Recruitment) of Singapore Institute of Management (SIM) to discuss articulation collaborations on 21 July 2023.

Mr. Albert Chow (Executive Director, Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualifications), visited LiPACE to exchange views on microcredentials development and competency-based degrees.

Ms. Bingo Lau, the International Recruitment Specialist of North Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) from Canada, visited LiPACE. The purpose of the visit was to further discuss programme collaboration and articulation pathway for students with Higher Diploma in Business Administration and Management.

Prof. Ruo Du, Associate Dean of the Open University of China, and Dr YuWei Chen visited LiPACE. Dr Benjamin Chan (Dean) and Ms Crystal Chen (Programme Director) introduced the operation and features of EAMU. Both parties exchanged the development of continuing education, especially in the field of elderly education, and discussed the opportunities for collaboration.

Ms. Crystal Chen (Programme Director) , Ms. Ray Chen (Lecturer) and members of CBMP Student Association attended 「香港精神 香港故事 – 慶香港回歸26周年盛典」organised by Hong Kong Island Women’s Association.

Dr. CHEUNG Tao (Senior lecturer of Mainland Liaisons) paid a visit to Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology (SZIIT) and held discussions with Mr. Jiang Li, Dr. Cheng Jianwei, Dr. Ji Jie, Dr. Zhao Rong, and their department members regarding the programmes collaboration between the two parties.

Ms. Crystal Chen (Programme Director) and Ms. Ray Chen (Lecturer) attended the launching ceremony of Women Empowerment Fund.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) and members of HKMU LiPACE attended the CBMP mall show in Yue Man Square.

Representatives of Shenzhen Institute of Information technology, Aba Teacher University and Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College joined the 'Sichuan-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Early Childhood Education Exchange Conference' hosted by HKMU LiPACE, exchanged and discussed with the ECE teachers and students on the topic “Picture Book Teaching”.

Prof. Geng Bing (Executive Vice President of Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College) and Mr. Han Jin (Chairman of Sichuan Association (Hong Kong)) visited LiPACE to discuss arrangements for student study visits, staff and student exchanges and programme collaborations.

Mr Jason Wu (Chairman, Shanghai Ivy Education Group), Dr. Peter Wong (CEO cum Director, Pete and Dave’s Cultural Heritage Consultancy Ltd), Dr. David Chung (Marketing & Research Director, Pete and Dave’s Cultural Heritage Consultancy Ltd) and Ms. Phoebe Wong (Marketing & Research Director, UNU Technology Ltd) paid a visit to LiPACE to discuss programme collaborations.

Ms Mandy Wong, Principal Assistant Secretary for Home and Youth Affairs Bureau, and Mr Kelvin Cheung, Assistant Secretary, visited LiPACE to discuss the publicity and development of the Capacity Building Mileage Programme.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) and members of HKMU LiPACE visited German Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong to discuss educational collaborations.

Mr. Richard Yang (Head of Mainland Liaisons) paid a visit to Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute (SXPI) on 26 April 2023. Mr Yang discussed further collaboration and exchange activities with Mr. Qin Jingjun and his colleagues.
Please click here to view the press release of SXPI.(Chinese Version only)

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) and members of HKMU LiPACE visited the Philippine Consulate General in Hong Kong to discuss further educational collaborations.


Ms. Elizabeth Li, RISIA, BA, MBA, M.Ed. (International Student Recruiter/Cultural Advisor) of Selkirk College, British Columbia, Canada visited HKMU LiPACE to discuss academic collaboration on 30 March 2023.

Dr. Nikoletta Csépány (Cultural, Educational and Sports Affairs) and Ms. Krisztina Dóra Koletár (Consul, Trade Commissioner) from the Consulate General of Hungary in Hong Kong visited HKMU LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities.

Award Ceremony of the Language and Cultural Exchange Programme 2022 between university students of HKSAR and the Philippines was successfully held on March 8 2023. We were delighted to have Vice Consul Mr. Jose Angelo Manuel of the Philippine Consulate General in Hong Kong, Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean of the Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education, Hong Kong Metropolitan University), and staff and students in the ceremony. All participants were happy to receive the acknowledgement from Mr. Jose Angelo Manuel and Dr. Benjamin Chan’s remark; the essence of the exchange programme was also reflected by Dr. Chan’s speech in both English and Tagalog.

Mr. Manuel Grösch (Consular Attaché, Cultural & Press Affairs) and Ms. Iris Cheng (Cultural & Press Affairs) from the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany Hong Kong visited HKMU LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities.

Ms. Katharine Ovens, Deputy Director International and Mr. Winston NingKan, Director – Asia Pacific Region of University College Birmingham, UK, paid a visit to HKMU LiPACE Kwai Hing Campus on 8 March 2023 and met with Dr Benjamin CHAN Tak-yuen (Dean), Dr. Chen Yi-Fan Yvonne (Associate Director), Ms. Wong Mei Shan Elizabeth (Programme Director) and Mr. Yang Xi Richard (Lecturer) to discuss the cooperation opportunities between UCB and HKMU LiPACE in programme cooperation, multiple articulation pathways, students and teachers exchange series, etc.

