The Katie Shu Sui Pui Charitable Trust — Research Training Fellowship

Office of Research Affairs and Knowledge Transfer Support for Postgraduate Students on Research The Katie Shu Sui Pui Charitable Trust — Research Training Fellowship

The Katie Shu Sui Pui Charitable Trust — Research Training Fellowship [舒小佩慈善基金 — 研究培訓奬學金] (hereafter the 'Fellowship') aims to enhance the research culture and academic status of Hong Kong Metropolitan University (HKMU), by providing research training and experience to eligible taught postgraduate degree students at HKMU through engaging them in staff projects. The Fellowship provides financial support to full-time taught postgraduate students to support their studies. Recipients of the Fellowship should conduct research work which leads to publication of quality refereed journal papers under the supervision of HKMU staff, and the staff in return benefit from the contribution of the recipients to their research. Only applied research projects are supported by the Trust.

Please refer to the Guidelines on the Research Training Fellowship for more information.

Information of research projects (for staff access / for student access)

Application procedures:

1.The research projects that Fellowship recipients are involved in are proposed by the staff who are eligible to be a supervisor of Fellowship recipients. The staff should complete the Application form to be completed by staff supervisor and submit the duly completed form to ORA. Each proposed project is taken up normally by one full-time taught postgraduate student (the 'applicant'), but a project can be shared by at most two eligible applicants.
2.To apply for the Fellowship, an applicant should choose a research project available for the Fellowship, contact the relevant staff and discuss with the staff further details regarding the research project.
3.If the staff agrees to be the supervisor of the applicant, the applicant should complete the Application form to be completed by full-time taught postgraduate student(s), obtain the supervisor's endorsement in the form, and submit the form to ORA. The application is first considered by relevant School. After School's endorsement has been obtained, ORA passes the application to the Assessment Panel of the Fellowship for approval.
Reporting documents for completion of Fellowship:
Guidance Notes for the Completion Report
Completion report form