Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme

Office of Research Affairs and Knowledge Transfer Sources of Internal R&D Funding Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme

The Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme aims to develop a pool of research talent at the University by nurturing researchers in their early careers under the supervision of HKMU academics. This scheme supports the research of academic staff at the University and recognises the crucial role that postdocs play in advancing the frontiers of knowledge.

An applicant for the Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme should be a full-time academic staff of the University on the professorial track – at the rank of Chair Professor, Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor – who will serve as the supervisor of a postdoc.

The applicant needs to contribute one-third of the package for a postdoc, and should have sufficient external project funding to support the postdoc for the whole two-year fellowship period (i.e. about HK$320,000 for one-third of the salary and the costs for gratuity/MPF, medical and dental benefits, and life insurance of a postdoc for two years).

Relevant guidelines and forms for the Scheme can be obtained below: