Year 1

The Four-year Programme Structure

Year 1

Autumn Term Spring Term Summer Term

Movement Study and Exercise Science

Principles of Physiotherapy Practice

Human Anatomy and Physiology

General Education I

University English: reading and Writing

Functional Anatomy

General Education II

University's Core Values

University English: Listening and Speaking


Social Responsibilities



Functional Anatomy

Students will be provided with opportunity to understand the structure and systems of the human body, and to integrate anatomical form with function. Knowledge in functional anatomy will contribute to the basis of clinical reasoning skills.

Human Anatomy and Physiology

Human Anatomy and Physiology introduces students to the structures and functions of a human body, and students should be able to identify the factors necessary for normal human growth and development. It also covers the fundamental concepts in pharmacology.

Movement Study and Exercise Science

This course incorporates the core concepts of human biomechanics/kinesiology and the fundamentals of exercise science which are applied to practical and clinical situations across the life span and communities.

Principles of Physiotherapy Practice

This course focuses on clinical assessment, principles and skills of interventions in physiotherapy practice. Upon completion of the course, students should be able to perform the fundamental measurements and tests, and identify potential physical and/or functional disorders. Students should therefore be able to design and implement a logical progression in therapeutic exercise regime and activity.

Effective Use of English I

Effective Use of English I aims primarily to develop students' proficiency in understanding and producing English for social communication purposes.

English for Effective Communication II

English for Effective Communication II aims to enhance use of appropriate language functions for effective communication in study and work context.

General Education I

Students should select General Education courses from different fields of study other than the same field of study of 'Health Sciences'. Please access the General Education course information with the link below:

General Education II

Students should select General Education courses from different fields of study other than the same field of study of 'Health Sciences'. Please access the General Education course information with the link below: