
李嘉誠專業進修學院 學院簡介 管治架構
Academic committees


The University has laid down an effective committee structure to monitor the academic quality of programme offerings and the management of the School. The two major committees are the Committee on Professional and Continuing Education (COPACE) and the School Board (SB).
  1. COPACE was originally set up as a Senate sub-committee to oversee the operation of all programmes and courses offered in LiPACE. The Committee is chaired by the Provost and has representatives from all the University's academic units as well as key administrative units. In August 2013, the Senate agreed to adjust the role, functions and composition of COPACE in various ways to improve its effectiveness. The new changes included the following: (a) COPACE became a sub-committee of both the Senate and the University Management Board; (b) its membership was enlarged to include representatives of the Registry and the Senate; and (c) its role in approving and monitoring LiPACE programmes with potential to be articulated into the programmes of 'the University proper' was strengthened by, for instance, specifying a Validity Period for each approved programme.

    The School's Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) reports directly to COPACE. It endorses new programme proposals for approval by COPACE and reviews existing programmes for continuation, suspension or termination. At the operations level, there is a Programme Management Committee (PMC) supervised by the QAC to monitor a given programme.

  2. SB is the governing body of the School. It has general control over administration and conduct of affairs in LiPACE. The SB has delegated the authority to discharge certain responsibilities to three functional committees:

  • The School Executive Committee (SEC), equivalent to a senior management group advises the Dean on issues relating to the administration, management and development of the School. It also undertakes strategic planning. The Academic Team meetings update the SEC regularly on their team level developments and new programme initiatives.
  • The Student Learning Experience Committee (SLEC) supervises the provision of co-curricular and extra-curricular learning activities as well as physical facilities and support services to students.
  • The School Promotion Committee (SPC) sets the marketing plan and admission strategies. It coordinates programme promotions and publication of the School's newsletter.