Mr Hector Fung, the new Professional Advisor for PPCTMKT Professional Certificate in Treasury Markets and also the Vice President (Risk Management) of DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited, paid a visit to LiPACE Kwai Hing Campus on 24 February 2023 and met with Dr Larry Ching (Associate Director), Ms Tracy Lo (Division Head of Part-time and Non-local Programmes), Mr Chris Wong (Senior Lecturer) and Ms Katie Chung (Programme Leader of PPCTMKT) to discuss Enhanced Competency Framework on Treasury Management (ECF-TM) certification of the programme and ideas for future collaborations.

Representatives from Friends of Sichuan Association (Hong Kong) and Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College paid a visit to LiPACE Kwai Hing campus on 21 February 2023. Dr Benjamin CHAN (Dean) discussed further collaboration and exchange activities with Mr. Han Jin (President of “Friends of Sichuan Association (Hong Kong)”) and Mr. Yi Xianwen (Vice President of Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College). Two parties stated that they will continue to promote various exchange programmes and look forward to further collaboration in the future.


The Hon Andrew LAM Siu-lo, SBS, JP (Legislative Council Member and Secretary of the Board, Society for Community Organization “SoCO”) (3rd from right), Ms Rachel LAU of SoCO (3rd from Left) and Ir Dr Conrad WONG (HKMU Council Chairman) (2nd from right) paid a visit to LiPACE’s Kwai Hing Campus on 16 December 2022 (Friday) to explore possible collaborations.

[3i Initiatives] HKMU LiPACE strives to provide quality Total Learning Experience for all students. On 16 Dec (Fri) 2022, 3i Initiatives held a lovely Latin American Christmas Party with guest speakers Ms. Jacqueline Calvo and Mr. Diego Valencia, Student Affairs, Counsellors (Joyce & Alan), Student Ambassadors and students! We are very honoured to have Dr Benjamin Chan (Dean of HKMU LiPACE) onsite for his marvellous Christmas speech both in Spanish and English! We also thank the Dean for presenting the awards and prizes to winners of the COSPLAY party held in November during the Christmas party.

Dr. Sam Huang, Dean of Student Affairs, Tajen University Taiwan, paid a visit on 28 November to meet with Dr. Winnie Wong (Division Head and Programme Leader of HD Healthcare) and Dr. Kathleen Chim (Associate Head and Programme Leader of HD Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy) to discuss ways to strengthen the existing collaboration. The visit was joined by Hong Kong Institute of Animal Assisted Intervention (Programme Partner), International Professional Grooming Academy (Teaching Partner), and student representatives of HD Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy.

Dr. Kathleen Chim, Associate Head of Division of Health and Science, was invited to attend the ‘Wofoo Networking Gathering cum Forum 2022’ organised by Wofoo Social Enterprises to explore social prescribing and the strengthening of community connections on 18 November.

Ms Jamie Lee (Managing Director&CEO) and Ms Iris Lam (Associate Director, Human Resources) of BCT Group paid a visit to LiPACE Kwai Hing Campus on 15 November 2022. Dr Benjamin CHAN (Dean), Ms Crystal Chen (Division Head of CLP) and Ms Mia Leung (Programme Leader of EAMU) shared the use of tuition sponsorship provided by BCT, the future development of EAMU, and sponsorship arrangements for the coming year with the participants.

On 8 and 15 September, Dr. Kathleen Chim (Programme Leader of Higher Diploma in Psychology) and Mr. Richard Yang (Programme Leader of Higher Diploma in Business Administration and Management) had a virtual meeting with Ms. Perlyn Sim (Course Coordinator and Lecturer, School of Business, Singapore University of Social Sciences) to discuss the arrangements of cross-institution and cross-discipline collaborative learning in virtual classrooms for the new academic year. By having academic staff from both institutions planning the subject content and pedagogy together, the mutual benefits of collaborative lesson planning will help develop knowledge, diversify teaching methods and improve cultural competence that enriches the student learning experience and prepare them for global citizenship.


Dr Jammie Lo was invited to be the speaker at the Online Book Launch International Conference of Transformative Education on 3rd September 2022. The book “Transformative Education” is authored by Charlotte Graham & Philippe Longchamps and published by Routledge.

As duly endorsed by the internationally renowned scholars such as from University of Cambridge, the conference aspired to provide a platform for expert speakers around the globe to share views and practices about sustainable and integrative active learning. Dr Lo’s presentation and sharing about LiPACE's existing practices in transformative education were well-received by the aforesaid international scholars.

May we join hands to congratulate and extend our best wishes for the great success of the book launch to the authors!

The new Professional Advisor Mr Tony Small, also the Immediate Past Chair of IOSH (Hong Kong Branch) and Director of Health, Safety and Sustainability of Gammon Construction Limited, paid a visit to LiPACE Kwai Hing Campus on 11 August 2022 and had a discussion with Dr Larry Ching (Acting Associate Director) and Ms Tracy Lo (Associate Division Head of Part-time and Non-local Programmes) on various ways of industry-based collaborations.

Mr. Fushihara Kenichiro, Managing Director of Mix Well Travel, visited LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities with the Japanese Language and Cultural Studies Centre.

LiPACE’s School advisers Mr. Joe J K KWOK, FSDSM, JP (former Director of Fire Services, Hong Kong Fire Services Department) and Mr. Tony KWOK Man-wai, SBS, IDS, JP (Former Deputy Commissioner, ICAC) visited the School where they were received by Ms. Erika Lee (Associate Director) and Ms. Joanna Lai (Associate Head, Division of Foundation Courses and Yi Jin Programme).

LiPACE’s School adviser, Mr. Dick LEE Ming-kwai, GBS (former Commissioner of Police, Hong Kong Police Force), visited the School where they were received by Ms. Erika Lee (Associate Director) and Ms. Joanna Lai (Associate Head, Division of Foundation Courses and Yi Jin Programme).

Ms Shing Sze Wai (Associated Director) , Dr Larry Ching (Acting Associate Director), Ms Tracy Lo (Associate Head of Division of Part-time and Non-local Programmes)and Ms Sandra Li (Programme Leader of Higher Diploma in Engineering) paid a visit to Innovative Centre of Schneider Electric in Quarry Bay on 7 July 2022 and met with Ir Calvin Tang (Regional Leader) and Ms Jasmine Lee (Senior Pre-sales Engineer) of Schneider Electric (Hong Kong) Limited to explore opportunities in offering joint programmes and activities.

Invited by Dr. Vanessa Liu (Associate Professor, School of Business) and her research team of Singapore University of Social Sciences, Dr. Kathleen Chim (Associate Head, Division of Health and Science) and Mr. Eddie Lee (Programme Partner and Founder of Hong Kong Institute of Animal Assisted Intervention) shared about the development of the the innovative collaborative programme FHDPETC Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal Assisted Therapy and also the best practice and professional standards in animal-assisted interventions.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Dr. Kathleen Chim (Associate Head of Division of Health and Science) and Dr. Jammie Lo (Associate Head of Division of Business, Hospitality, Culture and Education) conducted an online meeting on 16th May 2022 with Prof László Varga (Dean of Benedek Elek Faculty of Pedagogy) and Prof Réka Kissné Zsámboki (Vice Dean for Science and International Affairs) from University of Sopron in Hungary as well as Dr. Kristóf Fenyvesi from University of Jyväskylä in Finland. The fruitful professional dialogues pave avenues for future collaboration among the parties in the field of Neuropedagogy.

Dr Benjamin Chan (Dean), Dr Larry Ching (Acting Associate Director) and Ms Tracy Lo (Associate Head of Division of Part-time and Non-local Programmes) had an online meeting on 6 May 2022 with Mr Craig Tucker (President of Keyin College) and Ms Tanya Davis (Director of International Education of Keyin College) from Canada to exchange views on credit exemption, top-up opportunities and franchise programmes.

Dr Larry Ching (Acting Associate Director) and Ms Tracy Lo (Associate Head of Division of Part-time and Non-local Programmes) had an online meeting with Ms Sarah Zhang (Regional International Recruitment Manager of Trent University) to explore articulations opportunities for various LiPACE Higher Diploma graduates and exchange activities for students.

Dr Larry Ching (Acting Associate Director), Ms Tracy Lo (Associate Head of Division of Part-time and Non-local Programmes), Mr Benny Sit (Senior Lecturer) and Mr Richard Yang (Acting Senior Lecturer) had an online meeting with Mr Jefferson Li (Regional Manager of Fanshawe College) on 20 April 2022 to discuss articulation pathways for LiPACE Higher Diploma graduates and explore collaborative opportunities in offering joint programmes.

Ms. Betty Li (Senior Lecturer) was invited to the first meeting of the Indigenous Education Affinity Group of World Federation of Colleges and Polytechnics on Feb 23, 2022.

Dr. Larry Ching (Acting Associate Director) and Dr. Kathleen Chim (Associate Head of Division of Health and Science) had a virtual meeting with Dr. Doug Cole (Deputy Director of Employability, Nottingham Trent University) for an exchange of ideas and practices in work-integrated learning, and avenues for future collaborative activities to expand the concept of employability through connecting socio-emotional learning to graduate readiness.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) and Dr. Jammie Lo (Associate Head of Division of Business, Hospitality, Culture and Education) had successfully conducted an in-depth and fruitful professional discussion with two European scholars in dialogue of “STEAM development in Euro-Asia-Nordic contexts”.The two scholars include Prof Zsolt Lavicza (Full Professor in STEAM Education Research Methods) from Johannes Kepler University in Austria and Dr. Kristóf Fenyvesi (Founder of the “Experience Workshop Global STEAM Movement” and Researcher) from University of Jyväskylä in Finland. The rewarding dialogues also pave the future avenue for closer and deeper collaboration among the parties for “STEAM Education for early childhood education in Hong Kong”.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Dr. Winnie Wong (Head of Division of Health and Science), Dr. Christopher Au-Yeung, Dr. Mike Manio had a meeting with Dr. Deborah Thomson, Founder and President of "One Health Lessons", to explore collaboration opportunities in implementing One Health Lessons in LiPACE and popularising the concept in HK through school outreach activities.

Ms. TAKADA Mari (Chief Consular) will soon complete her tenure of service in the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong. Over the years, Ms. Takada gave her strongest support to HKMU LiPACE in strengthening the bond between Japan and Hong Kong with regard to Japanese cultural and academic activities.
On 12 October 2021, Ms. TAKADA, Ms. Tanaka, Ms. TANAKA Mamiko (Consul and Director of Public Relations & Cultural Affairs) and Mr. TAKASE Yoshitaka (Public Relations & Cultural Affairs) met President Prof. Paul LAM Kwan-sing, Provost Prof. Reggie KWAN, Dean of HKMU LiPACE Dr. Benjamin Chan met to celebrate the cordial relations between the Consulate-General of Japan and the University. Our best wishes to Ms. TAKADA on her new appointment, until we meet again.

Our heartfelt gratitude to Ms. TAKADA Mari (Acting Consul General), Ms. TANAKA Mamiko (Consul and Director of Public Relations & Cultural Affairs) and Mr. TAKASE Yoshitaka (Public Relations & Cultural Affairs) of the Consulate-General of Japan, who visited OUHK LiPACE and The OUHK Jockey Club Institute of Healthcare, and met President Prof. Paul LAM Kwan-sing, Provost Prof. Reggie KWAN, Dean of OUHK LiPACE Dr. Benjamin Chan to discuss various aspects on tertiary education and inter-cultural exchange on 23 August 2021. Last but not least, the excitement of the University’s retitling to the Hong Kong Metropolitan University were shared by all who attended the visit.
24 April 2021 marked the 50th anniversary of Ping Pong Diplomacy. In 1971, Zhou Enlai expressed friendship first, competition second. Since then, ping pong diplomacy has become an apt metaphor for the cordial relationship between different nations. Special thanks must be given to the Acting Consul General Ms. Takada and OUHK Provost Prof. Kwan for demonstrating their excellent ping pong skills and the spirit of sportsmanship, reiterating the virtues of mutual friendship, learning and exchange.

Dr. Carol Poon (Team Leader of Culture and Creative Arts Stream), Mr. Derek Yau (Programme Leader of Higher Diploma in Interior Design and Higher Diploma in Digital Fashion Creation, and Ms. Joanna Lai (Programme Leader of Higher Diploma in Intangible Cultural Assets Management) visited Prof. Karen Chan, JP (Executive Director, German Pool Group Company Limited; Founder & Cheongsam Designer, SPARKLE; Deputy Chairman, Federation of Hong Kong Industries) and discussed various forms of exchange and inter-industry creative collaboration between the School and the companies on 3 August 2021.

Mr. Alex Chan Siu Bo (RTHK DJ and Former Regional Director of Universal Music Group) visited LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities with the Culture and Creative Arts team.

Mr. Daniel Smiley (Regional Manager of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University) visited LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities with the Japanese Language and Cultural Studies Centre.

Director Ms Lily Lee from Tottori Tourism Strategy Division Tourism Promotion Office (Tourism and Exchange Bureau) visited LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities with the Japanese Language and Cultural Studies Centre.

Director Mr. Hisashi Arakaki and Deputy Director Ms. Josephine S. W. Chan from the Okinawa Prefectural Government Hong Kong Representative Office visited LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities with the Japanese Language and Cultural Studies Centre.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) and Mr. Richard Yang held the first online meeting with Shenzhen Institute & Information Technology. The two sides had an in-depth discussion and exchange in the aspects of programme resource sharing, collaborative programmes and credit recognition.

Prof. Reggie Kwan (Provost), Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), and Mr. Richard Yang visited Friends of Sichuan Association (HK) and discussed various forms of vocational education cooperation and exchange between Sichuan and HK institutions in future.

Mr Matthew Sze, Executive Director of JP Housing visited LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities with Mr Derek Yau (Programme Leader of Higher Diploma in Interior Design) and Dr Carol Poon (Programme Leader of Higher Diploma in Japanese Studies).

The Dean, Dr. Benjamin Chan, participated in the“WE ARE ALE – Global Campaign kick-off”hosted by the International Council for Adult Education (ICAE) on 22 March, 2021. This campaign aims to increase the visibility of adult learning and education worldwide, and to empower civil society to speak with one voice to advance the rights of all youth and adults to quality education and lifelong learning. The event attracted around 300 participants from all over the world.

Ms. Naomi Hatano and Mr. Jason Lau from the Fukuoka Prefectural Government Hong Kong Office visited LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities with the Japanese Language and Cultural Studies Centre.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Ms. Lee Kwan Wai Erika (Associate Director), Ms. Shing Sze Wai (Associate Director) and Mr. Richard Yang held the first online meeting with Shaanxi Polytechnic Institute. The two sides had an in-depth discussion and exchange in the aspects of student exchange, teacher training and partnership programs between the two schools.

Mr Allan Lee (Affairs Bureau Learning Center Head, Seiwajyuku Hong Kong), visited LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities with Dr Carol Poon (Team Leader of Culture and Creative Arts).

Mr Lai Man Cheuk (CEO) of ATV, Mr Howard Lim (Managing Director of Production), Dr. Carol Poon, Team Leader of Culture and Creative Arts and Ms Karen So, Programme Leader of 'Higher Diploma in Popular Music and Music Production' arranged an “Online Kick off Ceremony of OUHK LiPACE X ATV Internship Programme” for Higher Diploma in Creative Media and Cultural Practices” at ATV Headquarter.

Mr Bando Yoshiaki (Chief Director, Kumamoto Prefectural Government Hong Kong Representative Office), visited LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities with the Japanese Language and Cultural Studies Centre.

The Dean, Dr. Benjamin Chan, was invited to present on the topic of "Authentic Learning at the Secondary and Postsecondary Interface" at the plenary session of the Instruction and Learning Academic Forum held by National Tsinghua University (Nanda Campus) on Dec 19, 2020.

Team Leader of Culture and Creative Arts Dr. Carol Poon and Programme Leader of 'Higher Diploma in Popular Music and Music Production' Ms. Karen So visited Mr Lai Man Cheuk (CEO) of ATV to explore collaboration opportunities.

