Sailing Through Life and My Career Path

Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (LiPACE) Sailing Through Life and My Career Path

Are you ready for the future world of work after COVID-19?

Higher Education prepares students with skills and knowledge for the workforce and employment. However, research indicates that current and prospective employers have criticised that recent higher education graduates lack the qualities and characteristics when entering the world of work.


In view of this, HKMU LiPACE has launched a brief evidence-based programme “Sailing through Life and My Career Path” (SLCP) to promote socioemotional competencies and positive management of life transitioning and planning for long-term personal, academic and career-related enrichment among students. Funded by HKMU's Quality Enhancement Measures (QEM) scheme, the programme is designed by a group of Professionals with a background in psychology, counselling psychology, and career counselling.

Upon programme completion (80% attendance rate or higher), students will receive a noncredit 'Certificate of Competency' issued by HKMU LiPACE that specifies participation, commitment to personal and professional development, and demonstration of socioemotional competencies.


時間: 1300-1500 或1500-1700 (*第一節數時間稍後透過電郵公佈)




時間: 1100-1300 或1300-1500 (*第一節數時間稍後透過電郵公佈)
