Creating awareness of food safety and climate change through mobile learning

Vijayakumar, P, Venkatramanan, V and Salooja, M K
Indira Gandhi National Open University
Delhi, India

Food safety and food security have emerged as important concerns in the era of climate change. The potential impact of climate change on food safety includes the increased ability of fungi to produce mycotoxins; the emergence of virulent pathogens; stress-induced microbial evolution; and increased use of pesticides and decreased water availability. The policy resolutions and studies connecting food safety and abiotic stress lay emphasis on capacity-building to mitigate the risks associated with food spoilage. There is a dire need for sensitization, training for trainers, education and applied research on food safety in relation to climate change. Open and distance learning (ODL) has huge potential for a wider and larger coverage in innovative ways. The educational content must be adequate, both qualitatively and quantitatively.The qualitative features of the educational content include clarity, brevity and engagement; and the quantitative feature refer to the detailed coverage of food safety science through information and communication technology (ICT), enabling educational tools to deliver a creative learning environment. The challenge of reaching the unreached in a cost-effective manner can be met by technology-enabled mobile learning since the use of mobile phones, particularly smartphones, is on the rise. Mobile learning involves the use of mobile technology, either alone or in combination with other ICTs, to enable learning anytime and anywhere. It involves the delivery of tailored learning contents and learning support on mobile phones, tablets and notebooks. The development of mobile applications in different mobile operating systems, such as Android, iOS and Windows, can help to create awareness, as well as stimulating critical thinking. Triggering critical thinking can be done by providing contents such as Scrabble, crosswords, brain games, puzzles and cartoons. By developing mobile application containing these components, the learner can not only get up-to-date on recent development on food safety and climate change, but can also be motivated to take action to implement them. This paper focuses on creating awareness about food safety and climate change through mobile learning.