Mr Michael Wong, MH, JP (Council Chairman), Mr Peter Wan (Council Treasurer), Mr Anthony Chan (Council Member), Dr Albert Chau (Council Member), Mr Alan Cheung, MH (Council Member), Miss Yvonne Choi, GBS, JP (Council Member), Ms Catherine Mun (Council Member), Dr Homer Tso, SBS, BBS, JP (Council Member), Professor Yuk-Shan Wong, SBS, BBS, JP (President), Professor Y H Lui, MH (Vice President (Resources and Development)), and Mr Raymond Leung (Secretary to Council) paid a visit to LiPACE Kwai Hing Campus on 24 November 2020. Dr Benjamin Chan (Dean) shared LiPACE's mission, different initiatives and future plans with all participants.

Mr Esmond Lee, JP, Deputy Secretary for Education, and education officials paid a visit to LiPACE Kwai Hing Campus on 12 November 2020 to learn about subdegree programme provisions in LiPACE and exchange views on developments in the further education sector.

Ms. Nozomi Kobayashi, Director from the Japan National Tourism Organization (JNTO), visited LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities with the Japanese Language and Cultural Studies Centre.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean) and Dr. Katherine Siu (Head of Health and Science Team), on behalf of LiPACE, have delivered a keynote presentation on Educating Students on Personal Protection against COVID-19 at an online academic forum hosted by Yuanpei University of Medical Technology on 9 November, 2020.

Managing Director Mr. Nagatomo Shuichi from the Miyazaki Prefectural Hong Kong Representative Office visited LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities with Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean).

Dr. Benjamin Chan, Dean of OUHK LiPACE was invited by the Polytechnic University of the Philippines to share a topic: 'Planning and Implementing Online Learning under the New Normal' In the Webinar of 'Going Beyond the Now Normal: Transformation, Collaboration, and Compassion'.

Dr. Benjamin Chan (Dean), Dr. Cheung Tao and Mr. Bruno Chiu participated in the third twin site simultaneous online teaching collaboration between LiPACE and Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College (SCCVC), conducted the presentation “Early childhood education under the international view of Hong Kong” and “Development and Assessment of Mandarin in Hong Kong”

Managing Director Mr. Nagatomo Shuichi and Director Mr. Tasuku Yamada from the Miyazaki Prefectural Hong Kong Representative Office visited LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities with the Japanese Language and Cultural Studies Centre.

Dr Betty Li (CITA) met with Associate Director, Ms. Shing Sze Wai and academic staff members in LiPACE and discuss the programme development and WIL arrangement for Higher Diploma in Digital Fashion Creation.

Mr. Katsuo Uemura from The Japan Society of Hong Kong, Mr. Daniel Smiley from the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University and Mr. Rei Yeung visited LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities with the Japanese Language and Cultural Studies Centre.

Mr. Mike T. Mizoguchi, Chairman of Hong Kong Kagoshima Exchange Association and President of MRT (HK) Co., Ltd., and Prof. C. Y. Cheung from the University of Tokyo visited LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities with the Japanese Language and Cultural Studies Centre.

Dr Lam Kin Chung, OUHK Honorary University Fellow, visited LiPACE to learn more about the School’s state-of-the-art teaching and learning facilities.

Mr. Koida Tomofumi (Consul) and Ms. Shima Minako (Vice-Consul) from the Consulate-General of Japan in Hong Kong visited LiPACE to discuss collaboration opportunities with Yuhoken.

Team Leader of Culture and Creative Arts Dr. Carol Poon and Programme Leader of 'Professional Diploma in Temple Management' Ms. Winnie Luk visited Dr. Ernest Ng (CEO) and Mr. Daniel Ma (Project Manager) of Tung Lin Kok Yuen to explore collaboration opportunities.

Ms. Elaine Mak, Principal Assistant Secretary for Education (Further Education), paid a visit to LiPACE to discuss the development of Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VEPT) and various topics in the further education sector.

Prof. Philip Yueng (Executive Director) Mr. Michel Yeung (Administrative Director) and Dr. Betty Li (Programme Director) of Clothing Industry Training Authority paid a visit to LiPACE to discuss the development of the 'Higher Diploma in Digital Fashion Creation', a programme jointly offered by the two parties.

Mr. Wilson Kwok, Head of Technical Services of The Hongkong Electric Co. Ltd., visited LiPACE to learn about the corporate training solutions and to discuss collaboration opportunities.

Mr. So Kai Ming (Urban Group) and Dr. Steve Cheng (FSE Holdings) met with Assistant Director Dr. Pamela Lam and academic staff members in LiPACE. They then visited Wan Fau Sin Koon to discuss collaboration opportunities regarding temple management programmes.

Ms. Angela Chen, Vice Dean & Chief Executive Officer of the Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs, Tajen University, Taiwan, paid a visit to LiPACE to discuss arrangements on articulation, exchange tours and other joint activities.

Ms. Carol Cheung, Trade Commissioner (Arts and Cultural Industries, Education) of Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong, and Ms. Vanessa Zheng, In Country Representative of Georgian College in Canada, met with the LiPACE management to discuss collaboration opportunities.

Chief Business Officer Mr. Bob Lee together with the Vice Presidents of BCT Group visited LiPACE to discuss the sponsorship scheme for OUHK Elder Academy in the coming year and other collaborative opportunities.

President of the Hwa Hsia University of Technology Mr. Chen Hui Kuei visited LiPACE to explore possibilities of providing joint programmes in various disciplines.

Master IMAI Mieko (Japanese Calligraphy) and Master FUJIMA Hanado (Japanese Dance) visited 'Yuhoken', the Japanese Language & Cultural Studies Centre, to share traditional Japanese culture with our students through workshops on Japanese Calligraphy and Japanese Dance. Ms Imai also generously presented to the University the invaluable calligraphy piece that she created at the art event 'Art Macao', celebrating the friendship between OUHK and the Miyazaki Prefecture, as well as the new establishment of 'Yuhoken'.

Dr. Kuang Szu Sheng, Vice Dean of Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs, Yuanpei University of Medical Technology, paid a visit to LiPACE with his colleague and student, to discuss the arrangement of exchange tours, student conferences and other joint activities.

Mr. Ronald Ng, President of Baron School of Music, visited LiPACE to discuss the development of our 'Higher Diploma in Popular Music and Music Production' and other music-related programmes.

The Director, Assistant Director and staff members paid a visit to the Asia Society Hong Kong Centre, discussing potential collaborations on student learning activities and seeing the exhibition 'A World Within: The Art and Inspiration of Irene Chou'.

Dr. CHEUNG Tao from the Foundation Courses and Yi Jin Programme Team was invited by Mr. Yao Dehuai, Vice-Chairman of the Chinese Language Society of Hong Kong, to visit the organization for an exchange on course management and pedagogy in Putonghua and Cantonese subjects.

The Director and the lecturers of the Health and Science Team visited the Hong Kong Adventist College (HKAC) to discuss collaborative opportunities with President Dr. Daniel Cheung and other academic staff members.

The Director, Assistant Director and members of the Health and Science Team visited the Kwai Tsing District Health Centre on 30/F of the Kowloon Commerce Centre to learn about their new center which will be open in October 2019.

Mr. Peter Yang, Senior Market Advisor (Education) of Enterprise Ireland, visited LiPACE to learn about the continuing education landscape in HK and to discuss collaboration opportunities.

Mr. Wang Kai, the physical fitness trainer assigned by the Office for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs of the Ministry of Education, visited LiPACE to learn about the physical fitness development in early childhood education in HK, and to discuss possible training collaborations with Assistant Director Dr. Pamela Lam and Lecturers of Early Childhood Education.

Assistant Director Dr. Pamela Lam was invited to visit the Fukuoka Convention & Visitors Bureau to meet with Mr. Gono Koichi (Chief Executive), discussing the internship and articulation arrangement for our Japanese Studies students.

Assistant Director Dr. Pamela Lam was invited to visit the Nagasaki International University (NIU) to discuss the articulation arrangement for graduates of our “Higher Diploma in Japanese Studies” and the possible collaboration on research and student exchange, with Prof. Nakashima Kenichiro (President), Prof. Kimura Katsuhiko (Vice President) and Prof. Ikenaga Masahito (Dean, Faculty of Human and Social Studies) from NIU.

Assistant Director Dr. Pamela Lam went to Nagasaki, Japan, to sign an MOU with Prof. Sato Yoshinobu (President, Nagasaki Wesleyan University), Prof. Ikegami Kunihiro (President, Nagasaki Institue of Applied Science) and Prof. Tada Akihide (Vice President, Nagasaki University).

Master Imai Mieko (Japanese Calligraphy), Master Fujima Hanado (Japanese Traditional Dance) and Mr. Yamada Tasuku (Director of Miyazaki Prefectural Hong Kong Representative Office) paid a visit to LiPACE, hoping to introduce Miyazaki’s culture to our students of the ‘Higher Diploma in Japanese Studies’ through various collaboration projects.

Assistant Director Dr. Pamela Lam and Team Leaders visited The Salvation Army William Booth Secondary School, where they met and signed an MOU with Mr. Hung Chor Ying (Principal) and Dr. Carl Cheng (Educational Services Director, The Salvation Army). They also toured the teaching activities and introduced LiPACE programmes to students.

The Director received the Review Panel of Middlesex University for the BSc(Hons) in Occupational Safety and Health Management. The programme has been running continuously in LiPACE since 2008.

The Director, Assistant Director and Programme Leader of HD in Creative Culture and Media Practice visited the Department of Journalism and Communication of Chu Hai College of Higher Education and were given a comprehensive tour of its TV studio, multimedia studio and other excellent teaching facilities.

Ms. Cui Xuan Ting, Head Principal of Tsinghua Early Childhood Education Resource Centre and Ms. Guo Lili, Head of Research Section visited LiPACE to learn about new developments in ECE in HK and discussed potential areas of collaboration in staff training.

Mr. Wang La Sha, Vice Director of the International Exchange and Cooperation Office of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Education, led a delegation of senior staff from various higher vocational education institutions in Sichuan to LiPACE. The delegates and LiPACE staff members exchanged views on the ‘Twin-site Simultaneous Tele-teaching’ experience, and on various educational initiatives that could further enhance Sichuan-Hong Kong collaborations in vocational professional education and training (VPET).

The MOU Signing Ceremony between LiPACE and the Miyazaki Prefectural Hong Kong Representative Office was held in the presence of Mr. Tomofumi Koida (Consul of Public Relations and Cultural Affairs Division, Consulate-General of Japan), Mr. Hiroaki Tonotokoro (Managing Director of Miyazaki Prefectural Hong Kong Representative Office) and Mr. Alfred Cheung (LiPACE’s External Advisor of Japanese Studies).

The Director and staff paid a courtesy visit to Kwai Tsing District Councilor Mr. Chow Yick Hay and had a meeting with representatives of South Kwai Chung Social Service, Kwai Tsing Safe Community and Healthy City Association to discuss collaborations on community health activities that can engage students of our Higher Diploma in Health Care to broaden their learning experience.

Ms. Stella Lin from the Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs, Yuanpei University of Medical Technology in Taiwan, visited LiPACE with two students. They all looked forward to more Taiwanese students visiting Hong Kong and experiencing the vibrant study life here.

A delegation from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines led by the Executive Director, Prof. Carmencita Castolo, came for an academic exchange visit to learn about various aspects of operations in professional and continuing education in LiPACE and postsecondary education system in HK.

Prof. Leung Yuk Man of China Medical University in Taichung visited LiPACE to give a guest lecture and understand about the programmes offered in the Institute.

The Radboud University delegation from the Netherlands made a follow-up visit to LiPACE to discuss the collaboration on gifted education programmes.

The President and CEO of Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) Ms. Denise Amyot paid a visit to OUHK LiPACE and exchanged views with the Director Dr. Benjamin Chan on various issues of common interest in the development of postsecondary education in Canada and HK as well as identifying areas where OUHK LiPACE can work with counterpart colleges in Canada.

The Radboud University delegation from the Netherlands led by Ms. Monic Schijvenaars (Managing Director, Radboud Centre for Social Sciences) visited LiPACE. Director Dr. Benjamin Chan and Ms. Schijvenaars signed an MOU for facilitating the collaboration on international programmes.

Mr. Martin Lau, Dean of the School of Chinese Opera, The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, paid a visit to LiPACE to learn about the development of our performing arts programmes.

Mr. Edmond Hung, Mr. Lam Man Hon (Principal and Vice Principal of the William Booth Secondary School) and Mr. George Lung (Senior Programme Officer of the Salvation Army) visited LiPACE and were received by our Assistant Directors and academic staff members. They discussed prospective programme collaboration.

The Deputy Dean of International School Prof. Chen WeiXing and the Director of Admissions Office Mr. Hong Xue Hui from Huaqiao University paid a visit to the Institute to give an introduction to the programmes they offered and to extend an invitation to LiPACE students for visits and exchanges.

Director Dr. Benjamin Chan met with Mr. Ali Fung, General Manager of Amway Hong Kong Ltd., to provide updates about the Amway Scholarship and to explore possible areas for furthering collaboration between the two sides including student internship opportunities.

Officials from the Development Bureau and Tree Management Office paid a visit to LiPACE to exchange views about tree management programmes and manpower development in this field. The group is led by Deputy Secretary (Works) Ms. Joey Lam, Principal Assistant Secretary (Works) (Special Duty) Ms. Janet Wong, and Head of Tree Management Office Ms. Florence Ko. They were received by the Director Dr. Benjamin Chan, Assistant Director Ms. Erika Lee and Programme Director Alex Tse.

The Director and Ms. Crystal Chen, Team Leader of Social and Community Learning, attended the International Women's Day Reception and posed with the Chairperson of the Women's Commission Ms. Chan Yuen Han. LiPACE has collaborated with the Women's Commission since 2004 in running the Capacity Building Mileage Programme for women learners in Hong Kong.

Assistant Director Dr. Pamela Lam and Programme Manager Mr. Richard Yang visited Yuanpei University of Medical Technology in Taiwan to sign an MOU with Vice President Dr. Cai Shijie on the articulation arrangement for our “Higher Diploma in Health Care” graduates and the collaboration on next year's international student conference.

Assistant Director Dr. Pamela Lam and Programme Manager Mr. Richard Yang visited Tajen University in Taiwan to sign an MOU with President Dr. James Wang, on the articulation arrangement for our “Higher Diploma in Health Care” and “Higher Diploma in Pet Care and Animal-Assisted Therapy” graduates. Dr. Lam and Mr. Yang were also shown to the classes of the Bachelor Degree Program in Pet Care and Grooming offered by Tajen University.

Mr. Hirota Tsukasa (Deputy Consul-General) and Mr. Koida Tomofumi (Consul) from Consulate-General of Japan in HK, together with Mr. Kuniyasu Samu (Office Head) and colleagues from the Tokushima Prefectural Government (Domestic and Inbound Tourism Promotion Office), visited LiPACE to explore collaboration opportunities between LiPACE and Tokushima Prefecture in showcasing their cultural artifacts to deepen students’ understanding of Japanese craft making.

Ms. Estella Wong, Associate Dean of the School of Drama and Head of Academic Studies/ Applied Theatre, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, visited LiPACE to learn about the development of drama programmes.

The Director, Assistant Director, and programme leaders of architectural technology, civil engineering and interior design programmes, visited Chu Hai College of Higher Education to explore articulation and other collaboration opportunities. They were warmly received by Vice Presidents Prof. Peter Lee and Prof. Leslie Tham, Dean and Associate Dean of Faculty of Science and Engineering Prof. David Lung and Prof. Lo Wai Lun, Head of Department of Architecture Prof. Paul Chu and Head of Department of Civil Engineering Prof. Joseph Mak.

Artist and graduate of LiPACE’s 'Diploma in Child Psychology' Ms. Shirley Yuen paid a visit to her former instructors and met with other staff members. Shirley is an excellent embodiment of lifelong learning and professional development, taking an active role in education and care services. We look forward to seeing her in LiPACE ’s forthcoming events.

Dr. Carl Cheng (Educational Services Director) and Mr. George Lung (Senior Programme Officer) from The Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Command visited LiPACE to discuss future collaboration in secondary school outreach, placement arrangement for Early Childhood Education students, as well as co-organizing conferences and training programmes on SEN and psychology for school teachers and education personnel.

Professor Allen Wong, LiPACE’s External Advisor, visited the Institute to exchange views with Directorate members on various development and collaboration opportunities.

Representatives from the Chinese Temples Committee Ms. Tammy To, Ms. Mandy Yeung and Ms. Skyey Lam paid a visit to LiPACE to receive updates about the 'Certificate in Professional Temple Management' and to explore further development of programmes related to Temple studies and management.

Dr. Pamela Lam (Assistant Director), Dr. Larry Ching (Senior Lecturer) and Mr. Yang Xi (Programme Manager) visited Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai (BNUZ) on 22 January 2019. The delegation was warmly received by the Dean of the School of Real Estate Prof. Huang Wei, Associate Dean Prof. Zhou Binxue and Deputy Secretary Mr. Zhao Yu. During the meeting, members of the delegation introduced the history and current programme offerings of LiPACE. The two sides engaged in discussions about the arrangements for graduates of the “Professional Diploma in Property and Facility Management” to articulate to BNUZ's “Bachelor of Real Estate Development and Management”.

The two sides intend to build on each other’s strength and to develop programme-level cooperation, for exploring a new collaboration model between Hong Kong institutions and Mainland universities, and enhancing the quality of professional training. This also contributes to the circulation of talents in the Greater Bay area for future employment and startup development.

Mr. Cai Jinzhong (Director) and Mr. Li Yongle (Deputy Director) from the Hong Kong Office of Huaqiao University visited LiPACE to discuss 2+2 articulation arrangements for Higher Diploma graduates to study in their Bachelor degree programmes.

Ir. Dr. Lawrence Chan (Executive Vice President) and Ir. Prof. H. Chua (Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology) from the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) met with the management to discuss articulation arrangement for LiPACE's Engineering and Health Care students.

Dr. Lam Yan Yan from the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute visited LiPACE to explore holding workshops on Creative Thinking and Design with Empathy for LiPACE students.

Representatives from the Jiangxi Media Vocational College visited LiPACE to understand the local higher education system and LiPACE’s operation for exploring future collaboration opportunities.

Ms. Carol Chan, Lecturer of the Early Childhood Education Team, went for training and exchange visit to Haikou/ Hainan to learn about latest development in kindergarten education in the Mainland. She visited private and public kindergartens, and discussed environmental education topics with local counterparts for learning and teaching enhancement.

Prof. Hsieh Chuan Chung from the Department of Education and Learning Technology of Tsing Hua University (Nanda Campus) visited LiPACE for discussion on academic exchange and summer course collaboration.

Dr. Jeremy Greenberg, Director of the Children’s Institute of Hong Kong and staff in charge of SEN support at the Harbour School (The Grove) in Ap Lei Chau, met with a delegation of LiPACE staff who paid a visit learn about SEN support programmes and facilities.

Ms. Ava Kam, Consultant of the Radboud University in the Netherlands, visited LiPACE to explore collaboration on gifted education-related training programmes.

Director of International Affairs Office Mr. Kiyotaka Takahashi from the Toyo University and the LiPACE management met to discuss articulation pathways and academic exchange.

Director of the Miyazaki Prefecture Hong Kong Representative Office Mr. Tonotokoro Hiroaki visited LiPACE to discuss students' study tours and academic exchanges to Miyazaki Prefecture.

Deputy Consul-General of Japan in Hong Kong Mr. Tsukasa Hirota visited LiPACE to receive latest updates on the “Higher Diploma in Japanese Studies” programme and to explore other collaboration projects.

Three Directors of Government Bureaux (Food and Health, Labour and Welfare, Home Affairs) visited the Kwai Hing Campus to learn about our health care training programmes and to tour the teaching facilities.

Director of Center of International Program Mr. Benjamin Chen from the Tajen University in Taiwan visited LiPACE to explore articulation and student exchange opportunities.

A delegation of the Sichuan Changjiang Vocational College led by Executive Vice-President Mr. Geng Bing visited LiPACE to explore collaboration opportunities.

Ms. Carol Cheung, Trade Commissioner (Arts and Cultural Industries, Education) of Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong, met with the LiPACE management to discuss collaboration opportunities.

The Secretary General of the Ji Ning Association for Non-Government Education Ms. Qiao Cheng Xin, together with a delegation of Min-ban educators, visited LiPACE and exchanged souvenirs with the Director Dr. Benjamin Chan

Executive Director of the Employees Retraining Board (ERB) Mr. Byron Ng and his team visited LiPACE to discuss the offering of new ERB courses and credit exemption arrangements.

Director Dr. Benjamin Chan and Assistant Director Ms. Erika Lee of LiPACE visited the University of Sunderland in Hong Kong to explore collaboration opportunities.